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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. Honestly I'm having a hard time justifying the Lady on any of my list so far. She is basically a mobile overgrowth terrain + 5" ward bubble (if you get her spell off, which will require Dwindling or Gnarlroot if you want consistency) + 10 dryads. Its not bad utility, but I'm not sure its enough to justify her points with how expensive most of our units are. You probably gonna cast her spell most of the time, so she basically 1 cast for the lore spell/mystic shield/endless/woods and those will not have any bonus to cast if you want to secure her ward (unless you go Dwindling and Gnarlroot and separate their effects between casts). On the point of her been a better dual caster, I don't think it even come closer. The warsong naturally have the +1 to cast most of the time (unless you are being aggressive with him), can get traits like master of magic or spellsinger and artefacts like the vesperal gem or even the arcane tome to secure a lore spell/get to 3 casts. You can build around his spell as well, which isn't as good as it used to be now that we lost the throne bonuses, but can still do some damage with the portal/spellsinger. To me the Warsong is a hero that you get if you want a good caster and focus your list around magic/endless spells, while the lady is more of a general utility piece that can cast a extra spell if you don't need her ward.
  2. I think its a little of a gamble taking it with just one wizard. If you go against any strong shooting list you may end without a subfaction/season with just one wizard. Your list idea sounds fun, you can easily have a pretty fast army with the Warsinger on Durthu (or Archrev if you prefer a more mobile bubble). Maybe something like this? Reaping is to compensate the fact that you cant set up more woods, so a bigger bubble around the overgrowth terrain will be important. Maybe this will be less of a concern when the Kurnoth get into a objective and start conting as overgrowth. I can see chancing the Crown for the Acorn just to have a extra wood near the opponent deploys if needed after the first turn. Another possibility would be changing dropping 1 unit of tree revs for a Branchwych + the Hive/Wyrm and this would also open the possibility of an extra artefact if you don't worry about your drops. This would make also help with getting extra woods if you need during the game. I will add this one to my "to test" lists for sure!
  3. Sadly they are in 60mm bases. I'm not sure if it's worth it to even go above MSU with them if you want to strike and fade way.
  4. So what are the lists you are testing first? I really want to test how good our casting buffs can be and if the TLA is as bad as it sees for his points. I landed in the following list to do so: Basic idea is to use the TLA rangeless forest (his greatest asset IMO) to set up a point for the Warsong to send his spell + the Skullroot. After that the Gossamid can teleport there and pick a weakened target + the ancient can go as well to bait some charges. I want to see if the Throne is enough healing to keep him alive. The other part of the list, the little deathstar of 20 dryads + 6 kurnoths + archrev I'm not as sure about. I could see changing any of those for other combination of hammers.
  5. Yeah the Treelords in Oakenbrow look promising! My only concern is that, while the don't suffer reduction on their damage as they take wounds, they damage isn't that high to start with (5 damage against a 3+ save and 8.6 damage against a 6+). Its better than it used to be, but they do the same damage as Lancers and less so than Sword/Scythes Kurnoths and Seekers, all which absorb buffs better. They fell more like a anvil that do some damage and that can hold a horde/infantry through correct positioning, supplementing them with some mortals spells could be a way to compensate the damage and win the long game.
  6. I'm over the moon with the new tome! So many lists ideas, so many combinations to try! Honestly I don't think Alarielle is all that bad, she is expensive enough that fitting her in some lists will be hard, but I think the resurrection make her worth the try. I still don't like Bow hunters, but I can see they doing some work in a Heartwood list with a Archrevenant to babysit them. Sadly we can't improve their rend with Treesong, but the +1 to hit and _1 to wound vs their quarry should make them a little more reliable. The Ancient is the one warscroll I would classify as bad so far, we are paying a lot for a okeish monster with less utility now. Still, his ability to place a woods anywhere (respecting the 3" placement rules) maybe can be relevant for lists using Spellsinger. Place a wood in you opponent deploy and cast some nasty endless spells or the Warsong/Wych bomb. The most common use for him is the Spell bomb combo. Basically you place him near a wood (+1 to cast), pick gnarlroot and/or the Dweling as a season and a spell portal. place the portal with his first cast and them cast his warscroll spell (use the 3d6 and rerolls if possible here) to generate a high casting value and a good amount of mortal wounds. If you go first or against a opponent that like to castle up you can deal a good amount of mortals and even kill some 5 wounds heroes if you roll well. Completely agree that a 10 dryads unit is completely overshadowed by them. The only corner case I can thing you would prefer 10 drayds is if you want a slightly bigger coverage for you screen (3 more models, as you wound need to do the 2 triangles in the points to keep the coherency). In 20 or 30 models I can see dryads having some play if you can keep them near the wood for the debuff, but it may be a little hard to do so.
