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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. I may be a little late in the reply to help with the tournament, but I prefer your first list. I'm not a huge fan of the Ancient, but I prefer him more than the Incarnate. I would suggest you consider trading the wych+ancient for a warsong. You loose the reliable tree, but you get a much better caster. But that is exactly why people call they the best galletian veterans, they are a screen that has a role even after you don't need a screen anymore. Sure you opponent may fell good killing a annoying unit, but it just killed a screen, your actual important units are all alive. With woods + overgrowth terrain and the gossamid/seekers/lancers we have a really good mobility already, you don't need to keep tree-rev alive for this role.
  2. I make sense to not include them so people who start a Soulblight army with the box will be more interested in picking it up, but not so much for the people that got the box just for the game. If the expansion is pretty cheap, sure having to make other buys is just a hassle, but if the expansion is expensive demanding extra buys will make it less interesting. I wonder if they have a good idea of the original box target audience (people who got in the hobby and got a full soulblight army vs those that just got the game). Well, taking out the 3 sprues + their building instructions wouldn't be that hard if the boxes weren't finalized. It really fill like "this was supposed to come last yer, but as it was massively delayed we changed it a little".
  3. Yeah that is my main problem with our rules, we are the trick faction but we have very little tricks we you get them in the table. You have a couple during before the game start (dirty tricks, supa sneakky) and them one use of the waagh during the game and you are done. Its a little sad because a more general form of teleportation/deep strike (which would be really flavorful) would help solve one of the main issues we have now, that is the lack of mobility... While I completely agree Gutrippaz need to come down in points, I REALLY hope this isn't the only change they make. We talked a lot of changes to they could make to our actual rules, but I think what we truly need is an extra one or two to solve our issues (as I don't expect new models/units before the next edition). If they just drop our points we will simple end in a similar place Beast of Chaos were before their tome celestial, with everything being super cheap due to lackluster rules.
  4. Sorry to hear about some of the matches, you seen to have faced most of the problems that Kruleboyz has as an faction (to dice dependent, units are easily deleted, not much we can do after they delete the boltboyz). In my experience 2x6 boltboyz perform better than a unit of 9, it still packs enough damage and gives two things your opponent need to deal with rather than just 1. I'm never had much success with the mirebrute when I didn't have supa sneaky to put him in a better position. Maybe he could be a good body guard for the boltboyz? How did the spiders and the rippaz perform in those games (assuming your list was the last list you posted here)? Honestly all of the tricks should just be "pick D3 targets" rather than the convoluted rolls inside rolls we have. We already depend so much on good rolls to get our damage, we don't need even more inconsistency in one of our few tricks we have as a army.
  5. My setup for the initial wood depend a little on how the terrain is set up. I like using it to block some paths if able, but I also depend on which terrains I will be able to choose as Overgrowth and the army I'm facing as well. My rule of thumbs generally are: 1) Try blocking a path with it (mostly for line of sight, but it can help with creating narrow combat paths as well). 2) Try to fill possible gaps the overgrowth terrain will left (you can have a general idea of which terrains you will be able to choose before setting it up). 3) If 1 is not possible and 2 isn't a issue (overgrowth gives you a nice board coverage), place it near a objective you expect to be fighting for or at the back of your deploy as a escape zone (so your opponent don't zone out your strike and fade). Placing it super ahead in your deploy is also a option when you have a spellsinger general you want to keep as far as possible from your opponent. I totally agree the TLA woods is much more easy to use and flexible, but it has a downside of being expensive compared to the acorn. The TLA wood can be used pretty aggressively, placing it right in front of the enemy deploy or even inside it if they don't zone out during their deploy. If this is something you want to do with your list, the TLA is the unique option to get this reliably. The acorn main job, other than the ones I gave for the initial woods, is giving you another wood for spellsinger to originate. It is much more useful as a zone projection tool than as a offensive one. If you are going second it can work more offensively, but it will depend on your opponent coming forward. Putting in an example,if you want a"place it 3" from the opponent so I can teleport a unit 9" from it and charge + strike and fade" wood you need the TLA while the a acorn is more of "place it in a part of the board that I wish I have treesong (in your case, ca be other spells) + warsong spell" wood. Now about setting the bearer, the games I gave the warsong it I deployed it much more aggressively (aka forward) them I generally do. I thing his ward generally prevent him from being shoot of the board, but I didn't face something with super strong shooting (like some SCE or Seraphon lists) to see how well this hold. In general I try to deploy him near overgrowth terrain rather than my initial wood, so I don't end with 2 wood too close to each other.
