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Public Universal Duardin

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Posts posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. I feel like everyone here is taking the bait.

    But I'll bite too! OP, your cognisant enough to worry "Lord, people will think I'm a racist!" if you go through with this paint scheme.



    ...but you did not stop there. You decided to ask around if the idea was good and decided the original nagging feeling at the back of your head wasn't enough, so you decided to be provocative and flirt with...let's say as it is, not the most pc stereotypes. Racism, if you will. So you are cognisant enough to worry about being seen as racist, but not cognisant enough to not stop the thought process there but even take an extra mile.

    That is why I think this is a troll job. Bake him away toys. Lock the thread, mods.

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  2. 7 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Oh! I even know the story of Public Universal Friend, and hadn't connected it to your handle.  That's too funny.

    I admit there was some plausible deniability and as Public Universal Friend had nothing to do with dwarves I don't fault anyone for not making that connection! Just wanted to rep my fave Warhammer race and took the Friend's name due to the personal importance to me. Voilà!

    7 hours ago, EonChao said:

    Mood, the wait here in the UK is currently around 3 years for your first appointment at a Gender Identity Clinic, and then it's apparently usually the third appointment where they prescribe you hrt. I was lucky on being largely accepted by people upon coming out but things like this and the hobbies themselves are so helpful in finding a focus to keep yourself going whilst waiting.

    I had more luck and the whole process took about 2 years in one of the Nordic countries...but then I finished uni and moved back to my home country 🇫🇮. Now waiting the 8th month of getting my foreign diagnosis "confirmed" here! At least I have access to HRT...

    4 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Just a little thing if it helps anyone, one of my friends is trans and she used Gender GP in the UK to get her meds in a few weeks :) It is private so it does cost (can't remember the amount but not utterly unaffordable iirc - maybe £200?), but it helped them so much quicker than what was on the NHS. 

    I know how important it can be to get medicine, so I thought it was worth mentioning for those on the years-long waiting lists :)

    Big tip: GenderGP at least used to be available for other countries in Europe too, but I'm unaware of how...err...recent geopolitical exits have changed things. Just big caveat to Europeans reading things: Before you start using GenderGP check the legality of importing medicine into your country. Testosterone is AFAIK something that gets stuck in customs in Nordic countries and is considered legally grey. Don't do anything you could get in trouble for!

    • Like 3
  3. One of us! One of us!

    I am so happy for you having found yourself, @HollowHills and I am proud that this community--not just TGA, but AoS as a whole--has affected you so positively. I want to shout out to the mods of TGA; they are all wonderful people, but I have first-hand experience of @Enoby being an upright individual and ensuring TGA stays free from bigotry (in this case, transphobic language), and later being very humble about receiving any thanks for that.

    This may or may not come as a surprise to anyone, but I am a trans woman too. What strikes me is how your events remind me of mine. I too came out as a teenager, but I received zero support and went 'back to the closet' for nigh a decade, fostering a very toxic attitude born from self-hatred until everything came down during 2019. My user name on this very forum, which at times have confounded users, is a relic of that early gender questioning, referencing a non-binary 18th century preacher.

    Warhammer has played a big part in my journey to find myself; while the community might have contributed me to stay in the closet in my youth, in recent years I have found nothing but support. I know a few of you outside of TGA, even if I am sure not everyone of them would recognise me on other platforms. I've had the pleasure of meeting life-long friends in the AoS-community, pushing me to put my creativity in good (well, that's debatable) use. A good example was making a small video essay on Slaanesh, whom often is brought up in transphobic contexts especially in the 40K community. It got a couple hundred views and I deleted it due to voice dysphoria, but the thesis was that Games Workshop has evolved Slaanesh from their more problematic roots, discussing their usage by reactionaries and my own experiences with Slaanesh (CSM 3rd ed codex was my first foray into Warhammer, alongside SM:DA, going as far as holding a presentation about Horus Heresy in English class at 12yo, lol!). But the way us q u e e r folks were talked about by bigots, often liking us to Warhammer's Slaanesh, pushed even deeply-egged baby me away from wanting to collect Slaaneshi chaos figures.

    The last few years have been the toughest in my life, as in Nordic countries from the moment you realise you are trans to a doctor prescribing you hormones is a multi-year process, only worsened during COVID. I don't know if I would have survived the pandemic, that terrible, terrible wait and having close people reject me due to my identity, if not for thse friends I have found in the Warhammer community and TGA. In many ways, browsing the Rumour thread or posting low-quality memes were an escapism, an escapism that seems to slowly pay off. 

    Anyway, I am doing the Abe Simpson rambling thing again. I am very happy for you, Hollow, you aren't alone and we are here for you 💪

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  4. 13 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Random lore tidbit, but the Harrowdeep book confirms Halflings are a thing in the Mortal Realms. I know most people guessed so by Glutos' chef, but I remember some people still being sceptical. 

    Cast down the false prophet of the Bleached Fang, embrace the (n)Everchosen of Wishlisting, the Word Bearer of Halflings, @Neverchosen

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  5. 3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    The first Tuesday in months without a Rumour Engine... I feel empty right now.

    Imagine if they had nothing new to reveal... 😖

    7 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    Edit: On a more serious note, nobody called Chorfs confirmed for the summer release yet XD?

    A few pages ago I posted my usual copium comments, but if you mean "Has anyone reputable mentioned Chorfs coming this summer", then the answer is...no.

    • Haha 2
  6. 42 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Still got a month and multiple “New Model Mondays” before it hits. Could get Fyrequeens “short stack” unit the leakers hinted at.

