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Everything posted by Marcvs

  1. Of course he's more vulnerable, but I tend to use him as counterpunch, keeping him further behind the Celestant. In any case, I always took Ignax on the Celestant so far
  2. After the point reductions, here's a first attempt at the low-magic version of Starcast -IF the possibility of allying LRL is confirmed, I have seen a leak with an alliance table for Destruction so they may include changes on this aspect. LCoSD 500 Templar 420 Castellant 120 3xLibs 270 Light of Eltharion 220 Prime 300 Incantor 120 Total: 1950 (you can either swap one unit of libs for bow judicators or include a unit of aetherwings) Again, if the alliance with LRL is possible, you can also swap the incantor for the archers, but I feel the inclusion of the autounbind scroll is still very useful.
  3. The battalion also went down 10pts, so it's 1080
  4. it seems it just means their points changed
  5. Yeah, no big changes. Anyone has a guess as to the meaning of the little symbol on the left of some units? (In fact, most SCE units)
  6. ok so, points for SCE have leaked @ chumphammer on twitter. Changes for Starcast after a fast read: Liberators at 90pts Incantor 120 (exorcist 90 lol ) Celestant prime 300
  7. points for Stormcast seems to have leaked @ chumphammer on Twitter EDIT: well, nothing game changing. At 90 points Liberators still look at arkanaut company in envy
  8. Lol I still hope they won't hit him with a +81 pts increase... I literally finished painting my Stormkroak earlier today ^^"
  9. if they have a Fyreslayers hero nearby they get a 4+ FNP of their own. But we digress
  10. yeah, pretty bad, both for SCE and GA:Order at the moment, the realm artifact leaked so far are... underwhelming. We'll see I suppose. But now I cannot stop thinking of Teclis + Hearthguard bersekers in GA:O and things like that lol
  11. Storms... that thing is not keyword restricted 😮 well then, yes, probably auto include in whatever grand alliance list one can come up with. Bonkers
  12. The auto-cast values of Teclis cannot be further modified (it's in the warscroll, if I remember correctly)
  13. on point 1, let's maximise the SC then (which, ofc, are less effective ). I don't know what to do with the 80 pts, but you can swap sentinels for exorcist+everblaze
  14. Yeah, but the problem is that (apart from Teclis) this is very vulnerable to powerful unbinding (Seraphon, Teclis, LoC), since you have no bonuses to cast. Still, it's a lot of AoE MWs for certain An alternative is to go all in for spell-free MWs
  15. Problem of Stardrake + Teclis is that the +1 to cast is wasted, and in that case you might just replace it with a different "tank" and include the prime instead... then again, the light of eltharion does MW with a threat range of 6+run+18 (+beatufiul model) and here we are slipping towards a LRL list so I would say: no teclis and 1 stardrake maybe? No khinerai brings you 20pts from replacing Eltharion with a Prime Or, no khinerai and 10 less archers gets you an incantor + comet
  16. If you want to use Gavriel, you are forced to take Hammers
  17. well, the warscroll of the assassin has been updated to mention "a friendly Cities of sigmar unit". Until there is an FAQ/Errata about the SCE battletome, I don't see why LRL could not be included as allies
  18. SCE can ally with "Any ORDER faction", so barring a specific rule or exception, we can ally them although the opposite is not possible
  19. Thought the same for my Starcast list, but LRL archers are actually 140 pts so you can only have 20. I am now thinking of taking a slann (to be Kroak-increases-proof) + 10 archers: nice round 400 points
  20. Ok, waiting to see if the GHB brings some actual good news, I am starting to think about the evolution of the list post LRL and post loss of Ignax Scale (and Malign Sorcercy artifacts in general). Also, I am planning around an increase in points of Lord Kroak which makes it impossible to ally -as an aside, I am not convinced about this, as its quite early after the release of the new Seraphon battletome and there hasn't been a single official event in the meantime (fun fact: if this happens, it will stop me from using Kroak in SCE before I had a single occasion to put it down on a physical table. That being said, here's a first idea: 1) The Shielded by faith + Armour of Destiny combination saves 44% of MW, but the loss of Staunch is a big hit vs rend and for healing potential (is the lord castellant still the best choice? Should it be replaced with a relictor for the possibility of healing + sneaky translocation?). The other option is of course the Mirrorshield: it would help to avoid getting the Stradrake shot out of the table in t1 by KO zilfin or cities Irondrakes + bridge, in exchange for the 6+ FNP of the armour of destiny (which is, admittedly, not much) 2) The Slann is much more fragile of Kroak, but can stay far in the backline -con: doing so would more likely lead to the loss of the drakes' bonuses to cast, but the comet would still go off on a 6+ . He is a prime target for deepstriking shooting units though. 3) I like the LRL archers and they fit so well in the 400 pts of allies together with the slann. With the bonuses from the drakes their self-buff is pretty certain and they would be doing 3MW in range 36" without LOS (plus, 10 bodies on a back objective). Not a bad complement! 4) With the magic dominance of the three latest battletomes I am considering whether it would make sense dropping the everblaze comet altogther (could make place for the said relictor or an hearldor for more non-magic MWs), but I would still keep the incantor (auto unbinds have increased in value with teclis around) so for the moment I am still leaning in favour of taking it. That being said: a) LRL with teclis still seem like a very hard matchup (even without, there's a lot of MW just from the basic units), b) let's pray Sigmar for points reductions at least. Would be nice to be able to raise 100pts more for Starcast lists...
  21. of course a lot (everything) depends on your local "meta". Where I play (or will play, once we can put miniatures on the table again) people tend to play the newest armies a lot. At the moment, this means that with Tzeentch, Seraphon and Lumineth, counting on any spell being cast without important bonuses is just an unlikely gamble. If you are playing against Teclis, you will maybe cast that comet once in a game (IF you get t1, which probably they won't give you, and deploy outside unibind range) and that's it. For the broader discussion, I wish I could skip magic completely now and take a seriously (that is, not with a 6+) anti-magic stormhost
  22. well, 10 to 15 more bodies on the board (and that's if you spend your whole reduction in liberators) would hardly make a horde army
  23. While I do agree from a "powre level" perspective, I wouldn't bet on such a big increase in points after such a short time (and without any official tournament)
  24. or maybe it's part of the "Flying monsters warscroll" section
  25. At the same time, losing access to a "common pool" of artifacts will widen the distance between battletomes
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