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Everything posted by elfhead

  1. elfhead

    Slaangor banner

    Slaangor banner check out my plog: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/2045-how-to-become-a-daemon-prince-cult-of-slaanesh-in-hysh-update-slaangor/?page=7&tab=comments#comment-287515
  2. Slaangor banner top check out my plog: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/2045-how-to-become-a-daemon-prince-cult-of-slaanesh-in-hysh-update-slaangor/?page=7&tab=comments#comment-287515
  3. elfhead

    Slaangor teaser

    Slaangor unit by elfhead
  4. Over the past holiday I finished the Slaangors! It was so much fun to work on them. Somehow tha first one I made is still my favorite. I'd love to hear what you think of them. Picture time:
  5. I’m glad slaanesh got mentioned, because I was somewhat fearfull we might not see slaanesh for an entire year until next januari. The fiends and harpist will Probably be released as seperate kits in a few months. Maybe there will be some extra stuff for slaanesh then. I’m hoping for a release the size of the new goblins (12 new kits?) but we’ll see.
  6. I got so many positive reactions to the Slaangor (both on TGA and mostly instagram) that I decided to make a complete unit of 6 Slaangor. I was originally just planning on doing a single Slaangor, but when someone suggested to make an entire unit I couldn't resist. It has been a lot of fun building these guys and working a lot with green stuff. They are now pretty much done and ready for painting. Hopefully Iĺl get round tot painting them, or at least some of them, during my christmas holiday. Let me know what you think of them!
  7. It isn’t new artwork though. I like the look of those daemonettes, they look more like the concept art for that Warhammer game. But I don’t think it means new daemonette models... sadly
  8. So the regimental standard is about noise marines, the 40k slaanesh guys. I’m not sure If the content of regimental standard is a clue for what is to come? If so, maybe we can expect some slaanesh stuff to appear in the near future? Maybe just for 40k. We have had rumours about ‘excesmass’ and/or ‘slaanuari’, but that has been a while.
  9. Not that excited about the W&R box, I guess I still secretly want the Juan diaz daemonettes to come back😛 but that harp! That is so gruesome and characterfull, love it.
  10. Loving your work, especially the slaanesh creations. I don’t see many painted models though, why is that?
  11. @Gothicwaltz thank you! It's humblingto hear my work inspires others:) @mcfishstick thanks for leaving such a kind comment! @Cambot1231 thanks! I love the pincer daemon model, especially the head. It has been a while since I painted this guy. But I think it is kislev flesh blended with purple (I use xereus purple and screamer pink) and black on the tips. It is a lot of blending. But I don't think I can remember the exact proces. Good look on the pincer daemon!
  12. That’s weird. I liked her but I thought she was denied daemonhood (hence the name) so she shouldn’t be immortal... does it say how she got in the mortal realms?
  13. Thanks @Tommy! The tongue is somewhat vulnurable but also still a bit flexible, so it doesn’t break as quick as it would seem.
  14. It has been a while since I updated this thread. Ie been working on all kinds of models, painting all those models that are lying around waiting for some color... But this project had always been fun to work on and I've made some new things. I always love to think about the narrative. This means I'm thinking a lot about the city my Slaaneshi elves (and humans) live in and how it works. I've been toying around with the idea that the city is building up to some large event where the vale drops and the city bursts apart in a grand feast to celebrate that Slaanesh has returned. Obviously I don't know when that will be but I'm building models that are more obviously followers of Slaanesh. One of these creatures is a Slaangor I'm currently working on. Slaangor have been in the fluff but haven't really ever had models, allthough there are some really old 'realm of chaos' Slaanesh beastmen. I've been thinking a lot about how Slaangor would look and how I could build one. The result is below. He is isn't finished yet, he still needs more detail and armor. But I'm pretty pleased with the conversion. maybe one day I'll make a unit of six, but currently I don't have the time and I would have to get multiple kits to make it work... Let me know what you think of him!
  15. Thanks for leaving a comment @KnaveOfScribes. I find it always helps to keep the hobby juices going:P I got round to painting some of my oldest models. A high elf repeater boltthrower and a mage. These guys have been on the table a lot, when I still played (around 6th ed. of warhammer fantasy). It was a lot of fun re-painting them. Here they are: after this I went back to my Slaaneshi creations, I'll be updating my other thread sometime in the near future.
  16. The only thing that has me worried is that we might not see slaanesh released In january ( slaanuary) like we had chaos releases at the start of previous years. Because with all these releases the release schedule seems packed.
  17. I really like the Delaque gang and some of blackstone fortress models for conversion purposes... wrath and rapture is still coming ‘soon’? but man, what a lot of previews!
  18. The few pieces of artwork we have seen featuring regular humans don’t show anything resembling the old world ‘landsknecht’ look. So I think we will see a new look for the freeguild. Someday...
  19. Seems like I start a lot of my posts with a story about how little hobby time I have... But at least I finished something I've really enjoyed. Inspired by the images of inhabitants of the mortal realms in the new rulebook and the amazing series of stories for malign portents. I made a conversion representing what I think is a ' Geistcaller'. Hope you like him, let me know!
  20. I don’t think there should be characters returning from fantasy. Allthough I would like to see the sleek and ornate style of armour on Sigvald on more models for slaanesh
  21. Really cool to see some slaanesh models teased and the bits look really cool. I’m still hoping they redo the daemonettes or at least the steeds. But I doubt it. I was just considering converting some ‘Slaangors’ but maybe it is better to wait and see what comes next.
  22. It's weird the most green skin related article is about shadespire, while it is supposed to be Orktober (40k orks)... but the goblin warband seems great. I've been wanting to paint some greenskins so this seems perfect. The shadespire warbands are a great opportunity for painters to try something different with a bunch of mini's for a very reasonable price. Looking forward to the new races like Sylvaneth, Kharadron and Darkoath warbands
  23. So the beasts of chaos are released, but over half their troops are webstore exclusive... some units are even out of stock. Bestigors are only available in the get started boxes. It seems weird GW didn’t repackage more units on rounds before this release.
  24. Can we expect the beast of chaos range to be released on rounds soon? It seems weird a new battletome is released, but a lot of the models are webstore exclusive...
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