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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Critters and Keys has arrived in a better form than I ever imagined ❤️ Seriously this dude is the best Stormcast design of all time. Still don't know his deal or if I like the character which will impact things but on a purely aesthetic level this dude knows how to Stormcast! I feel like I will get Bastian Carthalos even if I am running him as a generic unnamed lord!
  2. I remember that a number of people were really excited and happy when this character was announced but then GW later edited the page to include male pronouns: I do personally like the idea of gender fluidity in terms of Stormcast reforging. Let the Stormcast be their true selves upon being reforged. Sigmar is reforging the soul and that should reflect the thoughts and feelings of the character in respect to their identity. But importantly nothing can stop you from creating the lore that fits your models. If you have put money, time and effort into creating your faction then the lore you create is the canon that matters to me. No one can stop you from creating personal lore for your own characters. But that is not to let Games Workshop off the hook they still need to do much better in terms of representation.
  3. I hope his model is a pair of feet ending in clouds around the ankles... implying that there is more towering above the battlefield. But I still want it to be biggest model in the range.
  4. The Soulgrinder is also an undivided demon although it can be marked. I have always wanted shades as an undivided demon type. They would be available to summon by all chaos types but they would be the demons that have not taken true form. They exist within the shared unconscious of the chaos gods and upon proving themselves may be given true demonic form. I also want Raptoryx' to gain the demonic keyword. This would give undivided demons: Shades, Raptoryx, Soulgrinder, Furies and some plastic 'ruinstorm' demons and you have very minor undivided demonic faction. Finally have Be'Lakor learn the ability to create undivided demon princes as heroes/generals. Alternatively give Varanguard demonic and mortal keywords to showcase their blessings.
  5. See this is how you do rumours: time frames, exact models, information on form of releases (such as Dual Boxes and Kill Team), build options. Even if this is not legitimate, there is enough substance to actually discuss what is being presented. The only thing holding me back from supporting it was there is no info about Primaris Aelf Vampirate King Malerion and his new sick converse sneakers!
  6. I should have clarified that I do not think it is a PR move but rather that this sort of marketing is becoming more commonplace. Namely if this is a PR move it is a very, very bad one. In other words this reeks of 'a fanboy' who is attempting PR for the company they love.
  7. Everything is so frustratingly vague in that thread. Chaos Dwarves 2022, but no hint at their lore, what they look like or how they play? Tau and Eldar are getting new models, but what are they? A large number of the posts just seem to be defending Games Workshop against fan backlash and the boycott, making me suspect this is either a fanboy or a PR move, but either way we are not getting anything substantial in terms of reveals. 😔
  8. Thanks for the advise everyone. 😇 My Stormcast Army is a ways off as I need to finish up my Beastclaw Radiers before starting it. This gives me more time to consider the various options that you have all suggested. While also giving me a chance to see the actual points for my SCE which all seem to be increasing, likely limiting my choices. Although according to the warscroll builder I can run three units from Cities with what I currently have for SCE. @MarcvsSomehow I didn't even consider the fact that in losing Scions of the Storm how much more valuable Shadow Warriors would become. In my head it was a redundant rule, but I guess I was not considering the trade off of Stormkeeps. @readercolin I do really love the Phoniex model and I hadn't considered the Sisters of the Thorn which would be great as they provide a cavalry and mage option. I suppose a final option would be to build a Cities Army using the two Cities of Sigmar Start collecting sets and then freely borrowing between Stormcast, Dwarves and Elves in a Last Alliance styled selection of models. Although, I am already imagining how mad my partner would be if she saw that many more minis show up in our apartment.
  9. I am thinking that I will make a Stormkeep list that will include a unit of Dwarves and Elves. This idea is mostly to get the most of the hobby and give me some more models for tabletop RPGs. But which units do you think would make a fun addition to Stormcast? My current list is the contents of Dominion, a unit of easy to build Sequitors and the Knight Incantor that came with the magazine in 2.0. I am probably going to round out my traditional Stormcast list with a Knight-Draconis and a ballista. In terms of city units, I am partial to the aesthetic of Shadow Warriors and Long Beards, but I do not feel either would fit well within the units I have currently. I might do Sisters of the Watch and Irondrakes to get more shooting into my list.
  10. I don't want to have to sell one of my armies for Malerion... yet!
  11. I think it is not a weapon but a hand throttle on a vehicle like a motor bike but from a strange birds eye angle: Not saying its Squats but I sure do hope it is!
  12. To attempt to move things slightly back on topic had all of the Necron and Space Marine stuff been revealed at this point relative to the release of Indomitus? I am wondering if they are waiting for the next big event to reveal the rest of the SCE and hopefully Kruelboyz models.
  13. Sooo Spikes? Every time I see Space Marines Fighting Chaos Space Marines I think of this scene: Tying this back to AoS I am so happy that Stormcast and Chaos Warriors derive design elements from different historical sources creating some actual visual variety in the game. In other words I am happy that we have Angelic Bronze Age Warriors fighting Demonic Viking Knights.
  14. I mean Black Templar are part of the Space Marine range aren't they? Have people not been able to play Black Templars since fourth edition? Isn't this more like if Stormcast: Astral Templars or Stormcast: Hallowed Knights got a book? Bretonnia or Tomb Kings getting a new book would be more like Squats getting a new codex.
