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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. In my understanding yes, while the unit is within 3" of any Nighthaunt unit it is terrified. I will try to categorize them bellow. There isn't much that interact with it, but there a good amount of effects that happen while a unit is near (like the Lord executioner debuff, it will terrify the ones affected by it but don't care about terrified). Things that need a unit to be terrified/are buffed if the unit is terrified: Things that change how terrified work:
  2. Really hope we this points toward a Calvary unit (rather than just a mounted hero). A 3 wound, good move (8 above) and around 140~180 points would fit perfectly with our actual range.
  3. I wonder if the bug ridding critter is any indication of what Sylvaneth might get...
  4. And there is no drawback in taking them outside of Grieving Legion, as none of the 4 subfactions bonus affect them anyway.
  5. Yeah, the fest reveal as clearly meant to be Sylvaneth at least. At most I would expect them to show the new warcry units, but I doubt they would show us the new re-sculpts this soon. It seen similar to the 40k situation some moths ago, where Genestealer and Tyranids codex were fully leak months before their actual release.
  6. Got a photo of the new Chosen in our local Whatsapp group.
  7. Well, we also got images of the skaven models repacking to support the "Skaven are the next Chaos tome".
  8. There still hope of some minor model release as Nighthaunt got. Eshin have 2 units, they could make a refresh for them, but that would mean no new units (other than a new hero).
  9. Based on the Whitefang likes, Skaven are comming still. Slaves should come after with a big model release.
  10. 5 new warscrolls, I assume 3 of them are from warcry: - Eternuze, Blade of the First Prince (named hero probably) - Ogroid Theridons (elite unit probably, as the name sugest its more than 1 model) - Centaurion Marshal (warcry model similar to the myrmidon?) - Chaos Legionnaries - Horns of Hashut (Warcry warband probably) I wonder of the Chaos dwarf are comming rummors meant them as a Warcy warband for STD rather than a actual standalone faction.
  11. Its probably one of the new tomes for the second half of the year them. If this is the case we can stop looking at tome celestials as a measure of how long it will take for a faction to get a new tome, as slaves got their fairly early.
  12. Basically a range refresh for slave them? in the picture I would guess are models for Chosen and a Demon Prince. There was any mention of which book they come from were you got the picture?
  13. Maybe the chaos banner was supposed to indicate AoS slaves to darkness after all?
  14. Do you like Gitz trolls or are you interested mainly in the Grots? If you like the trolls, they would be usable for both factions (I even remember seeing a troll gitz list using kruleboyz trolls even getting good results in a tournament recently). A Breakaboss and a Marshacrawla would be good buys for this route. I can't help much with Gitz in general, but for the Kruleboyz part I can't recommend enough the Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker. He buff is really strong, helps your whole army, is good by himself and is a awesome models (IMO). A couple more boltboyz go in most list as well. You don't need more gutrippaz if you are ok with spaming the boltboyz, but if you don't like this route a extra unit of gutrippaz to round your minimum battleline is a good next buy as well.
  15. I could be possible! A warband similar to the Shadow Stalkers would be really cool! I the article they said: Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets the treatment on the 5th of May, with new units, new battletomes, and new characters. Maybe they two banners could points toward a good amount of new models.
  16. We finally getting some info on our release! On May 5th we shall know what the future hold for us! From the WarCom article: Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets the treatment on the 5th of May, with new units, new battletomes, and new characters.
  17. Funny that there is 2 banners with the Sylvaneth style. I wonder if it mean anything other than the Sylvaneth vs Skven box + tomes we already know about.
  18. It practically confirm them. They only have done repackings with the new tomes so far. Its a matter of time for they to reveal the tome cover + duel box now.
  19. Those Skaven are marvelous!!! It really show how good new sculpts for them can look like! At the very least they can be the perfect proxy for a unit of gutter runners, they even come in the correct model count!
  20. Of them all, I like using the Gnashtooth one in list some times. The 10" move and 3+ save make him a pretty good mobile with a good enough damage to hold some units for a turn or capture a objective not well guarded. If you use a breaka-boss, the gnashtooth boss can be a good substitute if you need more mobility and is ok with doing less damage. If he was 9 wounds I would be using him much more than I do, but the 10 wounds and the extra drop sucks in those matches that you really need to decide if you go first or not.
  21. I wonder if running a gunhauler (with the compartment) + 3 heroes inside it could be a good idea to get the 2 new battle tactics. You could do savage spearhead > disembark one > Ferocious advance > back to the ship one, 4 battle tactics that don't depend on you killing enemy models!
  22. Why wouldn't 2x10 hobgrtoz fit in the battle regiment? The Gutrippaz and Boltboyz just use 3 slots and the regiment allow 5. The rogue idol is something that was seldom discussed around here, but really is an interesting piece for the army (non-hero monster, +1 to cast for our spell lore, should die a little less easy than most of our units).
  23. In the Sylvaneth Whatsapp group people were talking as his list was the same list he talked about before. Looking at the Twitch video preview it also look like the same list he talks in the video @Iksdee linked.
  24. Yeah I can see most lists starting with a Admiral and a Ironclad from now on. I wonder which will be our best unit to target with the buff, as it is a once per game effect we need to choose really well which unit should receive it. Probably x15 Thunderers or x9 Edrinriggers?
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