  7. Not yet, buts it's a matter of time now until the video reviews of the book appears. I like this list, I could even see making the kurnoths 2x3 units, you loose a little of power with the Archrevenant buff, but you could make two tag-teams of 3 kurnoths + 10 dryads for objectives grabbing.
  8. Adding the Archrevenant - got an extra wound, lost 1 damage at the spear and the spite sacrifice. Shield now give a ward of 4+ or an extra attack. Still have the +1 attack at combat CA and gives +1 to wound for Kurnoths 12" of her. Looks pretty good! I'm a sad for the TLA, I not sure if the increase in his damage is enough to justify his lost utility in the lost of the CA and huge points increase. The Treelord, specially in Oakenbrow should be pretty good tough. The Wych having the same bomb as the warsong is interesting. Specially with spellslinger, gnarlroot and the rerolling season its not hard to build around them even if you don't want to expend the 305 points in the warsong.
  9. Do Overgrowth do something by itself? I didn't see any rule saying it blocked line of sight and as far as I know it wasn't a keyword they used yet in this edition. Most of our good artefacts were left intact! Lots of good enchantment choices! All sub factions and seasons of war seen playable as well! Still need to see the treelords, Wych, warsong and drycha warscrolls, but so far the tome looks super solid! Lots of different build options to make different lists.
  10. Just a heads up, one of the Playtester on the Sylvaneth whatsapp group pretty much confirmed the picture with her leaked warscroll was a fake. So there is hope that she will be worth still! Yeah, increases across the board was pretty much expected, as near all the 3 edition tomes so far had the same happen to them. The treelords and spites increase should indicate huge changes to those warscrolls tough (or at least is what I hope to justify them...). Assuming the tree-revs still have just 1 wound and that no one get the wraith spell, I can see Dryads been on of the winner as well. It will be much more important to have some screens in our starting list if we can't generate them each turn and they should be the cheapest bodies and wounds/points ratio we have.
  11. Judging by things like the idoneth tides, a once be game command trait or artefact could also be possible. Maybe something that let you apply the effects from a extra season during a turn could be possible as well.
  12. Yeah, I think "how easy is to create new woods/turn terrain overgrowth in this tome" is the key question to be able to weight which of those are the best. If its pretty hard to get extra ones other than the starting ones, the extended range will probably be our main go-to option. If its easy, loosing some range may hardly be a draw back to get a strong attack buff. If the main way to get new ones is still though casting, the casting bonus may be the best option. I really hope the answer will be "its easy if you build around it" so we can see some list variety and make which one we choose something truly relevant.
  13. More rules! The Season of War ability are 4 different options that we choose before the game start and that affect our Overgrowth terrain and Woods. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/14/the-sylvaneth-seasons-of-war-bring-the-power-of-nature-to-the-battlefield/ They show two interesting ones and give hints of the other two in the text: - Burgeoning: 6+ ward near them (not much, but should be generically good). - Reaping: "expanding the range of your arboreal abilities" sound like some effect to increase the range of our abilities that care to be near woods/overgrowth terrain. If this is correct this can be pretty strong, depending on how easy it is to create new woods/overgrotwth terrain outside of the ones we start with. - Dwindling: "Tapping into this life magic offers buffs to SYLVANETH WIZARDS within range of overgrown terrain or Awakened Wyldwoods" sounds like some bonus to cast. My bet would be the +1 to cast like the Warsong have. Pretty good if our spell lore remains solid. - Everdusk: Reduce our range but give exploding 6's to hit to melee weapons. The reduced range is basically what we are used to alredy, so it can be worked with. This one, like the Reaping, will depend on how easy is to get new woods/overgrowth around the field and how much we end focusing on melee units as well.
  14. There were two grinning blades lists last month that won tournaments, one with no boltboyz (you can find it here a couple of pages back) and one with a unit of boltboyz (I think I posted it here as well). It focus much more on spamming bodies with Gutrippaz and Hobgrotz. I have yet to test them myself and people around here seemed skeptical of them, but they got results while the boltboyz spam still didn't get much so far. Our model line is simple stunning, but keep in mind that is hard to not see some spam in our lists. We basically have 3 no hero/ buff/artillery units, which don't give much variety while list building unless you go a balanced approach and include 1-2 of each unit.
  15. If they keep Oakenbrown focused on Treelords, it would make sense to allow them as a battleline with that sub-faction. Monster as battleline seen to be a common trend with the 3rd tomes so far, so I would say its likely we get it as well! In the paragraph above the Thrumming with Life ability image they talk about it. One thing I like about the Strike first is that it let us activate 2 units before we have to have to pick what we will teleport out of combat. It should help us apply asymmetrical pressure on some enemies while reducing the "which unit I save" decision making during games. With 5 wounds a model, 5+ rally and healing back to full, I wouldn't be surprised if they end being a low priority target for the teleport (depending on their innate save + if we keep any of our save increasing effects).
