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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. Unbinding and dispelling are different things. An endless spell can be unbound by an opposing wizard (or character able to unbind like a wizard like a Runelord or Mighty Lord of Khorne) when it's cast like any other spell. A wizard can choose to try and dispel an endless spell still on the battlefield and within 30" at the start of their hero phase by rolling higher than it's casting value on a 2D6 to do so, but must give up casting a spell that hero phase in order to attempt a dispel. If you've got an endless spell (and have paid the points for it in matched play) and it has been dispelled and removed from the battlefield in your opponent's turn, you can choose to cast it again in your next turn.
  2. New community article on Stormcast (and Nighthaunt!) endless spells: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/27/27th-june-battletome-preview-endless-spellsgw-homepage-post-2/ As well as being the best model GW have unveiled so far this year, the Everblaze Comet combined with Soulsnare Shackles could be our AoS 2.0 replacement for individual Gryph and Hunting Hounds, able to be set up in a blockade, that either slows the enemy army to a crawl moving around or forces them to waste two of their own spells to get rids of.
  3. Same as five Liberators. Worth it though!
  4. @Furuzzolo - did someone call for an anti magic endless spell that helps compensate for the Dispossessed's lack of long range options? ?
  5. It's on the Sorceress and Sorceress on Black Dragon's warscrolls, so you're can sacrifice where and whenever you want (willingness of the friendly Darkling Covens model within 1" to be sacrificed subject to conditions).
  6. The Cogsmith can heal a single wound on a friendly warmachine within 4", making him a worse, much less synergistic Endrinmaster, but yeah it's really just the Lord-Ordinator.
  7. Darkling Covens have got it made with endless spells in the new edition. With a basic +2 to cast on Sorceresses after they've sacrificed a spearman and a casting and range boosting command traits and artefacts they're looking second to Nagash and Arkhan for reliably getting the big spells off. I'd be tempted to start a small force myself if the new Stormcast endless spells didn't look so damn cool!
  8. The new edition isn't even out yet, and even if it was it would still be way too early for me to post any tactics articles, so I haven't got much to write about and figured I'd get the ball rolling on the new thread with something optimistic. Let's all roll our eyes at my: ?2018 IRONWELD ARSENAL WISH LIST? (Please add to/tell me I'm being silly) Other wish lists I've seen around the internet have had a tendency to get a bit extreme, with requests for relatively reasonable stuff like points changes and less complicated rules rubbing shoulders with ridiculous stuff like demmands for orruks with crossbows and Khorne endless spells, so I've broken down my big pile of never gonna happen into three categories: Matched Play Changes (moderately unrealistic), Warscroll Updates and Additions (unrealistic), and New and Returning Models (are you kidding?! go home). I can't ever see Ironweld Arsenal getting their own battletome, and think we'd be more likely to see them as part of a Free City soup book similar to Legions of Nagash, and so have given allegiance abilities a wide birth (though ripping off Kharadron ships' great endrinworks and being able to give "artefacts" to individual war machines would be pretty choice...). Anyway, let's kick things off: MATCHED PLAY CHANGES: A relatively short list. With the Steam Tank down by 40 in the latest GHB, the Ironweld Arsenal is pretty on point (sorry), and so I've mostly stuck to suggestions that will see a wider range of Ironweld units used in competitive lists, and allow someone not focused on playing competitively to proudly take a pure Ironweld force to matched play events and lose all their games. Gunmaster and Cogsmith on even points: Bit of a niggling one. Both heroes effectively fill the same role (having the engineer keyword and standing near artillery), with the Gunmaster getting a long ranged attack that can fire from the kind of safe distance you want to keep your Cannons, and the Cogsmith being able to heal a single wound dealt to a warmachine each hero phase (now an awful lot less useful now that Damned terrain is an awful lot less useful). The Gunmaster being 20 points cheaper means that the poor Cogsmith's only ever going to see the light of day when he's required as part of an Artillery Detachment battalion. Boost the Gunmaster to 100, drop the Cogsmith down to 80, or