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Double Misfire

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Posts posted by Double Misfire

  1. I'd love to see some really pitiable Drakwald mutant minis released to fight alongside Beastmen.

    Mutants are probably the most documented things in WFB/WFRP to have never received models, and it'd be neat to see the contemptable buggers finally get their turn. No idea how they'd function in game though. Even worse Ungor?



    I've always loved this guy's mutant inclusive Beastman army, which if I can remember far back enough to Warseer started out as a WFRP inspired Drakwald army before being switched to rounds (and might still be, he's been careful enough to remove the Stormcast paraphernalia from his Herdstone):





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  2. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    What's everyone working on for TOW at the moment? 

    My vampires are nearly done so trying to figure out what I want to do next. 

    Procrastinating cataloguing old dwarfs to rebase and trying to figure out if I can bring myself to strip models I thought looked amazing when I painted them age 12, but have definitely improved past in the intervening decades. :/ 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Regarding the CoS manticore for Dieter: I've looked at this a bunch since the model released, and sadly I think it's a much more difficult conversion project than you'd expect.  The chair is kind of built between the characters legs in a way that would force anyone doing it to largely resculpt whatever rider you tried to put there along with significant portions of the seat itself, and the manticore's feathered wings are much harder to properly tetter and undead-ify than if it had bat wings.  There aren't really great bat wing options to replace them with.  It could be done, but it would require more conversion skill than I'm willing to demand of a hypothetical random player who might convince their local club to let them use our book.  I'm not otherwise opposed to Dieter, he's a good choice and as much as he's a blankish slate that just gives us more room to play around with him, but imo we'd need to find another more reasonable path to representing him on the table first.

    Pretty great looking attempt at getting a Chaos Sorcerer on here. Greenstuff required though!


  4. 8 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Thanks a ton for your in depth reply!  I will look at and respond to it in more detail when I have a bit more time later (its good to hear someone share my thoughts on bloodline rules, even if I spent hours trying to work on them), but in response to this particular point... Vamp Counts are a legacy faction, and it's not in our power to change that.  We can't make Vampire Counts active in the Old World any more than a homebrew dark elf or lizardmen AJ could do that for their factions, and just as a homebrew arcane Journal for dark elves or lizardmen would instead focus on whatever they're doing where they are at that time (instead of in the old world, where they mostly aren't), so too IMO should our homebrew vamp counts AJ focus on where the Vampires are most active right now (as of the Old World's timeframe).  And the place with the most and the most active vampires in the 'current' time frame is Sartosa, right?  Unless I'm missing something, which i easily could be, I'm no expert on old world lore.

    Heck, if we find and link up with people doing the same for dark elves specifically, we could link up to talk about how we're operating in similar areas, sometimes allying with each other, list each others' AoIs as allies, etc, make references to some shared events in lore write ups, etc.

    Thanks for the sharing your ideas, hope I what I typed was helpful, or at least interesting.

    The legacy faction thing is a harsh truth. I really like your idea of going back in time for a Vampire Wars 'campaign book' (or books?) when the core Arcane Journal is done. Maybe you could differentiate them by having the Arcane Journal focus on the limited vampiric forces active in TOW's location and time period, and then go back in time and expand with further campaign books?

    Sartosa's not really remotely associated with the undead or vampires, bar the 'Sartosan' piratical vampire and two zombies GW released in the 2000s and needing somewhere appropriate for Aranessa Saltspite (herself not undead or a vampire) in the Total War games - it's just a Tilean city with an awful lot of pirates.

    The biggest vampiric hotbed in the Old World during TOW would be Silver Pinnacle. It's just up the road from Karak Kadrin, maybe Ungrim was feeling especially proactive after his coronation and lead a doomed army of Slayers to reclaim it?


    23 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    How about Zacharias the Ever Living as a named character. He seems to be alive at this time, and has been a character before.

    The 7th ed VC book says he didn't beat up and possibly kill Melkhior till 2506, so he's either either Melkhior's apprentice, very young or hasn't been born yet.

  5. 3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Will post a more detailed response later, but with respect to named characters, are Kemmler and Krell around yet? I've always had a soft spot for the Lich Master and his super powered Wight King.

    Necromancer With Hat might be around. He'd be quite young though, which sort of undermines his whole shtick. I suggested him as a dark horse for the Empire in the special character thread.

    Krell is still under a rock in the Grey Mountains after Sigmar made him regular dead.

