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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. Don't say that Snorri, you must keep on believing 😭😭😭 Chorfs are just around the corner, yes just around the corner... *rocks back and forth*
  2. This. And if we trace back dwarves in geek culture to their progenitor (i.e Tolkien), we'll find that lot of classic dwarf names are just taken straight from Norse mythology and especially the Norse equivalent of dwarves. And as 40K names in general are derivative (and I don't say that to degrade) but get an unique spin to them, I'm personally very pleased with this. I mean, it could have been a lot worse.
  4. I 100% agree! There's a reason why I don't participate much on the faction boards, I'm just not very competitive player and get my kicks from lore and other aspects or the hobby. And as I always joke, I had Dark Eldar a year or two before their 2011 reboot and played Bretonnia from 6th to 8th Ed. I still had fun, even if I lost 😂 To be honest, I haven't thought that far yet. I think a lot will depend in what direction GW takes Chorfs artistically - if we see the classic big hat style, I can see myself keep it conservative with reds and brass. A lot depends on the mood of the miniatures and of course if I'll get some inspiration to truly create My Dudes, like the yet-unfulfilled idea of a KO privateer ship Scarlet Duardin and her ragtag crew, which would be a (very loose) nod to a British sci-fi comedy show I'm very fond off. When I see the models is when my creative juices will start flowing. Will prevent what happened before SoB reveal when I spent a month listening to Attack on Titan's soundtrack and wrote fanfics (based on rumours and scant lore snippets from before) about them only to be disappointed when I saw the models (but at least I painted one of my aleguzzlers as the Colossal Titan) Also, obligatory...I'm so sorry@KingBrodd !!! Edit: When the mystery Chaos Battletome is revealed to be Skaven or Khorne...
  5. Laughs in "too dumb to play well so I'll never realise it and will mostly just focus on lore"
  6. That's how I took it too. "Tyranids aren't very insectoid". I'd argue Tyranids are insect-like in everything but overt appearance (and I don't think the rumoured leg is too foreign to be a tyranid's T-Rex arm), but it's Whitefang we are talking about so them doubling down seems to extra-confirm it as Sylvaneth.
  7. As a Bretonnian player, Dogs of War enjoyer and fellow Chaos Dwarf fan, I salute you as a comrade-in-arms!
  8. If they'd want to be inspired by history, they could focus on how the middle east up to the mongol invasion was the enlightened, advanced civilisation and the "Franks" of Europe were seen as dirty barbarians. It would be a nice reversion of classic euro-essentialist fantasy /and/ be based on history. Make Araby an equal to the realms of the Old World. Sadly I think the time for Araby to be included in TW at least has passed, which is a shame as I'd rather see Araby than Khuresh fleshed out!
  9. Big agree. I get it, they realised that a lot of people who got into WHF through the games want to play in that world, but it's a bit of shame its just been maps so far. I genuinely thought we might have gotten those old Kislev sculpts as Made to Order (and imagine how cool marketing that would have been? "Like Kislev in Total War? For a limited time, get them as real miniatures!"). Hopefully we'll hear something more substantial soon!
  10. Needs more wishlisting and "I had a dream where my cousin told me Chorfs are coming next year"
  11. "Cathay has been ruled by a race of immortal shape-shifting dragons for thousands of years, and it’s not a place that changes much, so this map is just as valid for the era in which Total War: Warhammer III is set as it is during the earlier period that will be explored by Warhammer: The Old World. Rest assured, scholars of Warhammer, this map works in both settings, so get studying!" Seems to confirm Cathay is coming to TOW! Woohoo!! Also fun note: Hobgoblin Khanates namedropped again! I wouldn't expect them to be their own faction but fun to see them mentioned. Wonder if we'll ever hear about infernal dwarves...
  12. So, when today can we expect the TOW update? Does WarCom update at a specific time? I hope we get info about Kislev and Cathay miniatures. Or those old Kislev figures as made to order!
  13. Two Chaos Duardin met each other in Allpoints after a slave raid in Chamon. As they were to greet each other the first exclaimed loudly "Is that a Demon Snake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" (Happy) Chorfs confirmed 🥳
  14. I absolutely adore Mike Brooks and his ork novellas/novels. I also like works by Graeme Lyon. Honourable mention goes to C.L Werner, whose Kharadron works got me into AoS in the first place and finally convinced me that AoS wasn't some terrible thing that had "ruined" my beloved WHFB.