smoosh them together at 90 - I don't mind, but it would be nice to see AoS's first and currently only dual-race faction running heroes of each race. Helblaster reduced to 110 points: This is going to sound like the complete reverse of what I just said about the two engineer heroes, but please bear with me. The Helblaster Volley Gun and Organ Gun currently do exactly the same thing, for exactly the same cost of 120 points; the only problem is that the Organ Gun does it a a fair amount better. With a higher range, a more reliable chance of successfully firing and more durable crew, the Organ Gun wins out in every category, making anyone running a Helblaster outside of an Artillery Detachment feel like a chump. The Helblaster's +1 to hit at short range is now even negated by the Lord-Ordinator being a must have. The best way I can think of to fix this without touching either machine's warscroll is to just drop the Helblaster's matched play cost by 110, making it a viable option when you're just low enough on points to squeeze everything in (especially when you're trying to squeeze into an allies slot). Battleline (Behemoth) Steam Tanks: The big one. I know I've joked a lot about Organ Guns as conditional battleline a lot in the past, but in truth they'd be borderline unplayable, and a fast track to loss of friendship surpassing even destiny dice. Battleline (behemoth) Steam Tanks on the other hand may seem like a shock to anyone who can remember the heady days when Steam Tanks ruled 6th edition Warhammer - the next scariest unit was Chaos Knights (on regular, albeit slightly spikey horses), but the subsequent plastic arms race and new setting has rendered them mundane enough to fill a role previously held by Empire Halberdiers and Zombies, allowing players so inclined to run an Ironweld Arsenal allegiance army. The Steam Tank is less expensive, and arguably less powerful than either of the Beastclaw Raiders Batteline, Behemoth options, and would give the idea of an Ironweld list a solid PR boost in not being purely about deploying as far back as there's room on the board and shooting bits off stuff. The Steam Tank having a fairly terrible warscroll as far as behemoths go I don't expect a list forced to feature it several times in place of more numerous batteline with an easier time taking matched play objectives could ever be considered overpowered, and would be a relatively fun, soft option, similar to how you're allowed to take a pure Shadowblades or Phoenix Temple force if you're nuts enough to. (I've just realised that an Ironweld Arsenal allegiance army wouldn't be able to use an allied Lord-Ordinator's command ability. Yowzers! ?) Talking about Ironweld allegiance brings us neatly to... An Ironweld Allies List (batteline providing of course!): Obviously if Ironweld ever got a battleline option they'd get an allies list. I'd look at a usual suspects list of Stormcast Eternals, Dispossessed, Fyreslayers, Kharadron Overlords, Free Peoples, Collegiate Arcane. Let me know if you think I've missed anyone out. ? WARSCROLL UPDATES AND ADDITIONS: This is the part where this post becomes a bit less General's Handbook feedback and a little more unrealistic. It covers changes I think could be made existing Ironweld Arsenal warscrolls to make them more fun to play with and against, new equipment options or warscrolls that can be created from existing Ironweld kits (similar to the new units created from existing kits for Flesh-Eater Courts and Beastclaw Raiders), and thematic Dwarf and Empire WFB units still existing in AoS that could be co-opted from or shared with their current factions to better round out the Ironweld Arsenal and what they can do. Merged Artillery and Crew Profiles: Starting with the most obvious and likely to happen (I wouldn't be surprised if we got it an errata update this weekend). Our (currently over complicated) crewed artillery needs to be brought in line with new style merged profiles the Celestar Ballista and Warhammer Legends Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Thrower. Obviously I'd rather be bumped up to the Celestar Ballista's 7 wounds (that thing looks way easier to tip over than one of our Cannons) over the Dark Elf bolt thrower's 4, but either would be a comparative durability boost. Gunmaster Equipment Options: I don't know if you've noticed, but the plastic Gunmaster model comes with the option to be peering through a rather spiffy telescope instead of his trademark Masterwork Long Rifle. Currently he only gets to choose between taking the longrifle and not taking the Long Rifle, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to build him with the telescope instead and get some kind of in-game