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Casandora Yellow

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Posts posted by Casandora Yellow


    15 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    While I like where you are going with the divergence of elements, they did mention in the article that the plaques on Teclis' belt are there because he's mastered all of the elements.

    Hmmm, I'm wondering if Lumineth rules will have elemental marks, similar to marks of chaos (mark of nurle,khorne,etc)🤔

  2. It's funny, I'm dabbling in Deepkin and looking forward to Lumineth myself. But always remember Nagash accepts you with open arms 👻


    Also may I suggest if you are into lore 2+tough's lore videos. Hes got really great vids.

  3. I failed my contract last month, I wont fail again! I will be painting some Nighthaunt heroes for the Everchosen Campaign I'll be running in a few weeks. Also gonna be doing my Deepkin warband for Warcry a warcry campaign I'm running. And of course I will finish the Warscry Citadel I attempted last month.

    1x Warcry Citadel

    1x Lady Olynder 

    1x Kurdoss

    1x Anniversary bladegheist model (KoS proxy)

    1xKnight of shroud on Steed.

    1x Guardian of Souls with Mortality glass

    1x Start collecting Deepkin.

    1x about have of a Namarti reaver box


    If I have time, I will build/paint the corpsewrack Mausoleum warcry terrain and starter set terrain.

  4. Hi everyone, so has anyone ever tried putting Hexwraith and Nighthaunt gloom through an airbrush before? I love using shades through an airbrush on larger models( 40mm and up) and decided to try out the two technicals today on some Nighthaunt.

    I kinda like how it turned out but I'm wondering if I could have gotten the same effect with regular airpaints XD




    What do you guys think? 

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  5. So I failed my contract this month. Due to some personal issues and the fact I promised two of my friends I would build and paint their first batch of models for free just to get them into the hobby (Jerks bought 1k each😤)so I haven't had time to focus on myself.


    But I did get a Knight of Shrouds done. This will be my General variant(got 4 of these guys each will have a different paint scheme for themed lists.), he doesn't have the nighthaunt scheme im planning to go for but I wanted a more Darker less ethereal look.


    I also started my Deepkin warband for our warcry campaign I'm running next month at my local GW, so here is a sneak peek of next months contract



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  6. 2 hours ago, Mr2spyderguy said:

    this is the company that talks about how eldar weapons melt all armor, flesh and harness the power of stars.... but then they give them in game 5+ to wound and...

    This hurts me so much... 😢

    Off topic, but that reminded me of when I was reading up on how Craftworld Yme Loc has a weapon that could vaporize an entire continent in seconds but refuses to use it. Like let's take this amazing weapon and use it on Shalixi Helbane.

    • Like 3
  7. @NaWPziD I think it's a great place to start.  Better than the soul wars half imo. You kinda get a little bit of everything. Plus you technically got a full battleline from it.

     But if you can snag a Knight of shrouds on steed and guardian of souls from the souls wars box that would also be a good next step imo.

  8. So maybe it's just me, but does anyone think list building is pretty boring for Bonereapers?

    Everytime I'm thinking of fun lists to play at my local gw its always bringing 30 mortek guard and my blob of 6 stalkers, catapult,  liege, maybe swap him out for Arkhan, Mason and shaper. I do need to invest in some deathriders and maybe a harvester. But I always end up feeling Mortek are the better take. 


    Am I just completely wrong on this?🤔

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