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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. This is mostly My opinion on those units after using them or feedback I got from other groups from people that used them. Right now we are a fairly elite army thanks to our huge points and big blocks of dryads and spite-revs suffering in this GHB. If you want to focus around a unit I would say Kurnoths and Seekers/Lancers (in the right glade to open them as battleline) are you best bet. Treelords in oakenbrown can work, but I personally don't like using more than 2 even there. Leaders - Drycha: She is a damage hero and a really polarizing one, some people love her and others hate her. She is fragile, but can do a nice amount of mortal wounds at range (even if a little short one) and works well with strike and fade. She is really playstyle dependent. - Durthu: He is another damage hero, more resilient than Drycha but a little swing some times due to the nature of his weapon profile (low number of attacks with high damage). He really shiny in Oakenbrown due to it keeping him at the top profile pretty much. I generally favor him over Drycha in my lists due to him be able to get command traits and artefacts and providing some extra support with the stomp. - TLA: It main function is giving you a tree anywhere on the board and without relying on spells. It is a support hero, but I personally don't think it bring enough support for its points (other than the tree i just has the stomp + a single cast). It is hard to replace the tree it bring tough, so it has its own niche. - Lady of vines: Another support hero, she brings a nice package in the form 10 dryads, 2 spells, a 5+ ward bubble spell and counting as a wood. The main downside of her is that the spell is quiet unreliable without the Gnarlroot effect of the Dwindling reroll. She does it job as a support better than the TLA for me, but some games I fell she does very little if the 5+ ward fail/is unbound. - Warsong: Our best spell caster due to the +1 cast in his warscroll. This together with the 2 casts and access to Spellsinger trait give him the edge over our other spell casters to me. If you want more reliability in your spells and endless spells he is the best choice. - Arch-revenant: One of our cheapest heroes. While her bonus to kurnoth makes the synergy between them clear, I would say she can have value if you have good targets for her command ability (Seekers/lancers in units of 6 for example our a 15 spite-rev unit). I generally find her more useful than the Branchwych when I have the points to spare in my lists. Units - Gossamid: They can be a little match dependent. Against melee enemies they are a incredible screen (as long as you roll those 2+ after the unleash hell). Against ranged enemies they die really easy. I like them if you don't have a seeker/lancer in your list to provide some mobility, but don't expect much damage from them (unless you are REALLY good at rolling 6s). Tree-revs : I always start a list with at least a unit of tree-revs (unless I'm trying something super thematic as all treelord oakenbrown). They are really good as a screen that has utility after you don't need a screen anymore. 2 Units are super common and even 3 if you are using a subfaction that don't give another battleline option. Kurnoths: I find really hard to not include a unit of them in most lists as well. My rule of thumbs is 3s for swords, 6 for scythes and 6 for bows (other numbers work as well, but I generally start from those and change them after some games). The bows need a arch-rev with them, the other can work without her. They make a really good offensive threat with a good survivability, their only downside is the slow movement.
  2. Yeah, some smaller releases like Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth are possible, but I wouldn't expected a big release for any of the factions in spring. Other 4 factions will get at least a new unit with the warcry expansions, so there is that at least. The next big release will probably be the dawnbringer crusade.
  3. There is a difference in whitefang liking a comment because it is a hint of things to come out because he just liked what was said. Some say it's the same difference between the fyreslayers models, which means we will never know for sure what kind of like he gave us!
  4. Assuming we have 2 goblins and assuming the shaman second from the right is for the underwolrds warband, maybe the other one second from the left is for the Gitz tome release? If it is a goblin it seem to be mounted into something... maybe a new spider boss? Or maybe it isn't a goblin at all and is just a hero for another faction with a bunch of strange weapons.
  5. Looks about right. A little sad that AoS/Underwolrds get just one image, which may tell us there is little reveals for us. I wouldn't be surprised after this if the beast teaser just end being for Gallet Season of War.
  6. Underworlds is very unlikely as we have the road map, but if it is the beast tome I doubt it will be more than the regular foot hero. We just got a big slaves release and they rarely make those big releases back to back for AoS. At beast, I would imagine a small release as Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt got would be possible. At worst, the singular foot hero they get will be a shaman, the only hero in the range that don't need a new plastic sculpt...
  7. Yeah it make little sense to make another box for slaves when they already did one of the special army boxes for their release. If they reveal a new duel this week, I expect it to be of other factions to get the usual tome + hero or minor update in the start of the next year.
