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Everything posted by chord

  1. Was there a dispute over how brazen rune works at blackout? I would be curious to know the ruling on that
  2. In the app crossbow Judicators have 2 attacks and in the battletome they have 3 . Do we know which is correct?
  3. Honestly I truly believe it was to make money. Otherwise if they were not better so many existing stormcast players would have less incentive to purchase the new units
  4. I feel you're pain, I'm in the same boat. Honestly it feels like these things were done to "encourage" me to buy the new models. All it has done is make a lot less interested in AoS. (granted my other army was Khorne who in the magic heavy meta suffers a lot too).
  5. Ah,....what if you dont like skinks (like me)?
  6. I picked up the Start Collecting, what is the next thing to get, another start collecting or a bastiladon?
  7. I don't think it says (don't have book in front of me) that the dead unit comes back. It says set up a unit. Now does that mean I can have a 5 model unit die, and set up a 15 model unit?
  8. Had a thought this morning while in traffic. What if GW allowed armies with the Khorne allegiance the ability to perform multiple unbind attempts on a spell. This would stay within in the lore of Khorne hating magic. Additionally is not over powered.
  9. You're correct. This is just all a ploy by GW to get us to buy more. And it's ok for us to admit that. I dont understand why people can't deal with any criticisms of GW. I'm in the same boat , its not just paladins I feel your pain.
  10. But you haven't , you're saying that they are better because other things have improved (scions,etc). Others (myself) are saying the paladins warscrolls (retributors mostly) is worse now than previously Two different topics.
  11. I don't think saying a unit got buffed because of some combination is a buff at all. Saying paladins got improved because you can use X, Y and Z with them is not paladins being improved. That is not a unit being improved, its synergies between specific units being improved. It's ok, you can still be a GW fan and a Stormcast fan and not agree with everything they did.
  12. Not everything GW does is great, and not everything they do is terrible. Weakening older units to sell new units is fine, it's a business. But is also disappointing to those who supported the line previously. Strengthing units that didn't get much play is great as well (Vanguard, CP, etc)
  13. Same here. (except about 3K) . Super disappointed by the nerfing of paladins, they weren't that good before but now even worse. LCoF is a bummer. Etc. Happy some of my units are now better (looking at you Celestant Prime) but overall the book was very disappointing. Also did they need to mention the flaw in reforging almost every page in the lore section. Geez, we get it.
  14. Me too! I cut their tongues off and I think they look much better.
  15. I think the Knight Venator's new wording for the star fated arrow means it would work with the Bless Weapons right?
  16. Agreed, kinda feels like a ploy to get me to replace a lot of my older units.
  17. Why does the dracoth for the LCoD have its breath as an ability and the dracoth for the extremis chambers have it as a shooting attack. Seems odd since they are both dracoths
  18. Agreed just skimmed the book. We got nerf'd hard. Plus I feel like the last battletome was higher quality than this. lots more wasted page space in this one.
  19. yeah auto 12" charged on a charged up CP sounds great!
  20. Question new Scions. If I deploy hunters in the celestial realm, does that count as having deployed one so I can deploy one using Scions? Or does scions only count units on the table?
  21. I am not surprised by these nerfs (as I've stated previously). The hate for the Stormcast is huge. GW can't have them be too good, nor can they have the poster army be bad. All these nerfs align us for being middle of the road/average. Plus the older models need to be less good to get people to buy all the new ones. Like why should the Lord Celestant on foot only be for one combat round? So strange! Poor Lord Relictor
  22. Interesting..that would be very oddly specific .
  23. So in the new battletome is only changes charge roles? Currently you can change any of his rolls (one die that is)
  24. He could change the charge roll prior. Since he could change any one die per turn. Did this change?
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