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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. On 8/3/2019 at 7:17 PM, zilberfrid said:

    They seem to stick everything to a god.

    - What remains of the light elves could be allied to Teclis

    - Dark elves to Malerion

    - Plant elves to Alarielle

    - Beast related wild elves to Kurnoth

    They'll stick Freeguild to Sigmar.

    I know. But kornuth is a reiteration of an old world God, whilst the others where incarnates. I’m not sure why GW decided to develop the followers of kurnoth. For a long time the incarnates where the main guys in we of sigmar. I would have expected the light or shadow elves to be fleshed out before another aspect of the former wood elves. The light and shadow elves have been mentioned in the lore a lot. These Kurnothi are somewhat of a surprise. 


  2. I have a feeling GW is moving elves from quick, skillfull and slender pointy eared humans into something more extreme. The cities of sigmar contain the more traditional elves and the other elves will explore new esthetic choices and concepts. 

    I’m actually a little puzzled why we’re seeing these kurnothi instead of the light/shadow elves. But I’m fine just sitting back and seeing what GW comes up with. 

    • Like 1
  3. @JackStreicher thanks for the offer, might do that sometime. 

    I finally managed to get the model prepared for a print. creating enough wall thickness was really tricky because in some areas the topology of the model was pretty messed up. I also had to simplify the model and deleted some details that were to hard to print, like teeth and the tendrils on his back. The also redid the cloth but I think I actually like how it turned out. There are also are 9 'escape holes' which I'll have to fix after printing.

    Now I have to wait until the print is done, hopefully it will come out right. Then I need to do some green stuff work to complete it. All in all he will cost me almost the same as the actual greater daemons, not counting the hours I spend on him (which is easily around 200 hours in total...)

    this is the model that I ordered as a print. 


    While waiting for the print I'm painting some of my some knights and a chariot I build. I'll post some pics of those soon.

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Kelsicle said:


    I think it’s a boot! 

    And a nice boot it is. Could fit with the mongolian theme the new ogre tyrant has. Allthough I don’t think this would fit an ogre... also resembles the Style of Ssyl’eske, so might be Slaaneshi. Cool pic whatever it is

  5. thanks @Infernalslayer and @VBS. If GW based the new KoS on that piece of art I would have bought it instantly. Although the new KoS is a great model the esthetic is not my cup of tea.

    I've been spending hours and hours on trying to get the model into a printable file. That means simplifying details, making the model ' watertight' and somehow creating something called ' wall thickness' . Which sounds simple enough, but is currently slowly driving me insane...

    Here is what the model looks like right now, you can see I deleted some stuff that I would have to add using green stuff later. But the horns, claws and fingers are still not printable😭 


    • Like 3
  6. I suspect people read to much into the face. I think it really just is the logo for underworlds season 3.

    I think the escape from the great oubliette is an excuse dor players to use old world characters. It says the escapees are from before the age of myth. Also their descriptions match old world characters: vampiric ariatocrats - von Carsteins, blind loremasters - eltharion in a later retconned storyline, etc. 

    I don’t think this event will result in new characters in the lore. 

    • Like 4
  7. @Remus Prime thanks!  @Cèsar de Quart that modesty remark made me laugh:D I teach art, design and media for a living so getting to know new software is kind of second nature to me. But although the model looks pretty good, there are numerous more technical problems with it. I'm currently in the process of fixing literals hundreds of vertices that are 'non-manifold'. I'm not really sure how to explain what that is but it makes it impossible to print the model, for now....

    @JackStreicher thanks for the compliment and the valuable suggestions. I'm not sure what printing will cost, will have to see. I've got acces to a 3D printer at work, but it isn't that good so I'll have to see what having it printed by Shapeways will cost. 

    I might even sell some prints, but I'm not sure if that is completely legal because the sculpt is based on a GW piece of art?

  8. It's been a long time since I posted anything. real life was very busy, but I also kinda lost interest in Warhammer for a bit. I was pretty disappointed with the Slaanesh releases. I was expecting something along the lines of the Tzeentch release for Slaanesh. But GW decided to expand on their daemons of Slaanesh designs and didn't bring out any mortals, which I was really hoping for. 

