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Everything posted by Tiberius501

  1. With the Skaven rumours of units getting refreshed, is there a list of rumoured Stormcast units?
  2. Good-good! Can finally kill no-furs in skirmish mode, yes-yes!
  3. Where’s my Skaven Warcry team, GW? ☹️
  4. They kinda seem just as easy to paint as the current guys. If anything the extra 3D detail will make it even easier to contrast them and make them look better. Otherwise they have the same details on them as the current kit just done better, and having more open poses will make getting to all the areas easier.
  5. The new clan rats look absolutely incredible. I was curious how they’d improve on the old ones, given they still look good, but damn they blew it out of the park. They’re beautiful!
  6. There’s mention of another subculture of Kruleboyz who make war machines. I wonder if we’ll get something from them (possibly the big mounted crossbow thing, now that I think of it). All I really want though is some kind of cavalry unit, and this range will be incredible.
  7. GW stahp! Every. Single. Kit. Is. Dope. AF! I love the Kruleboyz!
  8. I’m a bit late to the party but, congrats!!
  9. Played another game today with my brother with our dominion box. We both have pretty much house ruled out the double turn haha, but we’re still having heaps of fun. Even though it isn’t the best game by any means, there’s just something very characterful and fun about AoS. And 3rd Ed with the new models are so far great. My only gripe now really is Mortal Wounds continuing their prevalence. Otherwise I’m so freaking ready for the full Kruleboyz release. Me and my bro are mad keen to begin our Path to Glory campaign.
  10. I hath finished the next 5 ladz, finishing the unit of 10! I have also redone the bases with greener tufts to look more swampy. working on da killaboss on foot next.
  11. I need Kruleboy/Stormcast leeeaaaks! I don’t have a life so I need my plastic sustenance!
  12. It’s the one from the Empire Greatswords box. There’s only 1-2 in the box unfortunately, but I feel like you could use Sisters of Battle helmets as a good substitute.
  13. Getting my next 5 done, and trying out a different coloured leather on this lot.
  14. Yeah sure, would be interested to see how it looks next to the ones I did. I may use it on the new 40K Orks.
  15. I reckon you could use some Ironjawz in a Kruleboyz gritty scheme and they’d fit as like the brutish vanguard beasts with heavier, but still primitive and beaten, armour while the Kruleboyz flank around with their kunnin’ taktiks.
  16. I did use it against a unit that charged another unit, ending within 9” of the Boltbotz. But I had moved them in my turn, so I thought that they still counted as having moved. But I think I may have been wrong and should’ve counted as standing still. EDIT: Yep I was wrong. Going off the wording of their Aimed/Hasty Shot rule, I should’ve had to use Aimed Shot. It would’ve been valid though if they were charged and the enemy got within 3”, you’re right.
  17. Don’t you still count as having moved if you’d moved in your turn before? If not then that’s good haha, I felt bad rolling so many.
  18. Thanks I zenithal primed them to get a lighting affect, then put a thin layer of Coelia Greenshade over the skin, then a thin layer of Anthonian Camoshade to make it a little greener. Then I added some wet, broad highlights of Straken Green to clean it up, then a final wet highlight of Nurgling Green. It’s pretty easy and I like the affect.
  19. Yeah I just used 3 and a shaman, and I did 8 mortal wounds to a charging unit with Unleash Hell. I got lucky with the rolls but it was pretty filthy haha.
  20. Hey friends, I’m gonna post here as I complete more. Here are my first 5. I did the shield and metal in normal paint, but the skin, leather, etc. are mostly contrast with added paint for highlights or added texture. Really fun models to paint, and pretty quick too.
  21. Yep very true. I love the Murknob but yeah in the dominion games I’ve played, not 1 has ever felt like the poor dude has done anything worth noting. Unlike the mega killy boss on gnashtoof or shaman making a unit murder.
  22. I feel like, with the pot grot, he should be able to cast his spell, and hand out an elixir or poison to a unit in each turn. It’s pretty much a no brainer to apply poison to a unit atm, and it would still make sense that the unit could be taking the poison/elixir from the pot grot while the shaman casts a spell.
  23. How is he giving out such high quality saves? He can either cast his spell, give +1 to saves to 1 unit or allow 1 unit to do mortals on 5+, he can only do 1, not all of them in the same turn. So best save the Orruks can get is 4+, the little guys can only get 5+. He is amazing though for giving a unit mortals on 5+.
  24. @Kantchill, the brown-red skin works surprisingly well, looks beast!
  25. The rumor that mentioned the Mouth of Mork, did it mention anything else? As it’s proven true, if they mentioned anything else then it might add more credence to them too.
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