bonus (+6" range for nearby war machines?) in place of the Long Rifle? With the new unit coherency rules it would also be rather cool if the Gunmaster's Long Rifle were actually able to snipe individual models in a unit, similarly to Morathi's gaze, but I can imagine that having a more pedantic effect on gameplay. An Ironweld Commander ("Iron Marshal"?): The Lord-Ordinator's wounderful, and I'm hugely grateful to Sigmar and the design studio for him and his moustache (really hoping he doesn't get an updated warscroll that only works on Stormcast war machines in the new battletome... ?), but I've never been exactly crazy about Space Marines, and boy, it sure would be nice to have a general option of our own that meant we could choose not to take him if we didn't feel like it... If you're asking where this commander model could come from, look no further than the guy poking out of the top of the Steam Tank. He's got legs, a range of different equipment options (rod, sword, telescope, monocle, big hat) and looks great on foot. Here he is painted up by the late, great, lamented @bottle: The "Iron Marshal" could even have a couple of separate warscrolls, one on foot and one mounted in the Steam Tank, allowing for a suitable front line/"monster" hero if Ironweld players so felt the need (think an Imperial Guard tank commander as an HQ choice in 40k). Thunderers and Outriders: If the Ironweld Arsenal were to be rounded out to an (albeit rather small) standalone army, it probably wouldn't be a terrible shout to give them at least the option to field a couple of units. I've never seen either Thunderers or Outriders taken over Quarrellers/Irondrakes or Pistoliers/Handgunners in a Dispossessed or Freeguild list (even my own! ?), and they'd both make excellently characterful allegiance-conditional Ironweld batteline choices (I don't think Outriders have had any AoS background to date, but weren't they originally troops provided to the Imperial army by the respective engineering schools in Altdorf and Nuln?). If the Dispossessed and Freeguild were unwilling to give them up they could always receive alternate warscrolls with the Ironweld Arsenal keyword, similar to the ones for Khorne and Tzeentch Slaughterbrutes and Mutalith Vortex Beasts. If they really couldn't be stolen/shared then they could always be included as an allied part of one or more... Ironweld Battalions: This one's a doozy, and almost limitless. I'll type up as many stray ideas as come into my head: Some kind of Helstorm Rocket Battery/Gyrocopter spotter arrangement. Steam Tank brigade lead by an Iron Marshal that all move at the same speed? Two separate teams of artillery, one duardin and one human, competing against each other similarly to the Beastclaws and Ironjawz in Braggoth's Beast Hammer. A battalion featuring an allied Battlemage or Runelord putting unique enchantments/runes on artillery fire. Dynamic Cannonballs: Probably the least appealing suggestion in this list to non-Ironweld players. When AoS first came out, the rules had a wonderful refined simplicity, with everything operating in mostly the same way, with a few token special rules on each warscroll to make different units feel distinct. Three years into the game we've seen what you can expect to happen over the course of a system's life, with much more complicated warscrolls, allegiance abilities and now a super-dynamic magic phase with massive plastic models to represent spells. With every army receiving it's own boutique special rules, cannons that operate in the same way as bows (bows capable of inflicting much more damage, but bows all the same) don't feel like they're as interesting or fun as they could be. Guess range weapons (and charges!) have been dead and buried in GW games for almost a decade, but have a fond place in the heart of many a grognard. Guess ranges on cannons (less so stone throwers!) were fairly well simulated in 8th ed WFB, and could be simulated really nicely in AoS, where formations of units are much more player defined than varied lengths widths of rectangle, encouraging keen formation tactics from opponents wanting to minimise the damage of an incoming cannonball (I'm aware the current Cannon model uses shells not balls, but like saying balls and refuse to break a 22 year habit). I haven't given simulated guess range/dynamic cannonballs a lot of thought, and there are people much better a writing rules than me, but here's roughly how I think they'd work: Pick a spot up to 24" away from the cannon. Roll a 2D6, and draw a line directly away from the cannon from that spot - this is where the cannonball lands. On a double the cannon has misfired and doesn't fire. Find out how far the cannonball