  15. I have told all my 40k playing friends that I would 100 percent play a Dark Mechanicus army no questions asked. Even if I hated the models I would just paint up some admech and kitbash them with my S2D bits (although I think I will take a cue from your post and also look at some Necromunda gangs). Then I would toss in a big Chaos Knight to get me to 2000 points. 😇 But back to AOS I feel we will get a reveal later today. I am hoping for something Kruelboyz related but I am not holding my breath. We have had mixed messages on wether we have seen the whole range but we do know that there is some Stormcast yet to be revealed. So I feel it is a toss up regarding Kruelboyz. 😨
  16. No complaints from me on these models they are fantastic. I also think with the right skills the Jagerkin would make a great AOS model as well but would involve a lot more conversion skills depending on the lore and technology available to your army. I feel like replacing the helmet, rifle, base ammo box, and potentially replace the arm or make it a little more steam punk. Honestly, I think that together the would make a nice alternative to the ven Densts... but why anyone would not take the best duo in AOS is beyond me.
  17. @JackStreicher I will always be impressed with your works. We often have very similar tastes in armies but your skills go far beyond my own. For my own part, I have been planing on going with either a green and brown scheme with iron/steel armour harkening back to some of my favourite folk heroes and pop culture figures such as Robin Hood and Link... or as an aged bronze with a heavy patina as though they are ancient warriors from antiquity.
  18. I know it will likely never happen but I am hoping for them to build on the Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth and Hobgrots with a new unit. I personally would love a unit of regular sized Troggoth riders mounted by Hobgrots. I think it would nicely tie together some of the more disparate elements of the faction while also keeping in the themes and aesthetic established. We would get a second unit of Hobgrots, further evidence of Troggoths as beasts of burden for the faction, and potentially a intermediate species between the Sloggoth and Mirebrute Troggoth. If this happened then the lesser Gnashtooth riders could be Orruks, allowing people to build a mixed Kruelboyz army with monsters and goblins or a more Orruk heavy list.
  19. As much as I have a love for 80s toy aesthetics I would love a hollowknight styled army of undefined creatures with hardened carapaces. I think it would allow a lot of really interesting aesthetic choices as some people may use metallics or bone and treat the carapaces as being overlaid armaments, while others can chose to paint it as organic living material treating it as part of the Silent people themselves: I suppose that is true about sectaurs but they do seem a little less ambiguously bug people wearing medieval bug armour: Although I imagine that the designers will develop something truly unique from either. Recent criticism of the company aside, the designers at Games Workshop are insanely talented and are the main reason we are all here and Age of Sigmar has let them run wild in terms of imaginative design. But no matter case I do love this idea of anthropomorphized insect warriors as opposed to the more alien look of Tyranids or Zerg. I do hope they can find a method to incorporate some additional limbs even if they are largely vestigial. Of course I will leave the say to @Grim Beasties our resident Entomology expert on the subject.
  20. Sons of Behemat will be a pamphlet but Stormcast will make War and Peace seem like a light read... It is a strange place for Games Workshop that showcases why putting so many eggs into certain baskets like Stormcast and Space Marines makes their battletomes and codices really imbalanced in terms of content. I do think that the possible positive is that smaller ranges like Idoneth, Sons of Behemat and Harlequins can possibly get more lore in their books and hopefully draw more people to the smaller ranges for the additional lore... although more support will result in more units... which means less lore in the future... 😵
  21. I think for 'new factions' this edition Silent People are the only ones that seem like they will not be an expansion on a preexisting faction: Umbraneth can be an expansion of Daughters of Khaine Kurnothi Aelves can be an expansion of Sylvaneth Grotbag Scuttlers and Gitmobs can be an expansion of Gloomspite Chaos Dwarves can be an expansion of Slaves to Darkness Dispossesed can be an ingredient in the rumoured Duardin Soup I do not suspect that all of the armies I listed will be part of an expansion or soup, but rather that I think that they all make as much sense as expansions as stand alone factions. Oddly enough, I feel like Grotbag Scutlers and Gitmob might be most likely to stand alone as a combined secondary Goblin faction. Silent People on the other hand feel largely uniquely. Other than a superficial relationship to other anthropomorphic animalistic factions an Insectoid race seems pretty unique to the setting and hard to place within any of the other factions.
  22. I hope we get some Grotbag Scuttlers into the mix.
  23. I mean currently all the demon princes already share a kit with even less customization, so I do not see it as much of an issue personally... plus there would likely be additional items but they would share essentially a core body frame. Like a more refined version of the Chaos Spawn. However, that ended up not being the case so we can now hopefully get Demon princes that are more in line with the aesthetic of their respective marks.
  24. I was honestly expecting Be'Lakor to be released as an alt build for a new DP kit. I was assuming it would have a different head for each of the four major chaos gods and then an undivided/Be'Lakor head to round things out. What we got was admittedly way more epic but also way to expensive... one day though!
  25. Reading comprehension another of the skills I sorely lack. Either way the idea of facing off against dragon themed Stormcast hosts is really exciting. I have started a small Stormcast army and I will make sure to include some dragon element but sadly a pure dragon force is just outside of my budget.
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