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Everything posted by NauticalSoup

  1. Is there actually a game rule to that effect? Historically WarCom has been pretty unreliable when it comes to the actual mechanics of the game. And they may be referring to how it is intended to work in the new army book.
  2. Why so many Gutrippas as a starting point? Barring significant changes in the book they're looking like chaff, minimum battleline and done.
  3. Morgok's Krushas didn't go up proportionally to brutes so they're probably fine for this tiny window pre-codex. On the other hand, Ardboys fit snuggly into any space Krushas fit into and are mostly just better? Krushas do a hair more damage but the Ardboys are faster, have more wounds and their shield save. Krushas being a tiny squad are less vulnerable to battleshock than full brute squads but still, lose one guy and they can fail. It's not a big enough difference to never bring Krushas but they're not exactly standing out.
  4. I'm not sure there's any scenario where Freeguild Guard are worth reinforcing. They were never much of a combat unit in the first place and now burning your reinforcements on a big chaff blob doesn't seem very appealing. The +1 save from swords is vastly more useful on a chaff unit than a very incremental increase in their damage potential. And swords can still fight in two ranks anyway.
  5. I can't believe I read all that and now feel like I understand SCE military organization even less than I did before. SCE certainly seem like they would be logistically dysfunctional, with units formed at an anachronistically small level and then siloed off into these different branches of leadership and organization despite fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with troops from every branch and school. It's the same thing that annoys me about Primaris Space Marine organization only amped up a hundred fold and applied to a much larger force. Does anyone who has read a lot of the lore know if SCE attend to their own logistical and support needs, or do they have like... mortals populating most of their fortresses keeping everything running. I hope it's the former. I find the idea of a Stormcast POG amusing.
  6. My motivation to learn to play current Warclans with the rules being replaced in like a month is negligible. I'm sure Big Waaagh! is still fine for this last few weeks it exists in its current form, but as before it scales heavily on access to point generation so probably not the greatest at 1k.
  7. There's no way - 25mm bases can fight two ranks deep always and can squeeze in more frontage. Even with the spears, the greatswords will get more attacks in - significantly more depending on the terrain. Remember also that a single greatsword hits HARDER than a single Vindictor, and if there's a hero they go from 'harder' to 'much harder'. Their mortal wounds are in addition to their base damage rather than in substitution. The Vindictor reach will only compensate for their colossal bases, it won't guarantee they can all fight and even when they can, 15 Vindictors doesn't hit very hard. 10 greatswords inflict 12 and change wounds before armor with no general 5 vindictors inflict 5 against same, including MW generation for both. Even if we account for the greatswords added points cost, and even if we refuse to bring a freeguild general, there's no world where vindictors hit even close to as hard - I mean your 15 vindictors IF they can all fight -barely- beat out just the first ten greatswords.
  8. The ward rule is written in such a way that suggests abilities not stated to be wards are subject to the 'one ward save' restriction. This subject has been beaten to death again and again many pages earlier - right now it remains a coin-flip if these abilities will be allowed to work together and it still needs an FAQ or codex re-write. Read the rule again. Units are not allowed one ward, the WOUNDS are alllowed one ward. That means after the first potentially wound-negating roll taken against an about-to-be-allocated wound you are not allowed another. All that remains to be seen is if GW intends literally all wound negating abilities to be considered wards whether or not they are labelled as such. If that is indeed their intent then that would make the praetor ability a 'ward roll' as per the core rules and thus incompatible with any other ward saves taken against the same wound. And again, this argument has been hashed out in detail repeatedly. GW's intent remains ambiguous without clarification. Stop with these silly 'I'm a mind-reader I know how GW wants this to work' posts.
  9. I think it's just broken isn't it? The SCE FAQ was clearly predicated on the assumption a lot of these problems will just go away with a new book.
  10. This is a really good example of how this kind of conveyance is useless and fundamentally doesn't exist in Sigmar, except in Sleboda's mind. Sometimes dwarves are extremely slow, other times very mobile. Some of them are insanely durable, others are soft as paper. The naked ones are much tankier than the ones dripping in platemail, for example. When you look at a block of skinny elf PGs with dinky old models you probably don't think 'arguably the toughest unit in the entire game'. And yet that's exactly what they are. The appearance of miniatures might matter in other wargames, it doesn't matter in this one. Never has, never will.