  6. I like your first list better to be honest, I played with something pretty similar and it work really well. When you didn't get the wood, it was doing to falling to cast it/it being unbound? I'm a little underwhelmed by the TLA after using it in some practice games. The free forest is really good, but the rest of the TLA warscroll do very little. One work around I find for the free forest is getting the Acorn as one of the artefacts. Its much easier to fit into a list, specially in a army with so many expensive pieces like ours. If you are able, try using your first list with it in some of your pratice games. You would need to swap the arcane tome of the warsong for it (it hurts a little, but without him knowing spell lore and just one endless spell I found the extra cast a little too much some times) or you could change the arch-rev for a wych and give it to her, swpping the gladius for it. I would suggest you try changing the tome for it first and see if you miss the 3rd spell too much or not. Of the other two lists you posted, I like the one with Durthu better. I like having two hammers in a list, even if just one of them will be able to use strike and fade in a turn. 6 kurnoths are pretty resilient, but Its not hard for some lists to finish all of them in one go. In those situations the list with the seekers would have only them has a hammer, and they don't compare to what 6 kurnoths/Durthu can do damage wise.
  7. Any news on the next week preorders price yet?
  8. It is still a little early to tell for sure, blades ability is really meta dependent and the meta is still shaping for this new GHB. By what I saw so far the meta seems to moving away from mass shooting, which make Grinning blades less good. I wouldn't be surprised if shooting comes back when the Lumineth and Tzeentch tomes drop, as both factions had pretty strong shooting before. This looks pretty interesting, I'm just not sure if it wouldn't change the sludgeraker to a more proactive role (fighting with krondspire to still be in range of Egomaniak) and make harder for him to support the boltboyz.
  9. I may be a little biased towards this thanks to my local meta, but I think shooting isn't as prominent as it was last GHB. SCE, DoK, Idoneth, Seraphon, KO, Cities and some Sylvaneth lists (aka the order factions) are the ones that tend to have some shooting on their lists, but outside of KO and some Idoneth lists I'm not seeing list fully focused on shooting. Do you have more hobgrotz? Maybe you could change your sub to Yellers, reduce the gutrippaz to a MSU unit (to fill battleline) and put 2 units of 10 hobgrotz in place of the other 10 Gutrippaz you had? Hobgrotz work much better as a screen this GHB and 2 units should give you a better maneuverability.
  10. Aethercast released last week a free battlepack extension for games up to 1.5k points. I didn't get to play with it yet, but I liked what I saw. Maybe it can help fix some of the issues people pointed before about games smaller than 2k (table size, number of objectives). For those interested here is the link to get it: https://ko-fi.com/s/f120b6f232 (The pdf is free, it is pay what you want).
  11. At least for us I don't think it would change much, as you said, you can get basically this by going big waaagh (loosing the sub bonus and the dirty tricks basically) and its not big waaagh kruleboy focused lists are doing any better than pure kruleboyz. We really need units that we can buff with VEW and our other abilities to get some synergy going. The genestealer ambush makers would be so perfect for us! Maybe when we get our 4 edition tome we will get something similar to that. IMO changing the dirty tricks to "pick D3 units" rather rolling 3 D3 and picking for each 4+ and fixing the Gurtrippaz problem (making them cheaper and/or giving us another battleline) would go a long way to at least move us to the fat middle. It give me some hopes that those two could happen after the changes in the last GHB and in some of the tome celestials.
  12. Anyone here had any success with using bladegheists outside of Scarlet doom? I really like the models, but not enough to get the 40+ most scarlet doom lists seen to use. I was thinking of using 2 MSU units of them in a Emerald host list has harassers, but I not sure they fit this role well without the mortals scarlet provides.
  13. Warhammer Weekly had a cool show yesterday on Kruleboyz and what is holding them back competitively and could be changed.
  14. Our FAQ is out and it confirms you can't teleport to the Lady of Vines (and to the kurnoths as well as they basically have the same wording just changing woods to overgrowth). https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/i9glN5rI974iVwyu.pdf
  15. Yeah 2x10 gutrippaz are expensive, but maybe its the way to go until bounty hunters become less common (if they ever do during this GHB)? I like the shackles idea, but most of the games I tried them they don't last more than a turn, so they work to slow your opponent down but not that much to safeguard a zone.
  16. Yeah, that is a problem. We gonna need to see how prevalent shooting will still be in this GHB. Covered in Mud and Pebble could help a little, but can be pretty unreliable. Honestly I getting tired of trying to make our tome work. It looks so out o place with the other 3rd edition tomes and in both GHBs so far it feels we are punished/left out of what that season promotes. I just hope we get more balance changes in the next update because I don't fell the changes to Grinning blades were enough.
  17. Yeah I'm getting the same impression with my tests so far. Bounty Hunters just wreck Gutrippaz. Before they used to last some attacks at least, but every game I got on the new GHB they just melt once a bounty hunter gets near them. The visibility effect of grinning blades is good, but it it be all or nothing in the matches I played (or it really do work or it changes nothing cause the opponent don't have long range shooting/spells). I'm not sure yet it is worth the tax of having to take 2x Gutrippaz for the battleline.
