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Everything posted by Boar

  1. Well they don't have S2D keyword so ->allies
  2. It's even worse as Grots and Corsairs offer you similar damage for those points, and lots of bodies too- no need to compare to dedicated melee units. Bloodwreck Shrine will now perform similar to them in melee, for just 20pts more!
  3. This. It's all models/minis not unit that need to be within, but not wholly within 6"
  4. But they don't hit hard which is marauders schtick, this is strange take to me TBH. And warriors are better defensively than marauders if someone wants to go that route
  5. Yeah I myself only noticed it recently. It also helps when deploying around ship pre-battle as you can put more units in range of garrisoning.
  6. Hmm, it looks you are right. If that indeed will be how it's launched I presume it will be due to Slanesh being major release so different rules apply.
  7. Ironscale is not forgotten, it's just that GW starts to sell those separately some time after double boxes where they appeared first. Same as Ogor Tyrant, KO Endrinmaster and many more
  8. No, first all models need to be within 6" of garrison, but not wholly within. Second more then 3" from enemy units apply to leaving garrison.
  9. only HERO general get command traits
  10. App is wrong on this one only Warriors, Chosen, Knights and both Marauders count
  11. They advertised only battalion for CoS didnt' they? So not necessarily anything with Shyish cities necessary.
  12. I suppose there is not insignificant chance that new book will push it to movement phase, where other recent teleports lie.
  13. For 30 pts and Artifact slot. So it competes directly with other Artifacts you could give out to Heroes. It looks like it would be only worth it in lists with sizable infantry component at first glance, in Barak Thryng maybe?
  14. So how are you going to shot twice in first turn then? Nevermind I didn't know that teleport works in Hero phase
  15. That's kinda the point tough, and it goes for whoever you equip with such trait. I can see that, Khagra team is something you would add at the end of making list I suppose, when you would have your standard Sorcerers already. Or alternatively just after filling your list with Sorcerers in Cabalists. It can be more fuel for Darkfire Demonrift too.
  16. Depends, I actually would as random D6 dmg/MW attack wont be able to kill him outright and for other heroes I prefer more offensive traits - Flames of Spite and Eternal Vendetta.
  17. In Ravagers you could take fully functioning Sorcerer for 110, and give him 7 Wound profile with Trait tough.
  18. Well, especially 15", but upon reflection you can fit 20 snakes inside 3" of board edge (ie. in situations when you have 12" to deploy they can be 9,1" from enemy) as terrain can't be deployed within 3" of board edge. Tough this would be 16" wide deployment in two ranks, and terrain would be problem indirectly then as it could limit somewhat further movement. After moving them in Lauchon in hero phase I suppose?
  19. Aren't you forgetting something? Many battleplans have you deploying 12" from center, this leaves 12" to board edge from frontline. And those that allow 9" from center leave... 15". Add to that 40mm bases of Melusai and terrain and for larger units even over 9" could be challenging in some cases I guess.
  20. Hey dude is worse, but you roll just one profile - how efficient! I added leftover flail part onto old Chaos Warrior from 90. and he is my Chaos Lord😛
  21. Yup plus 1 drug. As for house rules I personally don't use them.
  22. This is at least partially due to more data analysis from community side exisitng for 40k. It was guys from Goonhammer in warcom article doing heavy lifting not GW
  23. It's kinda different ability, Misthaven's and Har Kuron gives you additional cast for wizards. Rest of CoS give you more spells known for wizards. Why they changed it? Who knows? Maybe it's some internal shift in design philosophy, perhaps having in mind changes for AOS 3.0?
  24. From what I see in Core Book both Realm and Endless Spells are known by WIZARDS in your army. So for non-wizard it would only get you Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield.
  25. Bloodsecrator is in fact melee only, as is Idolators Lord prayer. Warshrines Blessing of Chaos and Chaos Sorcerer Lord Demonic Power however are not limited to only melee.
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