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Everything posted by elfhead

  1. I just started work on some ogres. I’ve converted a butcher from the gluttons. He’s not done though, but you can find some work in progress shots on my instagram. It does involve a lot of green stuff though. For butchers the buffers difference with other ogres is that they don’t wear gutplates.
  2. Lovely stuff as always, the prince looks really nice. The centaur model is great to start with. I can’t seem to spot te bow to go with the arrows though?
  3. I’m so happy with these new chaos warriors. Not just because they look great and true to what they are, but mostly because so Many people really wantend this to happen and GW delivers. Also, knights on actual, regular horses in AoS😮
  4. I finally decided to dive into a new project with feast of bones and then GW teases this... first world problems
  5. It would be a really big misser opportunity not to release new undivided (but markable) chaos warriors for AoS. They are such an iconic part of warhammer. Stormcast are the ‘order’ opposite of the chaos warriors. But that isn’t properly represented in the models. You could argue khorne and nurgle have decent replacements for their warriors but Tzeentch does not and Slaanesh has no devoted mortals...
  6. I think Tyler Mengel mentioned in his review of the battletome that the scenery is custom. But I’m not 100% sure. If it is custom, it’s really nice.
  7. It would be pretty anoying if these Kurnothi would be released as a full new army before the light/shadow elves. The light and shaduw elves have been hinted at in the fluff from day one. I would mucht rather see those armies before any other new (elven) army. I think the release of light and/or dark elves will be tied to another step in the Slaanesh storyline though.
  8. So I’m guessing there are more people interested in the all new Ossiarchs. I’d like to pick up the ogre half from feast of bones for a good price. I’m located in the Netherlands. I know a shop that sells the box for €126 anyone interested in splitting the box?
  9. Nice to see a lot of people enthousiaster about the new army and the boxed deal. I’m guessing we’ll see a lot of ogre halves for sale for a nice deal?
  10. There have been multiple rumor engines featuring eleborate weapons lately. They’re probably not all connected but I gotta say it has me excited
  11. That warrior for the spyre tyrants looks a lot like the Classic maurauders ( from before the plastic kit). This warband might be a pretty Classic take on chaos individed.
  12. Work has started and hobby time kinda dried up... But this weekend I managed to finish painting my 3D printed Keeper of secrets! I'm not completely happy with the pic but I'm too excited not to post it. So after more than 100 hours of 3D sculpting with Blender, ordering the 3D print, a lot of sanding and liquid green stuff and many moments of painting... here he is!
  13. It looks like the spikey end with the tassles we saw a couple of weeks back might be the other end of this weapon. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/03/the-rumour-engine-september-3rd-2019/
  14. Someone on war-of-sigmar Showed a tweet of the author of the Gotrek novel saying that he thinks the chaos God thing with Malerion is a mistake.
  15. Great work, very nice combination of bits. I really like the look of a warband of mixed sizes and postures. Looking forward to seeing more of this project👌🏻
  16. Would love to see more images like these dark elves in the CoS tome. Also, in the back there are elves on demigryph (conversions)... nice
  17. There is a small article about Nova on the community site. It shows a lot of logo’s from game systems (including warcry, AoS and underworlds) and it says there will be reveals for ALL of them😮
  18. More views in my plog 'how to become a daemon prince' in the painting and modeling forum
  19. It's been a productive couple of weeks (to my standard at least:P), so I have another model to show you. I really wanted to add a chariot to my army, I think chariots fit Slaanesh really well. I need up building the chariot with parts from a dark eldar ship and the daughters of khan altar, combined with horses from the high elf chariot and some green stuff work to create a big Slaanesh symbol.For the crew I used the phoenix guard kit and added green stuff cloaks to create more movement. The spear of the charioteer is a subtle nod to the sun-chariot from greek mythology. I was worried there would be too much gold, but I think it all worked out good. It's really rewarding to see all the pieces come together, sitting on one o the biggest bases I ever used. here it is:
  20. @MarkK White can be really tricky. One thing to always remember is you only use pure white for the final highlight. So most of your white isn't pure white. I use Ulthuan grey as a base coat. For the cloth I paint it completely with ulthuan grey, sometimes with a little lahmian medium mixed in to get a smooth coat. You may need to apply up to 3 or 4 thin coats. Then shade the recesses with a mix of fenrissain grey, water and lahmian medium. after that clean up with ulthuan grey and build up some highlights with a 50/50 mix of ulthuan grey and white scar and finally a highlight with pure white scar. also I buy ulthuan grey and white scar in the 'air' variant, because I find that these white and light grey colors clog up pretty quick.
  21. @kaaras thank you! about 5 months ago I posted some knights I made. Well, I finally finished painting those... as a 'rule' I normally build units of 6, but for these knights that was a bit to much work, so I made these two to join a knight I made earlier. I guess there are still six, if you count the mounts and riders separately:P They are very much what I want the esthetic of this army to be, so I'm really pleased with them. Let me know what you think of them.
  22. There is a stormcast helmet on te new ogre tyrants trophy rack. Could there be more ogre models incoming? Could also be related to the cut of heads with crowns we’ve seen before. Then again, a head/helmet is a pretty familiair trophy wich could be a lot of models from different races.
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