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Everything posted by woolf

  1. amazing well done! which red are u using? very vibrant by the looks of it!
  2. thx ye i used 3 small LEDs and put a switch under, i think looks ok to have him on a plinth and is easier to fit, although someone more skilled would have built a proper terrain base 😅 Also I think there is enough room to hide the electronics in his included base terrain if preferred
  3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/ tbh not sure about warcry but there is a doc on here called Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Base Sizes that I was thinking of
  4. you can find this in the downloads section on warhammer community site
  5. I wonder if his defeat opens up for a weaker Nagash re-entering at lets say 500-600 pts cost (more like the other God-models). Not sure the 800+ range is good for the game anyways so might not be a bad thing, assuming they get the warscroll right and he can fit in more lists that way.
  6. maybe they have a different text in the new battle tome? i.e. on the pitched battle page
  7. if he was not intended as a generic hero the warscroll should have been "*insert aelvish name* Loreseeker of Hysh"...
  8. thx yes I see it now. I do wonder what his name is though 😂 I think we should ask for an FAQ on this...
  9. hmm ok.. i checked GHB but it only says unique units can only be chosen once, nothing about them being treated as named or restrictions on artifacts/cmd traits. so unless there is a FAQ you can take an artifact on Loreseeker as far as I can tell at least
  10. where is this text located? I'm aware core rules state that named Characters cant pick artefacts (core rules pg 15) but not that unique also equals named? edit: Reading the flavor text on loreseeker it very much does not come across as Named, and it carries no artefacts so would surprise me if you cannot pick an artifact, I think they just wanted to restrict it to one per army to not allow some obnoxious spam list...
  11. It reminds me a lot to when OBR dropped, iirc there was a thread called something like "OBR hideously overpowered" that was basically a wall of complaint against petrifex, a bit similar to the current "Lumineth victims thread" that is up now. I'm sure it will blow over, and if there is something in particular (as was with Petrifex) it might get nerfed. But reality is also that LRL isnt winning every tournament, far from so in fact and that will likely be picked up by the various content creators on youtube etc and they wont show up as the top "S-tier" army when ppl search google for "Best AOS faction" and things like that. I find the whole NPE thing a bit silly, what if I just hate losing, then all bad matchups are NPE etc etc. In those cases its just about the sentiment of the player so well, you simply need to accept that all ppl arent great opponents in this game (its a game about outplaying your opponent after all)...
  12. maybe make them green? should work given the blue/yellow if you want it tied together. or maybe yellow if u don't want another color in there
  13. Makes sense all, well it was a fun thought at least And I wouldnt mind an FAQ re Garrison and the ES interaction... but I think you are right
  14. if the shrine thing can move around though...
  15. Stick a cathallar in the auralan legion there close to the a sentinel unit from the battalion. So with the Sanctum spell (assuming that works) she gets -2 to hit (-3 from shooting with look out sir), 3+ save with rr1. And she hands out all out attack to sentinels
  16. garrison units get cover and also a neg 1 to hit yes (core rules, but rarely used since not much terrain is possible to garrison, however now if we get something we can place that might change...)
  17. guys, how do you figure the sanctum of amyntok spell interacts with garrison rules? i.e. if I put it up and then hide in the shrine, will the spell be dispelled? or will the defence stack with the garrison buff? i.e. -2 hit & +2 save ?
  18. not sure I agree there is that much negativity, what I can see its mainly the counter reaction to crys about LRL being more OP and NPE etc etc while when you think about these new units from perspective of fielding them those reactions doesn't really seem to be justified (obv based only on what has been revealed)...
  19. agree with this, its weird that they used a specialized nation as the main color scheme... But the Ymetrica lore is very tightly connected to the Alarith and mountains etc so would be more logical to introduce a new specialist nation for the wind-guys I would think (as opposed to add new rules to Ymetrica covering Hurakan key worded units)... unless they retcon the Ymetrica lore to be aelementiri focused rather than Alarith 😂 but that would obviously be super weird given this was clearly designed as one book from the start and then cut in half for the releases.. Perhaps what they will do is add to the lore of Ymetrica to also include wind-temple and then add a second set of rules for Hurakan (as currently the ymetrica abilites are keyworded Alarith)
  20. for clearing hordes, we already have dawnriders rigth? I think maybe if they get some body guard ability and in particular if they could stack more neg to hit from shooting (like old swordmasters) on top of shining company they could serve a role protecting mages, but only if they are fairly cheap (or we will get immortal guard in OBR problem). I think for sure they will have the MW on 6+ like all other sunmetal but yeah in practice doesn't look like they will do much dmg which was kinda what we needed more (ie ability to deal with big wound count opponents). I think main risk now is that we really become a shooting army, in particular if ballista and wind spirit turns out to be damage dealers...
  21. I too did some more reading and I would change my mind and agree this should be possible given how the sentinel rule is written. I would think of it like this. 1. a sentinel unit behind an obstacle have no legal target to shoot 2. activating the squad lead would "light up" one enemy unit, now making it a legal target, and in fact the only legal target for them to shoot at so only way for us to avoid this would be to make sure there are still other units in their LoS
  22. yep agree set up is far from certain, ye with the extra zaitrec spell it was more so that on success the cathallar who would then he multicast should have a second lorespell, eg u could give one of them eclipse and the other speed eg in addition to the protection spell. ofc not same flexibility as teclis, but also you save some points..
  23. hi guys! has anyone tried to run a cathallar on balewind + sanctum endless spells as a "proxy" for Teclis? figured you could run 2 cathallars, and in Zaitrec for the extra spell. one could also carry silver wand for the extra cast. and potentially pick twin stones as the third ES. should at that point be able to cast protection of hysh with range 15" from the (seemingly?) large base of the sanctum ES it should be quite a workable bubble? thoughts on this idea?
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