bounces by rolling another 2D6 and trace a 1mm wide line (all the rage with spells these days) that many inches long directly away from the cannon and the spot the it landed. On a double the shot has failed to bounce and stops where it has landed, only hitting the model it lands on. Roll a dice for every model in a unit the cannonball bounces over. On a 2+ that model's unit takes D3 mortal wounds. Cannonballs passing through a model with 8 or more wounds do 2D6 mortal wounds on a 2+, but the cannonball stops and does not continue to bounce through them. Characters normally eligible for a Look Out Sir! roll can transfer the mortal wounds they'd have normally taken to a unit of two or more models within 3" on a 2+. Engineers within 1" allow a cannon to reroll it's initial 2D6 to determine where it lands but not bounce distance. Overall probably fairly overpowered, in need of fine tuning and definitely worth more than 160 points, but you get the gist of it! I'd quite like to have cannon hits resolved with an "ordinary" wound roll at -2 rend instead of mortal wounds as they're not exactly magical or on fire, but I'm not sure it that would gell with AoS game engine. NEW AND RETURNING MODELS: Where it all gets really dumb. Reader discretion advised. Engineer on Mechanical Steed: Starting with the first of the two models I'd like to see return: I thought this model was a steaming pile of poo as an addition to the WFB background, but looked at objectively it is rather lovely and perfectly sums up what the Ironweld are all about (actually mentioned/hinted at in the Ironweld Arsenal section of Grand Alliance: Order). Could be easily turned out again in resin and would make a great distinctive mount for an "Iron Marshal". Marienburg Greywater Landship: The second of the two kits that could be easily brought back. I'm not going to waste time making words justifying this returning or describing how cool it is. Please just bring it back Forge World, you've one it with big kits before. Big pictures behind the spoiler tag: Cogforts: I have no idea what these are, but they have a cool name and I'm currently planning on making what I think one is out of some Ad Mech legs and a Deathknell watch. They could garrison troops and wander round the battlefield. Act as a mobile command platform for heroes inside? Gyrocopter bays? Duardin Sapper Teams: An old Dwarf unit from 2nd and 3rd edition WFB (that I'm sure could do with a better name). Could operate in small teams, setting up earthworks and turrets after the territory had been determined but before deployment (similar to the free woods and shipwrecks other armies get), and then do their best to creep around the battlefield attaching explosive charges to pieces of scenery, blowing them up and allowing artillery clear line of sight through where they used to be, giving Ironweld forces a much more proactive playstyle. More pictures under the tag: Some Kind of Rifle Infantry: Would be neat. A dismounted version of Outriders I suppose. These conversions by Bits Addiction are pretty nice: More pics at: http://bitsaddiction.blogspot.com/2017/10/tempests-eye-rangers-freeguild.html Steam Tank Variants: Pics behind spoiler tag: Bring them back, all of them. Especially the Von Zeppel! These could easily work as an upgrade sprue for the original Steam Tank, similar to what Imperial Knights recently got. Or as resin upgrade kits from Forge World. I suddenly get the feeling that Forge World could be the best home for the Ironweld Arsenal ?; nobody ever really did much more than pretend to care about Chaos Dwarfs anyway... And that's a wrap! Went on slightly longer than I'd originally planned, I hope somebody finds the ramblins of someone stuck on a lot of long train journeys, and in GW's distant past as far as taste in miniatures is concerned at least halfway entertaining. Next up opening thoughts on the Ironweld Arsenal in AoS 2.0 once I've had a chance to get a few games in and fully digest the new rules.
  9. Dark Eldar Razorwings and 50 points for 3 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Dark-Eldar-Razorwing-Flock
  10. Sell the Vanguard-Raptors on at a profit to greedy mortal wound junkies. Alternatively: (Ravens benefiting the Norse look Dispossessed are rocking)
  11. Fast stuff to hop on objectives and some kind of Stormcast wzard to cast Chronomatic Cogs, effectively making competitive Dispossessed Dwarfs with benefits. Aetherwings have dropped in points in the new GHB, meaning you could easily run five units of three at 2k to hop on objectives and hold up enemy units while you wait for your newly minted elite battleline to catch up and set up camp, with points left over for an allied wizard.???
