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Posts posted by Tiberius501

  1. I like the concept of charge reactions, but I really hope they do something else to nerf shooting. If there’s a change to not be able to shoot into melee, for example, that sort of thing would warrant the change.

    Please GW, for the love of Sigmar, nerf shooting.

    • Like 4
  2. 8 minutes ago, FFJump said:

    So, rounding up the rumors and Whitefang's reactions (I saw you trophy that rumor about the Grimdark Live Podcast rumors ;)).

    1. Kragnos is part of Destruction. Sounds like he's possibly an old forgotten god who has now returned to find his people literally all gone and if that city in the video wasn't necessarily ruins of his people, then its most likely one he recently helped destroy.

    2. AoS 3.0 will have an Indomitus style box of "hobgoblin-esque" wolf riders vs "Bretonnian" stormcast.

    I was actually the one mentioned that video earlier in this thread, and I said it then and I'll say it again. I think these descriptors are loose terms. I heard about Bonereapers before they were announced and they were described to me as Tomb Kings, simply because that's what people had closest reference to. I think its most likely Gitmob Grots vs just Stormcast with more heraldry or perhaps even Cities of Sigmar knights in the style of that knight from Cursed City. Goblin wolf riders have the same Mongol style as the old Hobgoblin's. They're probably going to be bigger looking now from scale creep too. If you saw Mongol style, larger goblins, and only had the reference of Hobgoblins from the Old World, you'd probably confuse the two. Plus in the Gloomspite Gitz battletome it says the Gitmob Grots gravitate towards plains and steppes, another factor associated with old hobgoblins.

    Putting these two rumors together actually makes a lot of sense as a whole. If Broken Realms Kragnos is the last BR book, with Kragnos being a Destruction god returned, it leads perfectly into the a Destruction-focused narrative for 3.0 and a boxed set featuring Destruction to kick things off. Plus from a different perspective, Destruction has to have their own god/named character model. Order has several gods as models already, Death has Nagash, Chaos has, not exactly a god, but Archeon. Destruction has no "god" character to swing blows with the other gods. Sure, they have mega-gargants and Gordrakk, but he's not really on the same level I don't think. I wouldn't say he's god-tier.

    I’m curious if Kragnos will lead these new Hobgoblins, or if he’ll have his own faction, or if he’ll be able to lead all destruction factions, like Nagash. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    Please dont put me on a hypetrain yet.
    What are the rumours so far?
    New pumpwagons, doomdivers and wolf riders are the dream.

    The rumours so far (that I’ve seen) have been that they’ll be Hobgoblins; bigger than normal goblins but smaller than Orruks. And the person said they saw wolf riders in the 3.0 starter box.

    I too don’t want to jump on a hype train... but it’s hard haha. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Perturbato said:

    I'm in aos for only a year but what was the situation before all those mortal wounds ? Saturation with heavy armor save ? Anyway if a unit doesn't inflict mortal wound or have fnp it looks like it is useless now ...

    Before the huge saturation of mortal wounds, and also a lot less Rend, a 4+ save was quite strong, and more units were a lot tougher. Mortal wounds were reserved almost exclusively for magic.

    Imo, it was a vastly superior way of handling it. 

    • Like 3
  5. I feel like the escalation of Mortal Wounds and other power through 2.0 is due to the way they release books.

    GW are very sales based with their books, releasing battletomes through the year, instead of all upfront with the new edition. This means that reducing dmg would mean that newer armies are worse than older armies, and who wants to buy a nerfed army?

    If they released all of the factions at once with a new edition philosophy of reduced dmg, it could work a lot more successfully.

    But GW want money, which is understandable but unfortunately skews the game towards constant growth and bloat; better dmg = better saves = more mortal wounds = more after saves, etc. until it becomes a crazy bloat fest of crazy numbers and abilities which it is becoming.

    Unfortunately I don’t see how 3rd can be much different in this regard, but hopefully it band aids some issues like shooting. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. 13 hours ago, LordPrometheus said:

    Dude, how did you get that sweet teal color? I love it!

    Thanks! I did glazed layers of Kabalite, Sybarite and Gauss Blaster Green in a gradient. Even though I did very watered down layers and went back and forth a bit to make it smooth (enough) it didn’t take very long. 

    • Like 1
  7. I don’t know if you guys care about this stuff in this thread, but I speed painted a group of 10 rasps. I’m pretty pleased with them, even though they’re pretty vanilla haha.


    • Like 12
    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. Thanks @dmorley21. The only thing is I’m quite partial to the Black Coach haha. So I may have to ****** myself and keep it in lol. What if I sent the Black Coach with 9 Spirit Hosts, Reikenor and the Chainghasts with the Bladegheists, and then the Knight of Shrouds, Spirit Torment and Guardian of Souls with the Rasps? Though that does seem like a lot of heroes buffing up only 40 rasps... 

  9. 25 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Nah, I forgot about linking that chain. Can be a pain. Your idea is sound. Still reckon you should pack in 9 spirit hosts though and have ruler of the spirit host and pendant on a hero with them. 

    Just cause I like him (and assuming you're running Reikenor in the battalion) I'd run the new guy in this role and drop the knight. 

    Yep cool that sounds good. Thanks heaps, especially a nice chonk of hosts. Will look cool too. 

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    I'm in chrome. Scroll right to the bottom and you'll see a theme option. Choose default. Not sure if it's the same on other browsers. 

    Aaah thanks heaps, I totally missed the theme menu. Much better. 

    • Like 1
  11. So what about something like this?

    —[Reikenor’s Condemned]—


    - Reikenor (General)

    - Knight of Shrouds on Steed (General; CT: Ruler of The Spirit Hosts)

    - Guardian of Souls 

    - Spirit Torment


    - 20x Chainrasps

    - 20x Chainrasps

    - 6x Spirit Hosts


    - Black Coach


    - 10x Bladegheists 

    - 10x Bladegheists 

    - 2x Chainghasts


    - Shroudguard

    Total 1850/2000

    I still have 150pts to spend, but not sure on what. And I’m not sure which Artefact to take as my second and who to give them to, and also what spells to take.

    Any suggestions on the list, what to spend the extra points on, and what to do with artefacts and spells?

  12. I really wish they’d made Archaon less points (can have been less powerful too). But I find it insanely hard to make a satisfying list with him leading a horde of chaos warriors and knights when he’s 800Pts :/ 

    It always ends up being about buffing him up with other heroes, which seems a bit boring and 1 note, and also a bit boring for the opponent.

    Anyway, that’s my whinge lol. Just not sure what to do with this amazing model. 

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