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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. There's a reason why I haven't bought that Chorf army book cover shirt merch yet... To be fair towards GW, it was a different time and white nerds in the 90s didn't really ask questions like that. They are however 100% redesigning them for a future release to avoid the REALLY yikes connotations. I don't believe Chorfs are in itself problematic - they're an inverse of Fantasy's dwarves which in turn riff on generic fantasy tropes which are based on the folkloric dvergar from Norse myths. So I don't see them the same way as HP's goblins which...well...the less said about them the better.
  2. They're probably not out this edition, but I'm sure we'll see them within 5-ish years!
  3. Okay, wall of text warning. At this point it seems clear to me that Chorfs coming isn't a meme (which admittedly in itself has become a meme, especially the notion that any announcement from GW would be a Chorf announcement in disguise. Well, at least on this board anyway. Or at least posted by me 😝) - "Marching ahead of his legendary duardin legions", "humans that make up the Horns of Hashut have spent their lives living among the Chaos-worshipping Duardin", it's all very cleverly teasing Chorfs (and let's be real, if Squats can return so can Chorfs - and people said memes can't make GW reproduce squatted armies!). Of course, I am sure you all have in the last 4 hours already discussed this to death and although I believe that hyping Chorfs constitutes a personality trait, I'm sure others are tired of it. Sooo, I won't mention the fact that there's not a single Chorf in that warband 😜 No, what I actually want to write about is Hashut himself. I love Hashut. And because of that I know I'll love Horns of Hashut too, regardless if they have Chorfs in them or not. In a way, by making the Horns of Hashut human, GW has maybe brought the themes that Hashut satirize and parody much closer to us than by masking them through a fantasy race. I've in the past mentioned how much I adore (as one can adore 'baddies') Hashut's aspect of brutal industrialisation. Akin to how Saruman in the Lord of the Rings was Tolkien commenting on the destruction of the British countryside in the name of smog-filled "progress" that would lead to the killing fields of Verdun, Hashut and his children fill the same niche in Warhammer. Chorfs in Fantasy were the military-industrial complex and a sort of dark satire of the industrial revolution - technological progress decided first and foremost by answering the question "How can this make us wage war better?". I am glad to see aspects of that return - Hashut is still the god of this dark industrialisation, patron of a mindset that in the real world created the horrors of Scramble for Africa and the World Wars. Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate. When the Sigma(r) males play checkers and Tzeentch chess, my boy Hashut has just brought his copy of Civ VI out and is making you question whether geedubs is clever enough to comment on the foundations of Western economic and political hegemony but sike, as you weren't looking Hashut grabbed your capital and enslaved your people before turning your mansion into a forge. He's evil, he represents evil, its fun to play as the evil guys, I love Hashut. Tldr; Horns of Hashut are cool because Hashut is a real piece of work.
  4. GW did it, by the seven heavens GW did it 😍😍😍😍😍 Could I dare to dream, to see duardin ladies whenever any of our factions get a refresh...?!
  5. Risking a double post (sorry, catching up on the thread after work!), I just want to say that I'm quite excited for HH - I don't know yet if I'll get the box, at least immediately, but it has biggest chance of being something miniature-related (sans BL novels) I splurge on in a while. I'm still holding hope for Chorfs or at least Hashuites proper in AoS, and I can wait!! Sorry friends, but I'm team ride or die with chaos Duardin 😂
  6. Wait, we are allowed to come out from our flesh-and-guts-coated closets? Yippee!
  7. To see TGA back brings joy to my heart - truly, the last few days without it were dark and dreary! As for the rumour engine, looks definitely AoS-ish. Are those books or am I going blind?
  8. There's a reason why the only WHFB community I hang out with happens to be the few greying longbeards on this very site... I mean, that belief stems from the sadly still cultivated anti-AoS circlejerk I still sadly find out in the wild on sites like Reddit, and I have a gut feeling some view TOW not only as the second coming of WHFB but the end of AOS (which definitely isn't happening - worst selling year for AoS has probably broken WHFB's best selling year). Now, we won't know for sure to what extent GW will actually support TOW or not, but the fact that they've been so silent about it makes me think that there's some troubles behind the scenes. I'm not expecting anything more than starting with some Empire civil war campaign book and a few overpriced resin miniatures, probably giving out either free or paid rules for most old armies but expecting you to source the miniatures yourself. Especially if TOW is delayed so long that most of Cities of Sigmar will be squatted in favour of Dawnbringers.
