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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I was a little conflicted regarding my choices for Death and Destruction. I feel like Chaos and Order have clear poster factions, but despite the love given to Orruks in the lore I feel like Gloomspite get more attention from fans. Similarly I feel like OBR were kind of set up to be a poster faction but the love from GW seems to be more on their treacherous cousins although Nighthaunt are a serious contender. With that in mind it would mean that we could get a slight break in releases from Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness as Destruction and Death would have more of a chance to share the spotlight in terms of big boxes.
  2. I know people might not like this idea but with the 4 grand alliances having a Poster faction that takes the place of one of the armies in each edition's starter set and then rotate facing off against a less supported faction would be a nice possible solution. I could see GW using these as the primary faction for each Grand Alliance although I could easily see cases for other factions: Order - Stormcast Chaos - Slaves to Darkness Destruction - Orruk Warclans Death - Soulblight This way they can have a focus on big iconic armies and continue to support the smaller ones with a major release while also avoiding having a single army become Space Marines 2.0. I never understood why in 40k they did not at the very least switch between Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines with each edition.
  3. Oh please tell me this will be real... GW terrain typically falls beyond my budget but this would be worth at least a cheap box (assuming there are various sets of different costs) or a Warcry terrain set if those are coming back
  4. I have been waiting for Maneaters to make my decision on Bloodbowl vs Updated Maneaters. But City Ogors feel like they might easily fit the role. I have a Beastclaw army so Maneaters are the best themeatic fit for Infantry based Ogors for my army.
  5. I would also add the community (although smaller and more niche) is extremely open, positive and overall showcases a ton of excitement. One claw and we will foam at the mouth for Flesh Eater Courts, Beats of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves or the often rumoured Silent Vampirates of Umbraneth! I am dipping my toes into 40k but it is weird how much less excited people have seemed over a range refresh of one of the coolest factions in their entire game than we are over an old dwarf reading battletomes. I do see the systems converging bit by bit and the old grudges getting buried. All of this to say, I just finished a yearlong work contract and built my backlog of Stormcast Eternals and I am really excited to have time to paint them! Soon they will join my Slaves to Darkness and Ogors in loosing matches against my much more capable friends!
  6. So according to @Whitefang's hints what is in and out for CoS going forward? Also I am very interested if we will start seeing square bases in certain boxes when Old World drops as I think the new Seraphon and recent S2D releases seem very likely to have cross play between the two systems... am I hoping for Beasts of Chaos release with square bases in 4th... maybe...
  7. I say stick with them as proxies they are great models and you put the time and effort into them! Plus there is something thematic about Phoenix rising up for a second life.
  8. Okay, so that was a lot! No suprises in terms of announcements but the reveals outstripped my expectations! Horus Heresy: Probably exciting for lore fans… Nothing that exciting for me but cool reveal for those into HH. Underworlds: Unbelievable models and I am slowly gathering more and more Tzeentch models and I might get some more. Love the Stormcast and I have actually been building my Stormcast finally so these look great to me. Financially I will likely skip this set but it is beyond tempting! AoS: So the winner of the day was clearly Seraphon. The Kroxigors, the Saurus Cavalry, the boxset are all fantastic! Seraphon are going to be a painter’s dream and they have such a great visual identity. Cities models are fantastic, still not a big fan of normal humans but the models are terrific! The Vampire and OBR character are both top tier! I immediately told my cousin to expect the vampire as a Birthday gift as he loves the whole Werewolf family! 40K: The Lion will lead my Rose themed Marines and he looks fantastic! 10th edition, looks great, the Tyranids look amazing, the trailer was great and the updated rules sound much better to me. Despite getting a small contingent of them Space Marines are still so bafflingly similar looking to me but I will make a small army with the Lion and the starter. Overall: So many great announcements when money is tight is a little heartbreaking but I am excited for everything!
  9. Teclis does something interesting to help progress the lore through defeating Nagash. Malerion thinking about getting off his stupid throne:
  10. Death is the one Grand Alliance I do not have an army for yet. I am planning on waiting for Old World and converting some Knights to be themed around the Green Knight and to proxy them as Nighthaunt in AOS. However, if they made undead Dwarves I would get them one hundred percent. I still hope for Terracota Statues that are possessed by the spirits of fallen Duardin. It could indicate different funerary rights and make a distinct faction. Splitting the Rules for Gazul and Nagash themed subfactions, could keep the theme of Nagash as the self-proclaimed Monotheistic lord of all death while also showcasing that there are others that challenge his rule and open the door up for further Gods of Death for Nagash to supress. However, if they are traditional ghosts and zombies I'd still be into it.
  11. I am trying so hard to not look at these models to closely incase they get a reveal later today but I am in the middle of building my Stormcast and have always wanted Flesh Eaters... but I am broke and cannot start a new army... or can I? I do hope we get more terrain sets with Warcry like in 1st ed. I missed out on those and would love to get my hands on a nice Ogor or Stormcast set to pair with my first edition chaos themed terrain.
  12. Happy Birthday my friend! 21? Now I feel like Lord Kroak hanging out with youthful Settra! I am going into tonight with many hopes but minimal expectations.