  16. Well the rules for the lancers were all wrong, so I wouldn't believe the "180 for alternative build, fight worse, but resurrect d3 models or heal d6 wounds" is correct either. As far as I know this was the unique leak for these warscrolls. I do wonder if the alternative build will be less combat focused and more support oriented. Hopefully they will be different enough in function and points.
  17. We got some info on the Spiteriders Lancers: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/06/08/quicker-than-a-flash-the-spiterider-lancers-strike-at-foes-before-they-can-react/ 5 Wounds each model, ASF when they charge, heal all wounds when they kill a model and the musician change their rally to a 5+. Looks pretty good as a fast cavalry unit! Lets just hope they don't cost over 250 points to clash with the Hunters in points. (Also the attack profile confirms that the "leak" we got last week was false).
  18. Just a warning that this info came from 4chan, so take it with a extra grain of salt.
  19. Its better to wait the new tome release, as we will get a sub forum just for Sylvaneth.
  20. I think this happen mainly because it's a common play style for other factions, so you start trying to find what you already know. I did this myself, but after the first game it was apparent that the tome ask you to play in a different way. I don't think we can replicate the hammer/anvil play style anyway. Like what are our anvils? Most of our units have a quiet similar defensive profile with 1 wound models, a 4+ save, and other debuffs like -1 to hit and wound coming from other sources (spells and WoT). Sure there is some minor variations, like chaingrasp having a better wound/points ratio but a better save, ou hexwraiths and hosts having more than 1 wound per model, but I don't think it's enough to make them a "anvil". What make them resilient is mostly our hero making models coming back + the 5+ save, and this can be done to any of those units. This is one of the interesting parts of the tome for me, what make our units resilient is basically the reinforcement + the right support heroes.
  21. Not yet, but we got the first teaser of it. They generally do 2~3 of them and generally one per week. I would say its pretty safe to expect it to be released by the end of June if they follow this teaser-release pattern.
  22. Love those rules, they really capture the "protect our woods" and "hit and run" tactics that they talk about in our lore! It will be really hard to fight us in our territory thanks to the new Places of Power. I do wonder if the Overgrowth will give the line of sight blocking it used to have in the last edition. If it does, I wonder if we will see some changes to the Wyldwoods to give them something more than the mortal wounds to nearby enemies.
  23. As @dmorley21 said, the -1 to hit can be staked, but to me when we talk about stacking it is more of getting the different options (-1 hit, -1 save, strike last) or trying to get multiple -1 to save to improve our damage. There more charging units you have, more chance to get the ones you want. In my game experience, Mortal wounds is something we have trouble dealing with. Most of our units are 1 wound, which make it very easy to destroy a MSU unit with the output some units are capable nowadays. Against enemies that use high rend or quality attacks (specially 2 or more damage), we have the tools to reduce/nullify their advantage, but against mortal wounds we only have our 5+/6+ ward and each failed roll is a model gone. High volume of attacks is also problematic, but a little better, as we have more chances to save them. In general I think having at least a reinforced unit of 20 models is a must in most list. We have the recursion effects to keep it alive, but we need to have a better total amount of wounds to make use of those effects.
  24. Vs heavy shooting, yeah the Cruciator will not help as much, as you need to be in combat with the shooting unit or already in combat with a unit nearby the one you want to protect. The torment in this scenario is better, but he still need the unit you wanna heal to survive vs the shooting to return models to it. If you are going mostly MSU, the chance is that they will not survive if the shooting is strong. The Cruciator is tech piece against melee units. Against those units, it help our units survive the combat so the Torment/GoS can heal it back. I tested it a good amount in games against Fyreslayers and Ironjawz and in those games the Cruciator did it job really well. Both the Cruciator and the Torment help make our units more survivable, they just act on different steps (reducing damage and recovering it respectively). The Torment is less situational in general, as long as can be sure your units can survive the shooting/combat for it to work.
  25. The idea could have some legs (strangely for ghosts, I know), but I have a feeling it is a super aggro list. You want to charge your opponent with as much as you can and destroy their units in one go, as in their turn the Bladegheist do less damage and are easy wiped out. In general, the tome plays much better at our own turn thanks to the WoF debuffs, while the opponent turn is more painful. We can use our recovery effects (torment, GoS) to try to hold during their turn, but those effects work better at units above MSU, simple because our 10 wounds MSU units are rather easy to kill. Maybe reinforcing one or two of your Bladegheist would help you have some more survivable units.
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