  9. I'm not in this hobby to be competitive (to me, the 'narrative' of a fight beats sheer balance), and I've before here wished for more fluffy rules. Really happy to know m̶y̶ ̶o̶p̶p̶o̶n̶e̶n̶t̶ I'm not the only one who'll be grinning when I'm brutally tabled. Honestly, I'd not be surprised if "play with your old armies" means that greybeards who already got WHFB armies have rules (read: almost Legends-tier) to play. I genuinely don't think GW will keep molds around, mayhaps do a few limited time waves. Kind of how you can TECHNICALLY play with Chorfs or Tomb Kings in Blood Bowl, but GW themselves doesn't support them at all. At least Chorfs got a BB 1.0 pdf ruleset but afaik that hasn't been updated to the current edition. I don't want to be cynical, as I'm excited for TOW, but I don't think GW worries about any possible aesthetical or size mismatch between AoS and WHFB minis. I find it even highly unlikely that we'll see all the old school armies getting new FW miniatures - surely it'll take years of drip feeding, starting with Empire/one bad guy faction.
  10. 40K may have an absolutely gorgeous avatar, but we have an avatar T-posing to assert dominance, so who's the REAL winner here huh?!
  11. I'm gone a while and upon my return HollowHills has become the new Whitefang - how much have I really missed in my absence 😩 But if she's correct, at least it'll spice up the thread as the Cult of the Bleached Fang faces the Hollow Hill Orthodoxy.
  12. You're going off correctly! That's why I also changed the profile pic a while back, to avoid any confusion (as comical as chorf pepes might have been). The fyreslayers are GW's biggest wasted wasted potential. There's...surprisingly much you can do with the aesthetics and GW just...doesn't. And not even fem Fyreslayers to give something else than ginger nude guys! Bring your own potatoes and you can start the first all-digital chip shop 🙂 I know this is even less likely than seeing Chorfs anytime soon, but as a fellow harlot for hobbits halflings I would welcome an AoS-fied take on them. And who doesn't love creepy marionattes and gnarly gnomes???
  13. You're as wise as the bones of Khemri are restless, my friend! Maybe the enemy to Dawnbringers in next edition? Although classic Sumerian big hats most likely will never return, I do think there are elements of the near east in the armour of Horns of Hashut.
  14. Or THE GRUDGE! Because this is going in the book! On a theoretical level I fully agree, as a big proponent of model and lore diversity and showcasing that through the miniatures, but for the Chorfs - bearded or not - in the fandom this feels like insult to injury. I am SUPER happy for Hashut being canon again and this will definitely tempt me into purchasing the next Warcry starter set if it includes Horns of Hashut, but I'd have taken even a single Chorf in the warband as a victory 😭 Oh well, maybe the real Chorfs were the grudges we settled on the way.
  15. Apologies for reposting my own meme, but this is my reaction after today
  16. That was...whelming. I like the Ogroids, but I feel like every new Sylvaneth model moves them further from my personal taste - but I'm happy for those that are excited! I bet there will be awesome paint jobs on them. Dawnbringers being humans only saddens me deeply...I dreamt about multiracial units, to fully realise the multicultural nature of Cities. However, I know myself well enough that I'm a sucker for the "common man/woman/enby" faction from a fiction and lore standpoint, so I'll probably fall in love with them as they're eventually released.
  17. Are you me? I swear I was looking at yesterday's reveals like "Ooooh, I want to play Crusade with Chaos Knights! Ooooooooooh, I want to make a body horror CSM army! Ooooooooh Dwarf lady bikers!!!" Here's hoping for awesome reveals today - although I'll have to catch them late!
  18. Having caught up on today's reveals after work - wow, 40K fans dined well tonight! I'm also amazed that Warhammer got it's first modern female dwarves (which I've clamoured over) and it's NOT in AoS 😂😂😂
  19. You're right - not every faction gets their own Primaris Duardin!!
  20. I fully agree! But sadly I can confirm what the prophet @Whitefang has said, having seen leaks on Discord myself. The Horns of Hashut don't look Dwarfy nor do they have any keyword that would herald (heh) Chorfs 😭
  21. Okay, who used the monkey's paw to wish for new Eshin, only to get sneaky albino rat demons? Jokes aside, I'm excited for tomorrow!
  22. This is why I'm championing for Duardin women, but at this rate Shyish will freeze over before I get my Duardin ladies 😔
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