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  6. Wow, what a post. You're obviously going thorough on this! 👏👏👏🦇

    Here are my two brass coins:




    The Alternative to explicit bloodline rules is to include more new vampiric powers that are clearly themed to the old bloodlines, but without being explicitly tied to a bloodline system.  Ideally these should come with both benefits and drawbacks so that players don't just put all the best powers on a single hero.

    This please! :) 

    Milage may vary, but I always thought 5th and 6th ed bracketing the four/five bloodlines into their own separate powersets took away more characterful options than it added. Keep the Bloodlines prominent in the background (and possibly as Armies of Infamy), but allow players to build vampires how they want. Want a Blood Dragon? Boom, bloodline power that gives you +2 Weapon Skill and full plate, and only lets you take a single spell level. Necrarch? Load up on bloodline powers that boost your spellcasting and arcane items.

    Bloodline powers being binary also feels prohibitive to how characters are represented in the background. Konrad or Ulrika Magdova align much more closely with 5th/6th ed's take on Blood Dragons than Von Carsteins/Lahmians, and Mannfred's whole schtick of harnessing the dark arts feels way more in line with those editions' Necrarch rules. Even Vlad's supernatural charm, per restricted power lists would be a Lahmian thing.

    Additionally, regarding the TOW setting, the Von Carsteins who aren't extinct by then would be doing a damn good job of pretending to be extinct, meaning that if Bloodlines were explicitly included we'd be down the most iconic one.


    Special Characters

    I'm all for not having Aborash around. He's up there with primarchs the Emperor I guess as things that should never have in game stats, and probably wouldn't have much interest in leading armies/raising the dead anyway.

    Ushoran is very dead. Who knows how he came back in AoS.

    Dieter Hellsnicht's a fun choice, he's just not a terrifically interesting character, and between his introduction and the End Times didn't show up once - doesn't mean he's not ripe to be fleshed out though. (that CoS manticore!)

    Luthor Harkon - does he exactly leave the Vampire Coast? Game's called The Old World for a reason.

    Walach Harkon exists I guess and is nice and boring.

    Someone new - during a time of relative vampiric inactivity in the Old World, it might be fun to include a named ghost character, a wraith or banshee cursed to walk the blasted battlefields of a thousand year civil war, the revenant of an unknown soldier or widow unable to rest until Sigmar's Empire is unified once more.

    Mikael Jacsen


    Armies of Infamy

    Strigoi/ghouls seem like the obvious option if you're willing to co-opt Flesh-eater Courts models, Crypt Guard would look cool as all heck ranked up. Thematic when there aren't troves of of true Undead roving around, and at home in the Border Princes. Strigany are a must, skirmishing special choice?

    Vampires entrenched in human society - Hel Fenn being a much more recent memory, and Witch Hunters being absolutely everywhere during the time of the Three Emperors, I'm not sure I buy humans being willing to fight alongside skeletons and zombies. Also wouldn't vamps entrenched in human society just be a few vampire characters in a no frills Empire or Bretonnian army, and not a 'Vampire Counts' army so to speak?

    All Cav Knightly Order Blood Dragons - this works. It ain't exciting, but it works.

    Pirates of the Vampire Coast - the Armies of Infamy we've seen for TOW so far are built around existing units in their parent list, with a few thematic additions, with the intention presumably being a new way to play or spice up your existing force. Vampire Coast per the White Dwarf army list back in the day, or Total War: Warhammer would be a completely new army list, with little to know carry over from the core VC roster. Also per Luthor Harkon (and High Elves), Old World...?

    Actually a ghost themed Army of Infamy drawing on some of the less out there Nighthaunt stuff and expanding on the civil war victims idea I came up with for a new special character could be neat.


    New Magic Items and Vampiric Powers


    Blood Scions (Von Carstein only, may only be taken on your army's general): If this model is slain (and not returned to life via the Carstein Ring or similar effect), then you may choose another vampire character in your army that is still on the field to immediately become your general.  Your general is not treated as slain for victory points purposes or the 'Death of a General' rule.  If the chosen model is later slain then your opponent gains victory points for defeating your general and your army suffers the 'Death of a General' effects as normal.

    Paying for an upgrade that only pays off if they personally get killed feels off brand for a vampire general. Maybe offer it as an upgrade for non general characters instead, representing an ambitious usurper?



    Dread Knight (Blood Dragon only): this vampire is equipped with Full Plate armor.  In addition, whenever an enemy character or champion refuses this vampire's challenge, this vampire gains +1 attack until the end of the turn.

