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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. No because we are getting a full Chaos Dwarves release any day now... along with Kurnothi, Vampirates and Malerion. Any day now... 😖
  2. Silly aside but I was reading the Genestealer Cults article and it made me realize how cool it would be to have a similar army in AOS that is partially composed of Cities of Sigmar models in secret service to another force and then I realized that would be such a cool way to integrate Silent People. Human cultists that wish to wake their Insectoid Overlords but otherwise blend into the forces of order. They can have cool heroes that are awakened Silent People issuing forth secret decrees on how to help awaken their slumbering brethren and then there could be parasitic entities attached to humans to fill out the reset of the force. I dunno just a strange thought that occurred while reading the article.
  3. I am getting more and more excited for them, I have never been a fan of the common soldier thing in Fantasy but their armour and aesthetic are so on point and I have always wanted to make a Nighthaunt/City army and I am falling in love with these models. I also just completed my Stormcast army so I feel like I have a leg up in starting a Cities army through the use of Coalition units. Of course I stupidly let my friend convince me to get into 40k with the upcoming of 10th edition and feel like I am at model saturation point haha
  4. I am just excited at the prospect of a new Cities reveal tomorrow... Oh how badly I want it to be a city Duardin or Aelf. I know the rumours are not in favour of either but if it is a canon with a Duardin crew member or a new one off Aelven hero I could feel more assured that we will see Cities keep an integrated approach to their forces. Extra excited if it were to be the rumoured City Ogors that work for Maneaters!
  5. Real Rumours! Everything sounds interesting, not sure about how I feel about the need for mystical terrain but love some of the other choices like unit distinctions and how they made monsters tougher. Still I am taking it with an excited grain of salt. I am just hoping that GW is just catching up with the world and realizing that giving free Warscrolls is a huge plus for getting new players interested in their product. Unfortunately that is not what the source claims.
  6. Yeah my excitement is pretty much based around the excitement of getting rules for existing models and the return of a fun game system. I do not exepect it to get more or less attention than any other specialist game system at GW... okay I expect everything to get less attention than Necromunda based on New Model Mondays.
  7. I think this sounds wonderful and if you need any assistance please feel free to ask. Hobby tips focused on people with budget concerns could be a step towards inclusivity. How to plays are actually oddly uncommon and a great way to help open the hobby to new players. Discussions on accessibility in the hobby are worth exploring, as I have not seen this aspect of the hobby addressed that often. I think that giving community spotlights that aren't focused on Golden Demon level pieces is always really appreciated by people that want to showcase their work. Enthusiasm and encouragement and ground opinion in a subjective manner. As with the game itself have fun and remember to be careful of your own mental health taking breaks when necessary.
  8. I am conflicted as I was just assuming I would skip over the game but it looks pretty cool but only 4 factions is a major downer for me. So much of AOS is about the varied armies and I will be sad to not see all of that aesthetic diversity in game form. The good part is that four factions can feel more balanced and well thought out.
  9. Weird question that I feel isn't currently known, is the next season of Warcry going to use the aesthetic of Crypt of Blood or keep the Ghur themed terrain or will it be something new? I really love the Ghur Terrain but it unfortunately doesn't match great with the aesthetics of my armies shared winter setting, so I have not committed to any of the new Warcry sets so far and wanted to know if this will remain the case going forward?
  10. Hmm... I wonder if there is anyone worthy to fight* with your hypothetical hero. *Absolutely not mine no matter how much I wish it was!
  11. A strong Kentaro Miura style on the new Cities and I am loving it. If they retain the Aelves and Duardin... I might have a hard time resisting these.
  12. The eon of Malerion hype is kinda treding water...
  13. That is a great point! I am also realizing how it would also be fun to have RPG classes represented through the Warcry Warbands like Untammed Beasts for Lightly armoured Warrior, Iron Golem as heavily armoured Knight and Corvus Cabal as the best archetype bizarre bird person.
  14. I feel like 40k will have the growing pains of these rulesets and we will get the more refined version. Which works for me as I prefer AOS.
  15. Honestly I think that the first edition of Warcry is such a simple narrative to make this work. Hero from an unnamed Chaos Tribe enters the Eight Points in serach of glory and makes their way to the Varanspire. Upon reaching it you are faced by duelling a Varanguard and if you succeed you ride alongside Archaon through the mortal realms. It is also a location with all the factions present with their own motivations.
  16. I think the unfortunate thing about the reliance and over saturation of iconic poster factions is that they need something to fight and when the poster faction gets the degree of focus that Space Marines and SCE get it upsets this balance. I think that keeping them central to the narrative is a good idea, and for marketing purposes I get it entirely. But with no cool xenos or chaos for 40k it becomes a bunch of Space Marine fights and is functionally Horus Heresy. I don't think that AOS has reached that level yet but as soon as each stormhost and chamber gets their own boxset and battletome we will see a similar situation. I think that there is an easy solution for this, which would be to alternate between the Space Marines/Storm Cast and a different 'heroic' faction each edition. That way the poster faction still retains the most focus and also doesn't oversaturate the game to the same degree they do now. 40k makes this so much easier having evil space marines as an option to keep that brand identity and visual in the public mind during interim editions, just with some more skulls and spikes. But I feel like Sisters of Battle also share a similar aesthetic that keeps the iconography of bolters, power armour and the Imperium front and centre. Age of Sigmar is a little more difficult with Stormcast being somewhat unique in terms of aesthetics, but Kharadron really have that nice gold look and Lumineth really capture the noble spirit as possible options.
  17. Wow I missed that, I feel like that gives a home to any sort of unreleased imperium minis and chaos needs a soup similar to cover Dark Mech, Traitor Guard and Beasts. With that and Emperor's Children I feel like Chaos and the Imperium will be pretty well represented. Similarly I feel like AOS is shaping up really well but I think the path forward between full releases, soups and subfactions is less clear. Either way I feel like we are at a weird place where soon there will be an actual focus on the existing lines rather than just releasing new factions.
  18. I do hope they are planning on supporting these agents of the imperium as a fully fleshed out faction! Not only Ashes of Faith but you have your chance at purchasing this made to order model that is entirely unique and not like any other space marine: Also I hope you Horus Heresy fans would like another box shaped tank: I am officially so bored of Space Marines! At least put some spikes on them or wolf pelts... just something other than the billionth space marine model.
  19. Waiting to see if we get new Seraphon and instead we get a painful reminder of how GW see their favourite poster faction verse all other factions: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/14/ever-wonder-how-a-tyranid-looks-as-its-getting-punched-by-a-power-fist/
  20. This is why my initial thoughts about Chaos Dwarves was to include them as a subfaction in S2D as it would give GW a chance to really see how much support they would receive and also tie into existent models and ranges that are already receiving support. But if they want to throw us a completely new Chaos army I am 100 percent game for it!
  21. Working on my Stormcast, still need to decide on a basing scheme but I am surprisingly happy with them despite not being to the same standards of many of the models on this site. Just wanted to add my own image to the gallery.
  22. I am fairly sure that is a tail/claw it lacks the rigid conical shape that Warhammer Community has taught me to officially associate with capes.
  23. It is funny I kept looking for Seraphon in rumour engines so now that is all I can see. But here is my hopeful guess, Coldone tail for new Malerion Aelves.
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