  18. Pretty cool list! I can imagine it working with Harvestboon as much as Heartwood with the amount of bugs you have there. "Take what is theirs" from the GHB is a good one for us, as we can easily be in our opponent territory with our teleports and the bugs. About the spells, I don't like regrowth very much if you don't have a Treelord variant or Drycha. Your list in particular don't need it much, as both seekers and riders can heal back to full wounds with their ability. I would suggest you take Verdurous Harmony to bring back a extra model if needed. I agree with @KarrWolves on the artefacts, the Warsong should be able to get the important spells out with his +1 and the reroll (unless you regularly face Teclis and Seraphon with higher casting bonuses). Arcane tome is pretty good with the spellsinger to get more use out of it. I also like the accorn with spellsinger when you don't have a TLA as it can give you a extra woods to serve as a portal (and a extra Treesong area as well). The battlemage in place of the wych is also a good suggestion, if you are ok taking allies in your list. Do you plan on taking battalions? You could go battle regiment for the 1 drop or get a extra artefact + bounty hunters + expert conquerors.
  19. It need to be GW models or are you open to 3D models? Fleshcraft studios and Cult miniatures have some 3D models that could work. With GW models I just saw one that used dryads with Spite arms. Honestly if you don't plan on using dryads I imagine they could work pretty well as spites. Glad to hear it work well! Did you find the Bounty hunters with the treelords useful? I not finding too much GV that it help kill in my games, so I'm starting to considered going back to the 1 drop lists. Also, would you change something in it after your games?
  20. @KarrWolves summarized her uses pretty well. She is definitely playable. She is a great utility piece with a good damage, but she can die pretty easy if you are not careful with where you send her. As long as she don't die before summoning and doing some casting, she should do well as you can bring her back on turn 4~5. Also I recommend trying to get some casting bonus for her, be it the gnarlroot 3d6 or the dwindling or cogs rerolls. Now about the list you suggest, I think it can have legs, but I wouldn't go all in with the Hunters. The balance between our units roles favors a more balanced play style rather than spamming a unit, from my experience so far. Hunters are resilient hammers, but they are pretty slow and lack the mobility some of our other units have. My personal list with her in Heartwood is pretty similar to the one Karrwolves posted, I just changed the bows + cogs for scythes and the season to dwindling (I avoiding bows so far mostly because the players I usually play are getting tired of shooting).
  21. Hmmm that is possible, didn't think about it on the first read. If this is the case it could fit perfectly if we consider the spider gitz as filling the gitz space for both symbols (or maybe the khorne one is the one that will be left out as it was just at the corner of the image). We will probably know once we the ox is out if there is any lore about the other warbands in it (like happened with the spire tyrants and the scions of the flame). Its not impossible, but in the article its pretty clear that the warband will be comming in those duel boxes. So far all warcry warbands were brandy new sculpts and unit for AoS, so I wouldn't expect repacking or even just updates of existing units with it.
  22. So with the image from the other day with the faction symbols we may be able to guess the next 6 warbands. The only thing is that we seem to have more than 6 symbols. We had: - Nurgle (probably the rootmire warband we alredy saw) - Chaos (Probably the Hashut warband) - Tzeetch - Khorne - Gitz - Mawtribes - Orruks - Soulblight - Spider (another gitz?) - 2 skull symbols that don't see as easy to fit into a single faction 11 Symbols, so 3 of those will be left out I assume? Any guesses on which one are more likely?
  23. I would expect Kruleboyz to fill the "new destruction army", but a update to a existing one is still possible. If the symbols in the map turn to be true we can expect at least a warband for Ironjawz (I assume that is the Ironjawz symbol rather than a generic orruk one), Gitz and Ogors, which basically mean a extra unit for each. I doubt Orruks will get much more has they got a 3 edition book alredy. Gitz is one of the big armies of the game model/warscroll wise, so I doubt they will get much more than the warband + a hero if they get featured in a double box. Giants is kind hard to expand on if they want to keep the low model count monster army, so a upgrade sprue or a single kit would be the max I would expect. Mawtribes is the one that would need a update as it has some pretty dated kits, so I would say they are the most probable to get something big between the destruction factions.
  24. Yeah, Sun is specially bad for armies with lots of expensive heroes like ours... I been trying Oakenbrow for a couple of games and I think it has some legs. Doubt it will be our most competitive glade but as long as you don't focus to hard on spamming treelords it work pretty well. I think if you try to limit yourself to 3-4 treelords variants among 1-2 Durthus, 1-2 Treelords and 0-1 Ancients it should be more than enough to benefit from the allegiance while still having space in the list for other units.
  25. Two more Gossamids done! Decided to give each one a unique pattern on the wings (which make them take even more to paint 😅).
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