    Would it be more characterful if the vampire got so hacked off at nobody wanting to receive his challenge that he gained Frenzy?


    • Red Fury - This vampire gains the hatred (all enemies) and Frenzy rules, and cannot lose them during the game.

    Redundant if Dread Knight were to give Frenzy the way I suggested. Maybe just go for the classic Red Fury where each unsaved wound gives the vampire an extra (non stacking) attack?



    Master of Mortals (Vampire Count Grand Army only, may only be taken by your general) - your army may include Mercenaries taken from the following: Empire State Troops, Empire Missile Troops, Empire Archers.  While they are within this models command range, these mercenary units are Immune to Psychology and do not suffer the Misbehaving Mercenaries rule, but if this model is slain all such mercenary units are immediately removed as casualties - they come to their senses and flee the field as the hypnotic domination is broken.  Your army may not include allies.

    Even going bloodline agnostic, this is a Von Carstein party trick and there aren't a lot of them around...

    Also entire units legging it no matter where they are on the battlefield feels like an anti climax for your opponent. Maybe have them continue to fight at -4 leadership, so opponents can enjoy making them leg it and running them down.



    Circle of Blood (Vampire Count Grand Army only, may only be taken by your general, who must be mounted on a Nightmare) - your army may include a single unit of Blood Knights as a Core Unit, and may include Mercenary units taken from the following: either Empire Knights or Brettonian Knights of the Realm, but not both.  While they are within this models command range, these mercenary units are Immune to Psychology and do not suffer the Misbehaving Mercenaries rule, but if this model is slain all such mercenary units are immediately removed as casualties - they come to their senses and flee the field as the hypnotic domination is broken.  Your army may not include allies.

    Blood Dragons don't typically lead/pal around with human knights, just beat the hell out them in duals and grand the blood kiss if they put up a good enough fight. Beguiling them feels especially off brand.

    I like the idea of Bloodline powers on a general unlocking list building options, in the same way as Dwarf King, Black Orc, ect generals. Could get complicated though!




    So, any thoughts or feedback on the direction so far?  In particular:

    Should there be an explicit Bloodlines rules layer, or no?  I'm leaning no at the moment, but have been waffling back and forth since tOW's release.


    Oh boy, think I already covered most of these. Hard no on segregated Bloodlines!



    Are Luthor Harkon and a new named Ghoul King the right special characters to go with?  Should Hellsnicht be there instead of one of those, and if so is there a model or easy conversion available to represent him?  Should we ignore time frames and just bring back the Von Carsteins?

    Luthor Harkon, heck no. Ghoul King, if you can find a way to make him distinct from a baseline Ghoul King, sure. Hellsnicht's a nice safe choice - CoS manticore with bat wings and a new rider; you can even keep the weird wooden seat.

    If you're gonna ignore the timeline and introduce Von Carsteins you might as well write TOW rules for Stormcast 😜


    Are Vampire Pirates and Ghoul Courts the right choices for Armies of Infamy?  If not, what do think is a better choice?

    Vampire Pirates - gosh no. Ghouls - gosh yes.

    Safe second choice: Blood Knights. Out there second choice: ghosts.


    Is it ok to use bloodline powers to make cheeky adjustments to the Grand Army composition, or is that a bad design direction?  Are there any particular new or returning Vampiric Powers or Magic Items that you think a Vampire Counts Arcane Journal needs to include, or should avoid?

    It's a tough call. In the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes lists who you have as your general and other character choices do affect army composition, but upgrades like Marks of Chaos don't...

    I'd veer on the side of caution, and not have Bloodline powers affect composition. The only thing they'd really unlock would be Blood Knights, and how many of those guys is it really fair to take?!

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  7. 14 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    If I remember correctly, the Steam Tanks were supposed to have been created Leonardo da Miragliano (definitely completely different to Leonardo da Vinci), and that the secrets of their creation were lost with his death, hence their limited numbers.

    But having there be more is a fine retcon as far as I am concerned.

    More, less effective Steam Tanks having been reverse engineered, and exploded/fallen apart between Leonardo's death and the reign of Karl Franz is something I could take.

    As long as all the non Leo Steam Tanks look like this dinky boy:




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  8. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    No no. Steam Tanks. They were scarce in WHFB, but now they aren't anymore. I expect slight changes like this one to happen here and there to accommodate models, like the mages for example.