  15. I don't know. This feels like a bad faith reading of what I said. If you've never painted minis in your life, and you just hear the hype and see the memes/community of 40K and AoS, GWs webstore will scare them off. Especially if you make the calculations of what a standard army costs. Heck, we in the hobby constantly make jokes like "Maybe Henry Cavill can afford another army", this hobby is known as expensive, even beyond our bubbles. This is all true (and I play Frostgrave myself!), but GW has a lot of namepower. The universe is pretty entrenched in pop culture, and while in my case I can introduce friends to model agnostic systems, it doesn't affect the risk of new people in general getting turned off by GW prices. This is what I was getting at! Besides, if you /already own/ a PC, PlayStation, Xbox or whatever, it's probably easier to put money on that. Especially with sales. Buying a Final Fantasy or Mass Effect gives you what, 80-100h of gameplay? How much does a Primaris Lieutenant or Gotrek give to someone who doesn't even know if they'll like painting or wargaming? Maybe someone would suggest I should be like a drug dealer, carrying pots of Chaos Black and Nuln Oil alongside free minis in an oversized trench coat and hand out samples--first time is free--but at that point I fear I'd strain my own finances, heheh. Of course, it's all personal decisions, but I know for a fact that GW has priced out friends who are interested in the lore, the community and the game. I can't be the only one, can I?
  16. I'm not sure I can say anything that hasn't already been said, in this thread or any of the previous threads in the past few years on GW price increases. So I'll try to be brief. I've always on threads like these talked about accessibility and the health of our hobby. Maybe I'm too cynical in believing every hobby needs new blood, or too nostalgic over a time when GW products were more affordable for everyone. I still maintain that. Truth is, I haven't shopped directly from GW in a while, but we're approaching a point when I start to feel priced out of the modeling part of the hobby in general. A bit disconcerting when a lifelong hobby becomes too "luxury" for me! I'm unsure who GW is for anymore. I've tried to bring new blood to the hobby, but my friends balk when they see the price of entry. And they're adults in their mid-20s. People who should be the prime consumers with excess money. Please don't take this as doomposting, but I assume most of us here got into "plastic crack" relatively young, fomenting a life-long passion. How CAN that happen for future generations if single adults cannot afford this hobby? I admit, this is a luxury hobby. Most entertainment is. But if you already are into (digital) gaming, role-playing or avid movie-going, it's probably easier to put the price of a single Primaris Lieutenant on your current hobby than buy one grey marine. I know I would.
  17. I still want to believe the announced Chaos tome is Furnace Kings, despite inside sources teasing Skaven
  18. Are 3.0 packages different from before? I haven't been to a gaming store since the pandemic started... Interesting that only(?) dryads are repackaged. Unsure what to expect from Sylvaneth in this edition. I want some of that sweet Drycha Hamadreth lore, but she's almost as unloved by GW as Chorfs are. Almost. Nevertheless, guess this confirms Skaven and affirms Whitefang (once again) as the undisputed oracle of this forum?
  19. Don't give me hope. Even that is beyond of what I'd expect for the Chorfs, who are the most unloved of Games Workshop's children. (Well, maybe Fimir beats them for that...)
  20. Pepe is a cartoon frog birthed by a web(?) comic aeons ago, and somehow his expressive 'Feels good man' face birthed a million variants on the internet (especially in corners that rhyme with 'door-pan'). Now, these derivatives have been used in nefarious (racism, bigotry) purposes. To the point the original creator even canonically 'killed' his beloved frog. But Pepe is more than that. Variants like PeepoHappy, MonkaS, PepeHands and poggers are integrated to the emoji lists of large twitch streamers from all across the political spectrum. In most cases, how you use these memes determine how people will react. I mean, maybe I come across as a rightwing nutter posting these, in which case, disregard everything I have said, but I like to imagine that people just take my edits as humorous celebration of a very forgotten warhammer faction without the baggage. Phew, I think that was all. Gosh, I need to be less online. Awww shucks, you! I am not a finaelfial advisor, but as we all know the LINE CAN ONLY GO UP. Never in history has there been evidence to the contrary. It's just basic maths. Invest in Chorf memes today and in a year the yield will be thousand-fold!
  21. Cross your fingers for Battletome: Moot Wardens followed by Battletome: Chaos Moot Wardens. That's right, we don't do Imperial Knights in AoS, we will have multi-faction halflings! They will be labelled so over-powered they are banned from most tournaments...although tournament organisers will attribute it to the halfling fandom's (who call themselves cheekily PotHeads, for their habit of wearing pots and pans as impromptu helmets) heavy consumption of pipe-leaf at tournament premises. For decades afterwards, 'doing the Bullroarer' and 'Potpurri of 2024' will be talked about in hushed tones on forums like this one, generating much mirth in greybeards who witnessed these events unfold in person.
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