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Everything posted by Boar

  1. Spellportal is 18"range so I wonder how useful Vitriolic spray would be. I guess Morathi would be up front blocking access to squishy darkshards somewhat? What spell would you put on Morathi?
  2. Doubt it, it would just move everything not other direction IMO, back to dozen heros buffing large block and if you can't do that you die. But it's just a tought. And I would love double to be removed, but not by changing it to 40k system as I think you are right. It's not binary choice however and many different systems are in use, even in GW games. I don't want to get here too much into all that, it's rumor thread after all. And especially discussions about priority crop up regularly. EDIT: Yeah and there is Mod notice even
  3. Difference between poison and cure is often in dose right? So inherently shooting (or magic) is fine, but when you cross certain threshold we are going to see problems. And double turn on melee armies is mitigated to some degree by alternate activations vs shooting (magic) where only one side kills other.
  4. So Chaos Dwarfs don't even own their clothing, they have to "hire" it - does that mean it's living? Gotta hand it to the team, they got imagination😜
  5. When KO 2.0 was announced I hoped for better ships which we got, and especially for Arkanauts to be more melee oriented. We got what we got, almost no melee (we lost 2atk endrinriggers) and we have no choice but to blast. Unfortunately high shooting and/or magic isn't really balanced with current core rules (double turns possibility).
  6. Yeah, Withering looks nice - didn`t get to use it tough as my preferred target had 4+ ignore spell on them due to their CA.
  7. KO is kinda unique concept tough, it's kinda their defining thing with lot of power coming from warships cannons. And actually GW reigned in Arkanaut Company skyhook spam which I was happy about, shame that Arkos didn`t get some boost in melee. Firepower from ships is also quite swingy - Ironclad being exception here and certainly unit that should go up in points.
  8. Thanks I was wondering about unreandable mostly. From looking on warscrolls I suppose you meant Ishlaen here.
  9. How that works, I am not really familiar with IDK?
  10. Yeah, used it on darkshards, with +1 atk from Drusa battalion
  11. That looks like exception, Lex specialis derogat legi generali and all of that. Gotta agree with other things you wrote, battalion and Drusa is somewhat underwhelming - esp. as to gain +1 to atk for your darkshards (which is it's main purpose) Drusa needs to be alive.
  12. From new things I took Drusa battalion which you can also take in Anvilgard, and additional attack it can give to darkshards (I had 20) was quite good but with other opponents 5+ save dragon will have problem to survive. Prayer (I took command trait on general) is also nice - I guess it could be good on executioners or black guards, but I don`t have any. Artifact Traitor's Banner looks like something usefull with 12" bubble of -1 to shooting, but vs Throggoths it wasn`t useful - though it can probably help Drusa if you were inclined to take her. My list wasn`t very competitive I played what I have from older days so it's hard to say. What I would say right now that it can probably be better than Anvilgard as it retains Vitriolic Spray which was main claim to fame of Anvilgard and adds DoK, prayer and banner vs shooting, but that's probably not enough to propel it close to like of Tempest Eye.
  13. Zero - standard dark elf stuff, maybe I will buy some later
  14. I saw using Stormcast units in Anvilgard as manipulating them in some way. Something like "hey Stormcast we have to kill some bad chaos dudes" those chaos dudes were probably not even that much chaotic but not good certainly. It's nice when you can remove competition with help from someone else. In other news I won 1500 battle with Har Kuron on Focal Points vs my brother's Glog's Megamob, I got of 4 bladewinds so that might helped me a bit😶
  15. Out of curiosity, can you point me either to your explanations or tell us what distribution of armor values you assume for your calculations?
  16. Those appear to be patched up in new warscroll.
  17. It is lacking sure, but certainly flavorful. I hope that change brings some helpful addition(s), not total replacemant. Once in Australia IIRC. Black Dragon (with Dreadlord anyway) can arguably gain as much as in Anvilgard or even more in Living City, Tempest Eye and Hammerhall if someone wants to play this model.
  18. Good lesson from GW! But seriously we saw 2 of 6, maybe there is something interesting in those 4 remaining? Though, since you take them in hero phase it seems you can`t buff your hidden assassin which is shame. And of course CoS heroes aren`t powerful really which lowers their value. Do Stormcast have someone who is good in melee by himself (if Misthavn retains rule of stormkeeps ofc) ? This would be amusing, great Stormcast hero snorting some dope😉
  19. Well it`s Jakkob Bugmansson, so it`s not exactly hero from the past.
  20. Funnily if GW corporate wants to put pressure on buying new models, we can see they are not doing the best job with f.ex Flamers, Salamanders and Marauders😜 There is important question of whether deisgn team even has enough resources, both in time and manpower. When discussing role of managment of company in regards to design process, I guess it could very well be not high enough priority from them on polishing rules ie. on resources of company invested into this process. This leads me to fact that people like to criticise game developers and rules writers, but are those designers given fair chance by their circumstances? When you have certain amount of experience working, unless you are lucky, you will sooner, rather than later have to deal with managment with giant expectations and not enough support for you as a worker that has to actually achieve all of those goals. And when tasks are not completed to satisfaction of either managment or clients, you will be chosen to shoulder the blame. So before any of you guys start going of on design team, stop for a moment.
  21. Gotta say I am not convinced guys, I mean maybe intention is different and it will be FAQ: Core Rulebook p. 229 "Units starting a normal move within 3" of enemy unit can either remain stationary or retreat". So just by starting within 3" and choosing to move you are automatically retreating. And granted while Gargant makes it`s move it can ignore models, it`s however never specified that it ignore this rule.
  22. Reroll of 1 for some of attacks vs. MONSTERS? If so you just need add 16%, as that is gain for rerolling 1s either for hits or wounds.
  23. It so happens that Kraken Eaters so Bundo, can kick objective 2d6 if they are 1" from it in hero phase. And yes it`s on warscroll.
  24. From what we saw they don`t have good damage output, but they are reliable. They weaknessess as single models can be covered by other units when they are allied - so maybe someone will come up with interesting list. Though I suspect not tournament winning quality.
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