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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. I ordered my River Trolls! They are some of the first models I can remember painting as a small kid 30-odd years ago. Really happy with the price for them, too. Happy chap over here!
  2. I’m not sure how a company can describe a department/function as underperforming when they can’t manufacture and distribute enough stock to keep up with market demand. 🤔
  3. Could the case even be made that Slaanesh is enjoying their extended stint languishing in bondage? 😅
  4. Oof, right in the nostalgia! I remember getting this kit. Charming old gobbos!
  5. With the dwarfs announced, do we know any rumours about who‘s up for their Old World spotlight next?
  6. I’m voting for kelp or Wood Elves stag horns 🦌
  7. Presumably less “here is a very small niche army” that they then struggle to expand in a convincing or compelling way, leading to them mashing up said small niche armies in ways that lack synergy on the tabletop, and more “here is a broader, less pigeon-holed interpretation of said faction” that allows them to go deeper into its lore, expand it more naturally, and create rules than don’t even really need as much internal synergy on the tabletop because the whole faction is more unified to begin with. (My guess!) Example 1: Orruk Warclans becomes much easier to run with lots of different types of orruks. You are less restricted by what you can take and what you can take interacts more naturally/effectively together. Example 2: DoK and Malerion’s lot. Instead of adding another shadowy aelven faction to the setting with arguably finite design space they introduce it as a natural extension of DoK, adding variety and depth and perhaps internal conflict and all the juicy narrative hooks and character dynamics that come with that into a faction that it could otherwise be argued has been pretty one-note up to now (AELVSS BUT SNAKES). I’m exaggerating but you get the idea! Their lore becomes richer and on the tabletop you have a bigger, more unified and cohesive army to play, and it’s just one faction for GW to support.
  8. Rumour-mongers assemble: When might I be able to get my grubby hands on some grubby gnomes?!
  9. Immediately love how clear those diagrams are to follow 😍
  10. HOBGOBLINS or whatever they’re called in AoS Usable now by Kruleboyz and in the near future by Chaos Dwarfs 🤞🏻
  11. Lines up with the rumours about Death playing more a protagonist role…
  12. I might be mistaken but I was under the impression that Whitefang has strongly implied it through their post reactions. I don’t put much stock in general rumours either, but Whitefang’s track record is pretty good. (Perhaps someone else can confirm if I’ve imagined this? It’s hard to keep up with everything on here sometimes 😅)
  13. Does anyone know what base size the new Chaos/Darkoath marauders look like they’re on?
  14. This would be VERY cool and super evocative of how I’ve always imagined the Wild Hunt, sweeping up all manner of woodland denizens in its sublime call
  15. Mimic-inspired Silent People in a Mordheim setting TAKE MY MONEY
  16. Great reveals! LOVE the gnomes and creepy Darkoath witch. Really hyped for Adepticon now.
  17. Rumour-mongers, soothsayers, children of the Fanged One: Have there been any whispers about other OOP Forgeworld kits returning with the Old World, in the same vein that we have the Troll Hag confirmed as coming back? I would really like to pick up some Forgeworld Fimir for a painting project, but they go for the craziest prices.
  18. Rats are underground. Maybe that’s a big ol’ hunk of warpstone up there.
  19. No way… We juuust has a gnomes lore video from Andy 9 days ago! As of they’re coming back to WHFB after all this time! Although Blood Bowl certainly feels like the place for them. We’ll see for sure soon, either way. Fun!
  20. Do we have a rough idea of when the next Warcry box might drop? I have my eye on that Old One/Slann idol for a terrain project…
  21. Thanks so much, @Gitzdee and @Pizzaprez! I really like the idea of emphasising a home realm, too. I think it’s one of the great things the setting has going for it. My faction will be dedicated to Tzunki, Lord of the Water, from a temple-city deep under Hysh’s Girdlesea. (The attached snippet from the Seraphon battletome inspired me.) So obviously my head first went to lots of big aquatic lizards/sea monsters. Then I thought “that doesn’t actually speak to the realm they’re in. If anything, it seems Ghurish. How would the influence of Hysh change or influence the theme?” I loved reading about the spirits of Hysh and their relationships with the Realmlords. With Tzunki being deeply associated with the water, couldn’t my faction have come into contact with such spirits, deep under the sea? “Long before the Arch-Mage and Celennar first communed, a different kind of spirit found cause to take a new form. Far below the bright Girdlesea’s geometric tides, Ulmor the Benthic Thought heard sounds that were not of his water realms. Echoes in the deep, of minds enlightened by Hysh and Azyr both, yet cold and old as his abyssal home. When Chaos came and the oceans sickened, he observed the rituals to which these toads clung, and when their minds found his, he too was roused. For though they were tiny compared to the vastness of his unending seas, he recognised a kindred spirit inside their offspring; the blessings of one who in times past might not have been wholly unlike him. As the shadow of entropy poisoned the waves, he rose in a shape known to the lizards, and his light banished the darkness, and the depths resounded with the hisses of their serpentine tongues: Tzunki.” I’m feeling really inspired by this and am working on converting the spirit (a counts-as Kroak) as we speak. I really love what you were saying about the fortress-laser and Luminark, @Pizzaprez. I think leaning into the geometric side of the realm would complement the Lizards really nicely, what with all their pyramids and orreries etc. It‘s giving me nods to columns of monolithic pillars (Dagon much?) and shipwrecks/flotsam floating in circular patterns, as if caught in a current moving to a particular design. Perhaps some of the units that are usually represented by beasties like the bastilodon or spawns of Chotec could actually be Old One ships/tech/pyramidal structures of some kind, activated by Hysh’s learnings? A light colour scheme also seems a must, @Gitzdee, and I think that’s really interesting when you consider that that ocean depths are often untouched by light. It’s a different spin on the abyssal theme, so thank you 🙏🏻 As you can probably tell I’m getting lots of ideas so thank you both for commenting!
  22. I’m not reading anything Nurgley about it; it’s either Sylvaneth or something really left-field. 🐞
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