  8. I wouldn't look too much on when the tome was released last edition as a predictor on when it gonna be released on the next one. DoK and Lumineth release this year show that don't mean much. So far the white dwarf "tome celestial" release order seem to be a much better predictor for which battletome is comming. The factions that didn't get one all were released this year (with the exception of gitz, which didn't get one on 3rd but got a couple at the end of 2nd). I wouldn't be surprised if seraphon and soulblight get a tome at the first half of the next year, as cities will probably be delayed to release with the dawnbringer crusade. Until this sequencing is proven wrong by the next battletome releases, it is the most reliable one we have to try to predict something.
  9. With the big slaves release I would expect that the next release would the book + single foot hero, maybe with a duel box. The question is which factions are we getting next?
  10. This is exactly the problem me and my group are having with this edition. Too much lethality (be it mortal wounds, high rend with the now super common +2/+2 profile) to the point of it being a matter of who got to charge/cast/shoot first with its power unit. Most of the games one player has less than 1/3 of its army left while the other has over 2/3. I miss the 2~3 turns with units slowly fighting each other. While we liked the battle tactics and grand strategies has a concept when 3rd dropped, nowadays they are just chore. I saw them as another form to add something else to the game rather than just fighting inside the objective. Instead they ended boiling own to 3 types: choosing a unit to kill this turn, doing something almost irrelevant to you or something super niche case that depend on you including specific units in your army or rolling well. I'm trying to find some more casual battlepacks so we can play without the polarizing GHB rules and try to keep the group interested in AoS. I really think that a simpler battlepack (that don't make a kind of unit suck) with a good amount of battleplans, as the Tempest of War in 40k, would be good for this edition. Also, one tailor made for smaller points games is really needed, it is really hard to get new people started when they need a 2k army to start playing the game.
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/07/treat-yourself-this-christmas-with-a-choice-of-seven-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-battleforces/ 7 Battleforces! DoK, SCE, Sylvaneth, Nighthaunt, Skaven, Gitz (squigs) and Kruleboyz.
  12. I suggest you ask the moderators, I did this for the orruk and sylvaneth ones.
  13. I imagine they are avoiding going to deep in options and customizations to make it less complex than 40k. Some factions end getting a little more as limiting it to a couple of factions don't affect the game as a whole. Now about the shifts between books, the pattern so far is: - does the army play has you would expect lore wise with their last tome? If yes, you get minor changes (idoneth, fyreslayers, DoK, skaven, lumineth, Tzeentch, giants, ogors fall in this category). - does the army have major cognitive dissonance or bad mechanics? If yes, major changes (Nurgle, Nighthaunt, sylvaneth and slaves fall here). Of the remaining tomes to come in 3rd I imagine Gitz, khorne and Slaanesh will see the most changes in the future. May KO as well, but mostly because the mechanics are really convoluted.
  14. Triple Durthu should be funny to see. Tell us how it went after you get some games with it.
  15. Looking at how the "Monster GHB" made most of the no super tank monsters bad and how the actual "Infantry GHB" is making most no-utility battlelines bad, I wouldn't be surprised if the "hero GHB" end being about avoiding all but the most essential support heroes... The GHB themes see to be more about avoiding the units they focus than incentivizing those units.
  16. So the Battlepack finally dropped and we got out changes. As expected, nothing massive, just letting the shamans give poison/elixir and still cast and and points drops. While points drops are a little underwhelming, I pleasantly surprised with the amounts we got: - Gutrippaz are finally at 160 as many of us asked around here many times. - Killbow, Gobsprakk and both monted killaboss also went down 20 points. I doubt this will help the Killbow at all, but the killaboss options become much more interesting. The Gnashtooth can fill a interesting role as a pretty tank (thanks to its natural 3+ save) and mobile unit for cheap. I personally looking forward to using the the vulcha boss more in the following weeks. - I doubt anyone saw it coming, but snatchaboss went down 25 points and skumdrekk 30 (now they cost the same, 290). Mostly of my lists got around 80 extra points with those changes, which is a extra hobgrot unit for free. Is this enough to make us a better army? I'm not super sure. I imagine this changes will fell much more impactful once the change the battlepack and Bounty hunters stop being a threat to our Gutrippaz and hobgrots. Also, I imagine 2 shamans are now pretty much an auto included in our lists. On minor note, I wonder if Skulbugz can be a little more playable now. A list with 2x sludgerakers + 2 vulchas and 2 gutrippaz for the battleline tax got 135 points cheaper, which is pretty significant. I just not sure if the 3+ -1 to hit is that useful. Maybe if the meta stay more melee focused, it could be a interesting place to explore!