  12. Reposting this lovely piece of acknowledgement from the Hammerhal Herald last week: @FuruzzoloI still think the Chronomantic Cogs are essential on an allied wizard. Really hoping Runelords (and other priests of course!) get errata'd warscrolls allowing them to dispel endless spells in their own hero phase!
  13. Totally sane. Be sure to run them with a Lord Ordinator chasing along behind with his +1 to hit aura (works in combat too) at a wizard casting Chronomatic Cogs to get them closer to the enemy faster (and the enemy closer to them!).
  14. Wow. May well have to steal take inspiration from your idea. Still not happy with the way the platinum blonde hair on the Ordinator I painted back in March turned out.
  15. Bare arms all the way. I'm sure the Darkoath Warqueen and new House Escher gangers have got suitably muscly ones for your purposes. I don't think they'll ever reach their 6th/7th/8th ed WFB heights, but you can at least feel secure in the fact that there are now more than eight of them when you get one blown up. The points drop and the Ordinator's +1 to hit aura are a solid boost for Steam Tanks, allowing them to scrape past as useful objective cappers in battleplans that require behemoths or leaders to do it (you're gonna lose a lot of leader slots to engineers and Ordinators - and now compulsory wizards!). Greywater Fastness and being taken as part of an Artillery Detachment battalion also give them an extra edge for "free", if not a very reliable one. Still wish they'd been made conditional battleline, allowing us to take Ironweld armies mind (Beastclaw behemoths get to do it and there's no way they're worse than our excuse for one!). I think mobility's going to be key for Ironweld "allies"/battleline moving forward, as our tactics are going to become much more about double shooting the enemy army to a fine paste for the first two turns and then sweeping up the remaining objectives with fast units we've got the points left over for. With this in mind Freeguild Archers and Pistoliers/Outriders are probably a pretty good shout (and can actually become semi-decent ranged units themselves with a Freeguild General using Hold the Line). I'm keen to combine as many endless spells as possible with my Ironweld lists (I have no idea if they'll combine well, they just look cool and I want to paint them) and am seriously considering drafting in Darkling Covens as "allies" for the +2 to cast bonus. Going to hold out and wait to see what the new Stormcast Casters are like though, Everblaze Comet as a boutique endless spell just sounds too cool to pass up!
  16. Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion of how Ironweld Arsenal tactics might change with the new edition, and if any of the new endless spells can be worked to our advantage. Command points are huge when combined with the Lord-Ordinator (surely an honorary Ironweld member by now) and Reign of Fire. With doubled capacity for firepower in the opening turns in the game and the loss of cheap individual Gryph-Hounds and Hunting Hounds to tie enemy units up for most of the battle I predict that Ironweld focused lists will likely consist of an Ordinator, four artillery pieces with a couple of engineers and six extra command points to ensure everything can shoot twice in the first two turns, backed up by fast moving, cheap units like Reavers and Pistoliers who's job becomes whipping out and grabbing objectives once the enemy army's been obliterated from afar. Endless spell-wise I can see the Soulsnare Shackles for 20 points being great for slowing enemy units down (or forcing your opponent to waste a spell), deployed to form a barrier just thinner than the width of the enemy unit you're trying to slow down's bases, forcing them to walk around. Endless spells and the need to dispel them will likely be an essential part of army composition in the new edition, and I'll likely wait until the new Stormcast Battletome with the rules for their wizards and boutique endless spells in is out before I make a post reviewing the best wizards/spells to run alongside Ironweld.
