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Everything posted by Percivael

  1. Dammit. I've just spent the last 3 years painting dark elves with strong marine/nautical/Cthulhu theme rebasing them for AOS, adding more units, adding Skink Thralls and a Bastardised Bastiladon. My worries are two fold: 1. My current dark elves might look stupid compared to the new stuff and/or wont go together either aesthetically or fluff wise. 2. The new stuff will be so good I will want to start a new army with it anyway, and I could do with starting something completely new and non skinny and pointy (My head had been turned by the Kharadron Overlords)
  2. Hmmm. There is something of the Slaanesh Fiend/Seeker about that things head.
  3. Very much a pasty Aelf arm I reckon. But what's the pet Dragon thing? No eyes or mouth. A flying lamprey eel?
  4. Yes in fact this combined Mortals, Daemons and Pestilens force already has a name - The Grand Congregation of Nurgle from back in The Quest for Ghal Maraz. I think it included beastmen as well. They look pretty grubby and fit into that whole antlers and horns, beastial decay aesthetic of Nurgle, so the Gor models could be used with a keyword addition. Pestilens would perhaps not have access to prayers to Nurgle though.
  5. I hope so! and I hope they encorporate the old figures, cos Cthulhu Maritime Aelves is basically what my army 'The Eldritch Voyage of the Kraken Lord' is now!
  6. Tic Toc Duardin! I called it back in December!
  7. Just bought my ticket and hotel booked! (travelling from North Wales) I'll be bringing a mainly Aelf mixed Order list. Only my second ever tournament. Can't wait!
  8. I know yes. But on the other hand they do have a variety of weapons- could have different attacks based on weapons - two hand weapons, hand weapon and shield, double handed scythe etc.
  9. There's a rumour on Twitter that it's 10 Putrid Blight Kings in the new Warhammer quest, not five. This would make it considerably better value. It would essentially be a game and a load of other miniatures for under £30! Might be wishful thinking but fingers crossed.
  10. A more generic and versatile dungeon crawler will be cool. I hear eBay will be doing a card only version!?
  11. Yep it's definitely coming out, I know. I've just looked at the picture again and you may be right about the reaver champion. The presence of a double handed meat ripper axe would suggest it is a not the AoS starter set Blood Reavers but 10 of the 20 in a box ones. I still think it's a tad expensive though, if this leak is correct.
  12. Agreed. Not convinced by this. Also the cover has a Slaughter Priest on it but he isn't listed. And £90 for 30 miniatures we've seen before seems overly expensive.
  13. Enemies are Blightkings and Tzeentch? Arch enemies! Just been reading DoT and it made a fair bit of their old enmity. Could Desciples of Nurgle be in pipeline?! Perhaps game could have cool mechanic were enemies can work together as normal but sometimes end up fighting each other!
  14. Looking at the image and reading the info It is a stand alone game with new tiles and adventures but using existing miniatures. Heroes are left to right Black Ark Fleetmaster, Slaughter Priest, Cogmaster, Lord Castellant, Loremaster and Chaos Sorcerer Lord. Still very exciting though!
  15. Like it's been said before, Silver Tower, as well being an excellent game, was a teaser of of things to come in AOS. We're getting DoT, the Aelves were something definitely new, this could be the Warpriest faction...hmm, how do those Steamhead Duardin fit in?
  16. In summary of everyone's guesses I think it may well be an Excelsior Warpriest riding a DemiGriff. Old DemiGriff Knights, which are still excellent models, could be repackaged as holy Knights Templar to go with Devoted of Sigmar. There could also be Griff Hound packs. Plus war alters, flagellents etc. Could be a really nice army. Perhaps we're gonna get months of successive battletomes!
  17. It is an absolutely amazing and beautiful model. I'm very tempted by DoT, but I think I will hold out until the Duardin come out. I kind of fancy an army that really looks like an army if you know what I mean - uniforms, armour, grim stoic faces etc.
  18. Anyone get any news from the open day re. New Fimir models?
  19. At £15 there may even be people picking it up as a first look at the Lord of Change mini, even 40k players. And anyone whose painted a Silver Tower set, myself included, will be thinking 'well If I just add a box of this and a box of that I could easily start a small Tzeentch army'! will definitely pick up the battletome and allow it to sway me!
  20. I remember a while back, during the End Times, I read a rumour about an imminent Lord of Change release with a 'fish head' variant. It's interesting that in the Silver Tower there was a fish on legs Tzeentch Familiar. I wonder if this old prediction will hold any truth!
  21. It's New Years Eve in a few days. Could be a party blower being blown by an Alehead Duardin.
  22. I'm really excited about the new Duardin faction. With this new Tzeentch picture we can make a more solid speculation of what the Steamhead will include: Iron Breakers Iron Drakes Gyrocopters Battlesuits - Ogor sized steam punk robots - Hellboy 2 the Golden Army? A behemoth robot - also builds a big bad Alarielle level character Zeppelin Steam tank/Iron Daemon type thing? So what will the battle suits/robots look like? Like this? Or more like this?!
  23. This sounds so plausible and compelling as a storyline that it's just got to be at least partly right!
  24. Amazing! I have some Blightkings for my next project. Getting lots of inspiration from your work!
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