  17. I imagine that giving all the same kind of units to the same faction didn't help with the rules creation. Slaves have 12 warcry warband in it's roster nowadays, all units of around 10 small humans with a bigger model or animals here and there. Unless you give special rules/profiles to every model option, like they used to do with the underwolrds warbands, you end having to use abilities to represent what make them special. Them it becomes a matter of which abilities are more useful/powerful. Maybe having a generic "Chaos cultist" unit with 10 models, which you could choose one ability to have when you include it in your list would work better, at least which model you choose to use would become more a matter of the flavour of chaos you want in your army.
  18. Finally finished my gossamid archers after 2 months! For anyone that is going to paint then and what to paint patterns on their wings, I recommend you do it just on one side. Doing on both sides take a while 😅
  19. If your tournament is ok with proxies, I would advice you simple get something in a 25mm base and tell your opponent it is your battlemage. Buy 4 just to use 1 isn't a good deal truly. Do you have Skaeth's wildhunt? If you do I believe the cat or even one of the Kurnothi should work pretty well as a proxy.
  20. I personally prefer your second list. Do you have a battlemage (or something in a 25mm base you could as a proxy of one)? If you do, I would suggest you change the 10 dryads on the second list for it. The dryads don't do much beside sitting in a objective, as with harvest boon I doubt they will be able to screen for your bugs with their pre-game move. The battlemage give you almost the hive charge bonus (+2 rather than +3), which can help you secure some charges + strike and fade with your lancers.
  21. You wouldn't get any hope up of warscroll changes, GW is pretty resistant to changing warscrolls unless it is rally causing problems (plague monks in the last edition, Archeon and the other factions wide centerpieces). Taking this into account, my hopes would be: - Fixing dirty tricks to simple by "Roll D3 and pick that many..." for Lethal surprise, Disappearin' act and Covered in Mud. - A new rule inside our allegiance. I hope something like "deepstrike from table borders" or something similar Genestealers cults have in 40k with Ambush markers would really fit thematically. - Points changes for Gutrippaz, at least making them 160 points for 10. If we get any warscroll rewrite, I really hope they do so for Gutrippaz. It would have a bigger impact faction wide, as its our generic battleline and one of our few normal units.
  22. I heard some mixed opinions so far. In general the base size isn't much of a problem with the 2" reach + 6" pile in. Its more of a matter of what you expect the unit to do. Lancers are really divisive, some people really like them and some hate them. I generally see them in units of 6 and in bounty hunters. Generally they are used as a strike and fade threat that isn't dependent on teleports+charge bonuses to do their function. Their damage vs no-bounty hunters can be a little lackluster. Seekers are more common sight of the two. How much depend on what you want them to do: - units of 3 are a good mobile unit with a ok resilience and work well supporting kurnoths. Just don't expect much damage from them. - units of 6 are much more self sufficient damage-wise and can stand a punch pretty well. If you want to take seekers as unit by itself I recommend you go with 6. - units of 9 are only possible in harvestboon, and they work as really good objective/area deniers with their really good resilience and the pre-game movement.
  23. How is it delaying AoS releases? If its coming later this month and AoS is soon it probably mean AoS is coming before 40k.
  24. Totally agree with you here, if they touch one or both of those we would be a much better spot. One of the things i dislike the most while playing with kruleboyz is how little rules we have as a faction. You maybe get to do some tricks before the game start and then you just pray you roll a good amount of 6s... I wouldn't be surprised if they just give us a new allegiance rule. Even with making the dirty tricks less random (they really should be roll a D3 and pick that many targets) I doubt this alone would be enough to raise our win rate. We need something more rule wise to make the warscrolls we have work. Of the two points, changing gutrippaz scrolls is probably the surest path to cause a impact. We barely have no-hero options, we nee those to have a place and perform well in those roles to make the army work.
  25. From the meta watch article today: "At the bottom end, Kruleboyz and Gloomspite Gitz both continue to struggle, and have suffered at the hands of Bounty Hunters. Both factions should expect significant boosts in the next Battlescroll. " https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/29/metawatch-how-the-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-team-uses-tournament-data-to-balance-the-game/ The article says the battlescroll is coming soon, so lets hope we get good enough changes to help us rise from the bottom of the meta
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