  11. That's the idea at least, but based on people's reactions to the endless wellspring of tedious, often badly-researched fluff articles WarCom has been spitting out nonstop for 3.0 the hype doesn't just magically grow because you make people wait. There's been a lot of talk, yes, but a lot of it has been negative. Far more negative than 9th edition 40k which during the buildup window gave people a lot more to actually be hyped about.
  12. I agree, it's annoying. Unfortunately I think waiting for the book is exactly what we're going to have to do. If we get any teasers they won't be exhaustive so waiting it is
  13. People always seem very confident of GW's inner workings despite the veil of secrecy over it all. The last true insider piece I remember reading was from that fellow who was around for the initial launch of AoS. That certainly gave the impression that pivoting on a dime was definitely the MO for GW management at that time, to the determent of their releases. I've had conversations with people who have worked for or with GW in the past, they're just like every other corporate outfit at the end of the day. Sluggish thanks to their size but occasionally surprisingly agile thanks to their enormous pool of resources. And the banner looks like a scare shield. It doesn't look like Kragnos. The one on Kragnos' base looks so tacked on if anything that would only make me more convinced it was a last-minute change.
  14. Ardboys are dated as anything BUT when you consider their age they hold up incredible well. Arguably one of the best models of their time. But back in those days orc posture was slightly uh different, and as mentioned they are clearly designed to fit on square bases (although I can tell you from painful experience that was a big ask - they were so massive even on their larger 25mm squares they usually had to be organized in a specific configuration to sit flush, tetris style) I'm happy with my mob of twenty year old black orcs but if they did an updated sculpt to look more Ironjawsy I would probably pick up a few just to have them. I would be very sad if Ardboys got squatted altogether, Brutes are fine but we have so few models as it is and 40mm bases have always been awful in Sigmar and I can't see that ever changing. Also me and my buddies are 100% convinced Kragnos was originally a BoC sculpt that got pitched into destruction late in production. He seems so shoehorned in, and the claim that scareshields are supposed to look like his face is pretty laughable (and doesn't seem to even jive with the lore of him being a recent addition to the region)
  15. Right now it's looking pretty mandatory since you want the spellcasting capability AND the warscroll abilities which are mutually exclusive (design mistake imo). Probably use the my ironjawz weirdboy as swampcalla #2, some other grot as the pot grot maybe just the killaboss' depending on what kind of general the lists end up with.
  16. Sleboda is at least doing an excellent job illustrating why that paragraph is so unpopular, if nothing else.
  17. You can 100% only use it once per turn. It's specifically worded so it doesn't care how many imperatants you have.
  18. I mean this latest wave of releases suggests they'll continue to push SCE as Space Marines until they're crushed under the weight of their SKUs. As a SCE player it kinda makes me cringe to think that we may already be nearing the end of life for the first wave of figures after only a few years.
  19. All we can say for the moment is the warscrolls and prices as we've seen aren't particularly competitive against the other tools currently available in Warclans. If that's going to change remains to be seen. For reference, we also have no idea what will become of Ironjawz and Savage Orruks - the entire book is an unknown, could be largely reprinted or it could be totally overhauled. Could be powerful, weak, or anything in between. We can really only speculate.
  20. It's only usable in Kruleboys until we get a new book which may or may not say otherwise. Honestly the army probably won't work very well until we do, it's pretty anemic.
  21. I haven't read enough new stuff to speak about Yndrasta but the Celestant Prime is the first Stormcast. He's above all the other stormcasts and is Sigmar's direct agent, his right hand and foremost champion. He would presumably be above all the other stormcasts, regardless of their military rank within their respective hosts. Fluff wise I also get the impression that he is unrivaled in power as far as stormcasts go, although that's not really represented in the game.
  22. I hope they can benefit from Big Waaagh type allegiances even if they're meh in Kruleboys. Then at least they'll have a job as a cheap screen. Edit: also I have no idea why they exist they're probably a teaser unit for chaos dwarves or something silly
  23. Whew that's a relief. I was super irritated they didn't include it in the Dominion set. Now just need an extra banner.
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