  13. Not one hundred percent sure if you mean aesthetically, ruleswise or gameplay. I would make a Slaves to Darkness army blended with Soulblight Grave lords that is lead by a Chaos Worshipping vampire lord. Maybe grab one of those citadel skull boxes and really go to town with a terrifying Chaos army that can proxy as an elite Soulblight army I would also make sure to stock up on Unmade and Corvus Cabal cultists. I also think that a really creepy Idoneth Army might also fit the bill?
  14. @Whitefang Always a pleasure to see you around the boards! 🐺 Hope you have been keeping well, and I hope you are excited as the rest of us for the Adepticon reveals!
  15. Thank you, Bretonnian have always been a personal favourite but I also typically find more realistic human factions a little boring. I realized this is a great way to make them more interesting and also pay homage to their lore and Arthurian Myth. I would probably change up the basic heraldry and cloth colours based around units but keep the unit itself consistent. Also I thought this would be fun to proxy as both Cities of Sigmar and Nighthaunt depending on what the narrative calls for. Something about the regalia being still clean and vibrant gives a more heroic feeling like the ghosts of lost heroes at least that is my hope. I can't wait to see your Tomb Kings. If the starter really is TK vs Brets, I would love to play Tomb Kings but my cousin has instant dibs on Death Armies. My Nighthaunt Knights... Knighthaunt(?) being a little work around his strangle hold of the stygian Forces. We are planning on tying it into our narrative with the Tomb Kings as the ones that turned his Vampires into the immortal undead. Meanwhile the Bret's would be the precursors of my S2D and SCE... treated as alive in the old world but the ghosts of those left unprotected by the forces of light and darkness in AOS.
  16. 4000 pages and I have not contributed one single rumour despite my constant posting 🙃
  17. I am excited so I did a mock up of my Nighthaunt Brettonian theme: Court of the Green Knight. The idea would be to use them as the Green Knight's army in Old World and then as the Ghosts of the Civilization that my Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness split from in AOS.
  18. Silent People vs the Techno Chamber!!! Honestly, I am excited for tenth I am going to split it with my cousin as our proper foray into 40k. Morghur still feels to me like the last minute big bad of 3rd Edition. I just feel like we are going to see an epic duel between Kragnos and the God of Chaos Spawns... I still think Yndrasta will clutch the Victory by Tossing an epic Javlin at Morghur and then Kragnos will wreck house with Yndrasta thinking she attacked the wrong beast-god
  19. The rumor engine made me think dispossed/ironweld but Leagues seems more likely.
  20. Haha, I have been so busy at work I had barely even realized it was coming out. Beyond the amazing cover art and vanguard box I need to remind myself that I cannot afford.
  21. Not sure if it has been posted but in the flurry of fun new models lets not forget some exciting current news with KO reviews coming out.
  22. Nice reveals especially for a chaos cultist such as yours truly, but also nothing groundbreaking. Tempting things but with a tight wallet and some robots and stormcast on the back burner that are going to get my attention I will hold out. Tau - Farsight looks great and that boarding patrol is literally everything I love about Tau. Farsight also seems like an interesting character and I hope Tau get a big release next edition. I have a nostalgic connection to Tau as they were the newest faction when I entered the hobby as a young teen. Orks - Snikrot, really nice sculpt and I like the boarding patrol set, but when I look at the model I keep thinking how it would make a pretty easy AOS conversion. I still confess to preferring orcs in fantasy and orruks in AOS to their 40k counterparts, but I do think the 40k ones are growing on me with the updated sculpts being really amazing. Khorne - What a model, I have complained before about Khorne's designs feeling a little redundant alongside slaves to darkness but I think the design language of their more recent models are making Khorne more and more unique and in a way that is reflecting the whole range. Rather than simply chaos warriors with less armour and more skulls they are wicked cultists that worship sacrifice and are mutated in to brutish monstrosities. The Vanguard does remind me a little of my earlier gripes but just adding this hero to the fore and some daemons and it gives a new narrative distinction to the army that make me want to shout Blood for the Blood God! Slaanesh - Visually my favourite Chaos faction outside of Undivided (S2D and Beasts win everytime). The new hero is really cool but for all the speculation... not getting an Umbraneth Vampire Elf does sting a little. There is also a slight awkwardness to the postioniing of the legs although I think it has more to do with the angle. But Torso up this model oozes the cocky grace of a Slaanesh champion ready to humiliate their opponent with martial prowess and superior fashion. The Vanguard also exists to remind Khorne and Tzeentch 'we have the most recent update with the best sculpts' honestly every model in that box is fantastic. Although I feel this spells the deathknell for the last of the Daemon Start Collecting boxes RIP. Overall fantastic stuff and for me Khorne takes the day.
  23. Hope your Goats arrive soon, I had a wild time getting my Necrons (got the 9th starer set so I will also corrupt some Space Marines to chaos), so it could just be that the fates want us to stick with our standard armies. But sometimes you just need some goats and robots to change things up.
  24. My unsolicited opinion on Old World... I will likely use it as an excuse to make a Beastman army but will still likely go halves on the starter. If the starter includes a human faction I will paint them as Ghosts and run them as proxy nighthaunt in AOS. Although, I did just start a necron project cause I am as bad at timing as I am with finances.
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