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Everything posted by Arcian

  1. I see you decided to go with spears instead of swords, I know the consensus has been pretty 50/50 on that.
  2. I got two boxes and split the ogors with another guy, I might lean towards doing 3 and 3. Haven't decided. But you're probably right on just doing guard!
  3. So I got my feast of Bones boxes and, it looks like magnetizing the stalkers/immortis guard may be a tad on the difficult side
  4. I mean, how could you say no to that adorable centipede looking catapult?
  5. I'm going to attempt black templar over white prime, I -think- if i apply it relatively thinly it'll get the look i want. Then highlight or drybrush with fenrusian grey. If my test model doesn't pan out, might try airbrushing some very light grey over the mini first, then try again.
  6. Planning on doing black/grey bone similar to what @Elmir did. With blue inner glows, navy armor plates, and white bone for the bone trim. Thinking of doing xenus minis ice blade for the blades. And thinking of setting them in a ice/tundra bases. Really aping that inspiration from the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel zones from WoW for them.
  7. I like these lists! Do you think you'd be able to effectively hold objectives with those battleline units?
  8. This makes much more sense! I think reading the rules posted to the google doc is what sort of set me off course. But i think i have it now, thanks a lot Sception Though it's unfortunate we can't bank them, we at least seem to be able to generate quite a few at least.
  9. Sorry Sception, but i happened to edit my post right before you commented I guess since i don't have the book i'm a little unclear on how our RD generate. So liege kavalos generates 2, do our mortison heroes (boneshaper, reaper, masons) only generate 1?
  10. So i've seen some lists posted in the 1k range (which is where i'm thinking of starting off at) that feature liege kavalos and some heroes, then mortek guards. Are we thinking that liege kavalos is a pretty much must have? I assume because of that sweet RD generation, though since I don't have the book i'm a little fuzzy on how that exactly works. Does the LK generate 2, and do our heroes only generate 1? Because I thought that the heroes also generated 2, like the boneshaper and such.
  11. Are you meaning you don't think stalkers are that efficient because they are comparatively more fragile compared to the immortis? Sorry, haven't had enough coffee today
  12. I believe he mentioned he felt the OBR didn't "feel" as good there since they lacked some important stuff in the box, while the ogors basically had access to everything? But still a good look into them!
  13. That's a good point! I'll probably consider something like that list too for my 1k starter
  14. Ok, got it! I'll give just a white prime job a try I really like that cold grey you got
  15. Awesome, thank you! I don't greyseer. Just black, white, grey primers lol. Hopefully white will give a close results, I'll have to experiment. Maybe just black prime then hit it with some white primer, close to what you did? I do have an airbrush though
  16. Basically end up just relying on the boneshaper to regen units then?
  17. Did you do the black Templar over a white base or grey?
  18. This really made a lot of sense for me! I will still probably have to put together a flow chart just to keep it organized in my head 😅
  19. Big fan of your work! I'm thinking of painting my OBR in a black/grey scheme. How'd you do Neferrata's mount bones, if you don't mind my asking?
  20. I think you got nagash and arkhan mixed up there on your second section
  21. I think i'm in the same boat. Since it's 25mm they'll be able to fight in two ranks even with swords?
  22. Are you feeling swords, or spears for the mortek in units of 20?
  23. That's my understanding of how it works too. Rather unfortunate
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