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  1. Hi there, I'm kinda new to AoS and I do want to play BoC because they look awesome. I was looking at battlescribe and I had a question. Aren't tzaangors kinda just better than most units from the actual BoC line? Like blobs of 20 with the shields make them super tanky even if they are kinda points inefficient. What gives with that? I was looking at bullgors or dragon ogors but still nothing stacks up and then making them battleline with a decent caster in the form of a shaman seems like a good way to play this army somewhat competitively...
  2. That could just be shadow actually now that I’m looking at it again hahaha
  3. Anyone have any idea what this thing might be? It might just be the art but it looks so strange to be one of the sentinels right? The way it’s drawn it looks like centaur for some reason, most likely not because why would it be, but it kind of looks like that block thing I’ve drawn is attached to its stick?
  4. I do like the sound of the emerald host and I am actually just getting into the hobby myself. I've been a long time 40k player and tried to build (and failed) a few different AoS armies. I actually started getting interested because of nighthaunt and while trying out a few different armies I just lost interest in them as time went on. I think I always knew that the ghosts were what I wanted hahaha. I have a noobish question about the KoSoES actually, I was looking on the GW website and couldn't find the model for it. Is it only in the soul wars box? Also, do you have a sample list for your emerald host army? Whats the best way to run the hexwraiths? In 5's or 10's? I have so many questions that I'm not really sure where to start hahaha
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