    But the last few months I have been working on something different. I'm getting to know a 3D program called Blender (which is free) and I'm really enjoying it. I decided to try and sculpt my own keeper of secrets based on my all time favorite Warhammer artwork. I might have been a little too ambitious creating a model this big and intricate... But working with this piece of art also helped me stay motivated when I had trouble with the program (and that happened a lot!).

    I'm currently trying to figure out if I can get a decent 3D print from my digital creation. I'm trying a site called Shapeways. Does anyone have any experience with them?

    Here are some pics of the digital mode:



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  9. The new warcry warband looks awesome, love the hoplite inspired look and lots of great details. Allthough the dude running with an enormous snake on his neck is a bit odd. I’m really impressed how te design team is able to expand the easthetic of chaos, with this new looks and themes and mixed race warbands. Looking forward to seeing the rest.

    my bet is the lion is part of a lion ranger warband.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Carnelian said:

    I feel very confident that the warcry models are not linked to specific gods (but I can't remember why I think that) 

    I think it was in one of the articles or previews. The warbands are a way to expand the easthetic of chaos beyond the God specific warriors. Which I think is great.

    Allthough I suspect the various warbands might fit in with one of te Gods more than the others. The previewed warband with the red armour look a bit khornate, but could fit nurgle, tzeentch and slaanesh with a different paint job. 

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  11. I'd like to reserve judgement until we are absolutely certain there isn't going to be more releases in the coming weeks. But for now I'm somewhat disappointed. I have never liked the aesthetic of the plastic daemonettes and I'm not thrilled they have expanded the look with these new models. I absolutely hate the plastic steeds of slaanesh (the tail is too short and the legs too thick) and I'm really not a fan of the ' boots of skin with feet attached' look. that's why is don't like the new keeper, because the boots make up almost half of the model. The torso and head are beautifull though. But I really hoped for a keeper more similar to the artwork I use as my avatar...

    Like most of you I was really hoping for some mortals or even slaangor. We've had a chaos release every Christmas for the last couple of years. When we didn't see Slaanesh last christmas I thought they might be holding out for an even bigger event with the story arc of captured Slaanesh. And now it seems it is a regular one or two week release? BUT one of the hosts is still called ' seekers'. Which makes me think Slaanesh is still captured and we might see more for Slaanesh when/if he gets released? That might still be something to get excited about.

    I also don't like they keep pointing out you can use all these releases in 40k. 

    If one of the Warcry warbands looks like Slaanesh mortals (even though they all are undivided) than I'll be happy. As I'm only in it for the holy I'll only need one unit of mortals.

    I guess I'll just get Sys'Lex and cut off the daemonette on top of him by her weird clunky feet. 

  12. I think it looks pretty cool! By using such a light base with the snow the overall look isn't too dark. the shading on the claws might be a bit too harsh though, maybe lighten that up a bit. 

    I've been working on a Slaaneshi force for a long time now, you can follow my plog on this forum (link below). My daemons look a lot different from yours, with light skintones and dark purples.

  13. I’ve been Reading these pages since the previews dropped. I don’t het te probleem with the terrain pieces. It’s terrain, it’s niet meant to represent something that aan army always carries around. It’s a way to theme your table to fit your army. 

    I was most happy to read that warcry is a way to expand the chaos esthetic and explore other themes and looks. Looping forward to the other warbands. Small bands like these are a geest way to paint something different without buying a new army.

    I’m a big Slaanesh fan ever since cult of pleasure in 6th ed. The new models fit in with the other daemonettes, Which i never really liked (especially the faces and feet). I’ll always prefer the ‘Diaz sculpts. So allthough they seem like great sculpts they’re not for me. Except the herald, he is fantastic and I hope we Will see mortal slaanesh followers with a similar look somewhere down the line. 

    • Like 1
  14. Lovely trailer, i really like how iT says that stormcast going to the extremes of killing innocent people gives power to Slaanesh. Finally a little more depth and less ‘slaanesh is about sex and bondage’ 

    let’s hope we’ll see some amazing mini’s

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