    There was that Warhammer Community article about more than 12 Steam Tanks existing during TOW that got the grogs wound up, but Forces of Fantasy is pretty adamant that 12 Steam Tanks were originally built, with all the usual jargon about them falling into disrepair, and needed to be recovered if lost on the battlefield, with no mention of duplicates having been made, so who knows where that came from. Waiting on the Arcane Journal I guess. 🤷‍♂️

    Regarding wizards, I was replying light-heartedly to @michu's statement about there being no 'official' Amber, Grey, or Jade Wizards, by pointing out that while the Old World has certainly fleshed out/fudged the background so that Imperial Armies pre the founding of the Colleges of Magic are able to field wizards, those wizards are not members of the Amber, Grey, or Jade Colleges, owing to them not existing yet.

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  9. 48 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Heck yeah, I'm definitely making the Troll Horde!  And possibly just all puking swamp trolls.  Maybe with a Colossal Squig as a proxy for a giant (a little surprised that thing isn't in there?).

    Or do all Trolls puke?  I don't have the Arcane Journal yet.

    I want 2 Hags, but one will need to be kitbashed for uniqueness.  Guess I'd pick up that Ogdrugz or whatever his name is too.  


    All trolls puke :)

    The Dankhold Troggoth and Great Unclean One seem to be the obvious places to start a unique hag conversion


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  10. The reintroduction of the Goblin Hewer at an earlier point in history than it should have shown up has my brain blowing hot and cold on the Halfling Hotpot when the Empire eventually get their turn.

    On one hand, White Dwarf 150 was one of the first issues I bought, and the fact Hotpots weren't a thing till one was used as an improvised measure in a battle fought against Grom the Paunch is one of the cornerstones of my love of WFB background.

    On the other hand... soup.



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  11. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:


    Will this be the look of the new model? 


    I would have preferred a Wayne England or issue 90/Heroquest cover look, but this is still nice.

    I know it's downright impossible in this day and age, but it'd be great if the miniature didn't get revealed until people were able to open the pages of the actual magazine.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Krzyek said:

    Glad to see that you like my work. Keep an eye out for more. I already have a WIP bolt thrower, tauruks, demon smith and an idea for a lammassu.

    Also there are rumours that GW will release a Chaos Dwarfs or equivalent for Age of Sigmar next year. So you might want to wait and see. Many AoS minis work great for TOW like Seraphon or Soulblight Gravelords

    You say that, but try ranking the tails on those new Saurus Warriors up 😁

    Can't wait to see the new conversions!

  13. Just checked, and I don't think you can add a poll to an already created thread :( 

    The new Ironjawz Ardboyz might make fetching Black Orcs if you want a fresher look.

    Warcry's Horns of Hashut might work as Hobgoblin stand ins/allied Chaos Marauders too.

  14. Are Dominion Hobgrots not still super cheap on eBay?

    Black Orcs are by all accounts pretty good. At least in an Orc and Goblin list. Might be an oversight, but Black Orc Warbosses in a Chaos Dwarf list can saddle up a wyvern or chariot.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 55 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    So badass! I love him!

    You mentioned in another thread that you're pretty new to WFB background. If you want to learn about Malakai, dwarfs, and the Warhammer World in general, there really isn't a better starting point than Bill King's original Gotrek and Felix novels. Malakai doesn't turn up till Dragonslayer, the third book, but you've got to read Skavenslayer to get to it, and Skavenslayer's probably the best Black Library novel ever written.


    39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I had one and mounted it as a kid and I don't remember it being that hard to mount. It is true that some pieces fall down sometimes, but I stood in one piece for more than 15 years.

    You are a much better dwarf than I.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Are we sure that the Goblin Hewer wasn't invented?


    Pretty sure!

    (If it's Malakai's latest invention by the time of the Storm of Chaos, he would have had to come up with it after an ironclad, two airships, and a multibarrelled handgun minimum)

    (though if the Storm of Chaos never happened, then the Goblin Hewer was never invented....? 🤔)

    Malakai's in the new TOW photos and videos of the Goblin Hewer, which is good, because Storm of Chaos or not, if he'd even been born early enough for TOW, he wouldn't be a slayer by then. My money's on the Goblin Hewer being revealed as a 'forbidden blueprint' that surfaces in the hands of a maverick engineer every few centauries, though I guess Malakai inventing a time machine would be so stupid it became cool.


    All I can say is good luck to anyone planning on assembling the ****ing kit!

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