  17. Welcome one and all to the grand opening of AoS2 - IRONWELD ARSENAL DISCUSSION (or Let's Chat: Ironweld Arsenal 2.0 if you'd rather) As we move into the second edition of Age of Sigmar this thread will exist as the one-stop destination to post and read Ironweld tactics, army lists, painted and converted models, background and anything else you can think to talk about. I will be regularly updating this OP when second edition AoS is out linking to new versions of my unit breakdowns and other tactics posts for the new version of the game (in depth tactics articles to finally appear when I've played a few games of the new edition and got a handle on it!), as well as anything else interesting posted by other members of the community. You say you're new to the game, collect Stormcast, have never heard of the "Ironheld Admirals" and would like to know who they are? The Ironweld Arsenal is composed of a cherry-picked list of all coolest units from the Dwarfs and Empire, the two coolest armies from Warhammer Fantasy Battle (the little heard of rectangle-focused game that preceded Age of Sigmar). Combining da Vinci style feats of artisan engineering with an Acme-level passion for blowing things to smithereens, the Ironweld Arsenal are the armoured fist, heavy support and air force of the Free Cities. Regrettably having no batteline units of their own, the Ironweld lend their services out to any Order army with good taste, with Ironweld war machines filling the much needed battlefield niches that the other factions lack the cannonballs to fill. IRONWELD RESOUCES: (to be added to I swear) Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows - Excellent Ironweld-centred AoS Black Library novel by @JReynolds, giving us our closest look into the Ironweld Arsenal so far! The old Ironweld Arsenal thread - I'm not holding myself responsible if the tactics in there get you trashed in the new edition, but hey, you might get something interesting out of it. My Ironweld Arsenal wishlist 26/6/18 - Fair warning, starts out reasonable, gets weird. Cogfort weird. Melcavuk's unofficial Ironweld Arsenal Faction Expansion - tga user @Melcavuk's rather awesome (currently ongoing) project fleshing out the Ironweld Arsenal into a complete faction. Melcavuk's Ironweld hobby blog - @Melcavuk's stunningly painted and converted miniatures accompanying his Ironweld Arsenal fan project - CHECK THIS THREAD OUT NOW Big thanks to @Chris Tomlin for letting me make this thread, I look forward to keeping it updated and continuing to push the Ironweld Arsenal with the rest of the community. Battleline Organ Guns for GHB 2019!
  18. Whoop whoop. New core rules are up: https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf
  19. I'd thought that too, it's described somewhere as having a mortarch on board and there can't be that many of them, so it would make sense of it to be bumped up to named/unique status. The ghosts hovering outside appear to be carrying the deceased passenger's possessions, and the sword seen here isn't so different that it couldn't be Blood Drinker without the weird handle: Sorry, hadn't meant to cause any offence, it was a very well written novel overall and I've loved your recent stuff, especially Spear of Shadows.
  20. Er, that tie-in novel has Tyrion straight up executing Eldyra (who apparently was a vampire with no reference to her ascending as the new elven god of the underworld), so I wouldn't take everything it says as consistent with the design studio's canon. Regardless, Isabella was never explicitly killed off in End Times: Archaon, so she's got as good a chance of turning up in AoS as anybody (not that dying in the End Times ever prevented Mannfred, Valkia or Scyla from turning up in AoS or having a successful Blood Bowl career ?).
  21. The Celestant Prime's a named character. Doesn't have a name
  22. Get out elfposter. She's clearly Valaya, also consumed by Nagash during the End Times and just as desirable. Plus her Banshees hate spellcasters. Have you ever seen an elf do that? ?
  23. She's never been mentioned outside of the Graham McNeill Time of Legends Sigmar novels and as one of two many namedrops in Josh Reynold's End Times: Archaon tie-in. I still think it would be cool if Azazel came back for the eventual Slaanesh release, possibly as Slaanesh if his champions have been competing to become the new Slaanesh. He's a really cool character who was sort of forgotten about after 5th ed, only turning in up in Liber Chaotica and the aforementioned novel series; and would make a really cool foil for Sigmar now he's front and centre of things.
  24. Soul Wars tie-in novel coverage from the community site for those of you who like reading (neeeerrds!): https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/06/soul-wars-the-novel/
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