    Heck yes! Maybe this is superficial but that would be enough for me to begin a FS army.

    I just want fem duardin as much as I want chorfs 😭

    (Although I'd find it very hilarious if the first fem duardin models were chorfs when they eventually get released in 202X)

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  7. I'm really happy for the FS fans who feared soup (even if the army definitely needs models and not just updated rules!)! The reusing of cover art seems a bit silly, as I think it's awesome to see the cover art changing with each edition.

    I know we're all thinking we'll have Shady Skaven Summer but you know me, I'm going to huff hopium that this is the Chaos Duardin army of my dreams just waiting in the horizon.

    ...with Valaya's Duardin Golems as an obvious opposition!

    • Like 7
  8. 9 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    I'd like to point out that despite the reveal od two new units for Nighthaunt, these rumour engines reamin unsolved, leading me to believe *snorts copium/warpstone* that our beloved spooky ghosts are going to receive more with their battletome (or a Cursed City expansion)



    You're going to feel real foolish when this is revealed to be a Furnace Kings Varanite Lantern and a Tactical Duardin Codpiece (will slash the ankles of aelves) .

    • Like 3
  9. Firebellies are cool, but I have a few issues design-wise with them.

    But I have a fix!

    First, we make them shorter, to truly be at peak performance. Their facial hair game isn't the best, so let's give them bushy braided beards. Maybe gnarly tusks too. I like the fire-theme, but it needs more pazazz. If we add some bull-heads to the mix, it'll stand out more. Suggested colour scheme should be red and brass. I don't want to weight shame them, so "Firebellies" has to go. I propose we name them something more pc, but still retain the heat theme. How about...Furnace Kings? Pretty good overhaul!

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  10. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    Oh my sweet, sweet summer child... Have you not realized that this is the winter of our discontent and we don't get anything, let alone nice things?

    City of Sigmar Warbands would be really awesome though... 

    It was Underworlds related but didn't that pretty reliable mad lad who posted here suggest CoS? After Malerion elves and the Frankenstein warbands(? What's the name for Underworlds releases?)?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Thank you!! Though now I’m sad because it means there’s still no chance of Araby appearing in The Old World…

    I wouldn't be so hasty. If TOW is profitable, I'm sure GW will start digging through whatever lore they have for new faction opportunities.

    Not a very likely chance, but a chance nonetheless.

  12. 59 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    If we kept on copying the same basic stuff over and over again, a faction like Skaven would have probably never been invented in the first place. 

    Orks, Chaos and Undead are just good. No need to add rat ninjas and evil rat scientists when none are needed. 

    How about another example?

    Old Dark Eldar Mandrakes:


    New, reimagined design:


    I know which one I prefer, but to each their own, I guess.

    And Alarith Stoneguard are just amazing models. Fight me. 


    Maybe it's because I used to collect Dark Eldar before the 2011 overhaul, and my teen self was obsessed with Dawn of War Soulstorm which included Dark Eldar for the first time, but those crazy Tom of Finland elves are dope and no I will not change my mind

    • Like 1
  13. If the wheel is a Squat buggy I am happy. If I can't get duardin in AoS I'll get duardin in 40K heheh!



    You know what you need to make rubber?


    Which unreleased AoS faction have oil-rigs?

    That's right, that's Varanite Soul-Rubber on Chaos Duardin Daemon Buggies!

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  14. Honestly, we shouldn't complain! We've been crying for years; "bring back X from Fantasy!" or "reimagine Y from Fantasy". We have craved nostalgia.

    And Games Workshop in their eternal wisdom have obliged, for what is more nostalgic than seeing your setting overshadowed by 40K in every way? To live knowing there's no rumours to be had or releases to wait for? I for one applaud GW for catering to us greybeards who missed the days of WHFB!

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  15. 15 minutes ago, madmac said:

    You know, thinking about today's Pre-order announcement (Probably Tau) made me realize, there's actually not a single unleased announcement/preview out there for AoS right now..

    That is due to AOS standing for "Abandoned (unless) Otherwise Stated".

  16. I had a nice Saturday evening of tabletop gaming where my Ironweld Arsenal-themed CoS list faced Astral Templars. I lost, but that's beside the point, as I now dream to one day get all the zany technologies from lore,  I want to see a cog fort headbutt a mega-gargant.

    ...not a rumour, but figured this thread needed to return to its innocent wishlisting ways.

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  17. I think we could see Malerion this year--we'll get them in Underworlds by Summer and a full release to Christmas 2022.

    I will take a safe guess on battletomes for Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth and take a wild punt on one for Blades of Khorne. Why guess THEM of all factions? Because I like to live dangerously. Anyway, all new battletomes get a single hero miniature to accompany them.

    I predict I will hype up the possibility to get some new Drycha Hamadreth lore in Battletome: Sylvaneth (2022). I also predict I will be gravely disappointed once again, and post a meme about it on reddit to moderate acclaim. I will also receive one (1) PM afterwards linking to my comment in this thread.

    I foresee lots of discussion online about future rumour engines being Chaos Duardin and Valaya Duardin, only to find out Squats are coming back to 40K. A single Chaos Squat will bring the Rumour Thread to a meltdown and locked for 12 hours.

    Addendum: I like the way look at Ironweld Arsenal, @Neil Arthur Hotep ,they're a clear relic from the microfaction era of AoS and even if they could be the Mechanicus of CoS, I think it's far easier for GW to merge them with existing keywords. I would love to see "Mechanicus, but AoS" tho, but that's pretty much wishlisting. Do you think lore will be soft retconned? Or will Ironweld still exist lore-wise?

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