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Everything posted by Kiekeboe

  1. Good read, thanks Especially the bit on the phoenix, hadn't thought of that thing as an immovable object like that. With regards to your P.S.: You can treat those effects like a stack. The last one to be applied goes first. Not sure which FAQ exactly this is in but it's in one. IDK for example fight first during the 3rd battleround, this effect is applied at the start of the round. Your treelord stomp effect is applied in the combat phase on top of that so you apply that effect over their fight first, making them fight last.
  2. That's the shyish one I believe, the chamon gives "ignore rend -1". I wonder which one is better, I went with the chamon one in my previous list but I'm starting to think a permanent mystic shield isn't bad either, not sure how to do the math on that.
  3. Thanks Yeah I'm unsure about that one but I was looking for something defensive now that we've lost the gryph feather charm. I feel like a lot of lists run mainly -1 rend at this time so it's worth a try. Also the artifacts in the book unfortunately aren't real game changers on TGs in my opinion
  4. Hello beautiful Feccers - former Order player here. I'd like to pick your collective brain about 2 potential lists I'd like to run at an upcoming event. I've played a fair bit of FEC but never at an event, so I want to do this right. I've been studying tournament lists for FEC and the best performing 2 options seem to be feast day with 2 big birds + 40-10-10 ghouls, or blisterskin deadwatch with lots of flayers. Personally I'm really attracted to feast day (and I don't like painting flayers) so I'm opting to go with feast day. When toying around in warscroll builder I found a way to have a 2-drop list, which is the first option I'd like to present: This runs 2 terrorgheists for maximum bites and buffing their attacks with archregent/ghoul king on foot. I specifically went with 2 TGs instead of zombie dragon because while the wound reroll aura is nice - it doesn't increase the chance to get bite mortal wounds so I'd rather have the extra TG (if zombie dragon has a place here, do let me know why). The main thing I'm trying to do here is have 2 battalions that allow for a 2-drop so you can give your opponent first go. I also think that every unit and hero in these battalions have value, none of the inclusions feel like a 'tax'. The list is light on battleline but the archregent and ghoul king on foot bring in 30 more ghouls and I can use the msu ghouls to cover the home objectives while the TGs have fun on the other side of the table. Having 2 battalions gives enough CP to do all summons and have one CP left so both TGs can use feast day if they both get into combat turn 1. The crypt ghast courtier will be deployed through ghoul patrol with the 20 ghouls from the summon, this gives them a hero over there, too. There's 50 points spare and I have a spare cast each turn so I may end up putting a purple sun in there (or any other useful endless spell, or an extra CP). Thoughts about this one? Between this one and the next I think I like this one the most. (I see a lot of Royal Family legality discussions earlier in this thread but RAW (and probably RAI) this battalion is legal with mounted kings so I'm writing this list as if it is.) The second list is a more traditional one. I don't think this list needs much explanation. If you feel a zombie dragon has its place in this list instead of a second TG I'd love to hear why, looking at their scrolls I haven't been able to decipher why you would bring something less powerful for more points (apart from when you have a very specific summoning need with the courtier he brings and you can't get it from the archregent). The other minor difference from the cookie cutter feast day list is the mortis engine. I have played with corpse cart and mortis engine and prefer the mortis engine over the cart. The reason why is that the cart has a hard time keeping up with the dragons and really dies to a stiff breeze. The engine is super speedy and has a bit of distraction carnifex going on, he can take a few hits too. His bravery ranged attack is useless more often than not but the 4d6 range damage/heal has pretty much always been a welcome ability. I also may swap the Chamon artifact with the -2 bravery Grim Garland one. I like the ignore -1 rend but this list has flayers/mortis engine/2 TGs that all potentially benefit from the Grim Garland. My worry with it is the short range of the attacks and the short range of the artifact, that they'll never overlap. This list leans heavily into magic while the meta is really hostile towards magic users, so including either of those 2 options feels like a must when you want to rely on spells. (thinking out loud right now I guess you can run a list with both the cart and the engine? Back to warscroll builder after this post...). This post was lengthier than I imagined upfront, sorry about that. Thank you if you made it all the way through and I'm looking forward to any critique and feedback. Thanks!
  5. Thanks, yeah I figured he would only be in range for the first round of shooting but I also thought that would be the most important one. I'd set him up shining his lantern on 1, hopefully 2 units and deploy the fulminators and possibly sisters behind/next to him to make sure their shooting goes well. If the table allows it I could indeed deploy during deployment and run him up into a better position, good suggestion.
  6. Let's say Petrifex gets an adjustment to bring it more in line with other legions, could we see Null Myriad being a viable option? Once tournaments start back up again after the lockdowns end we're very likely going to be in a completely different meta and I'm guessing it's going to be a magic heavy meta, especially with the updated Tzeentch/Seraphon and Lumineth being released. Would a Null Myriad list offer a solid answer against the stupid amounts of mortal wounds flying around?
  7. Hey all, Sylvaneth player here looking to convert to Living City until we see changes to the treefolk. I'm in love with the strike and melt away shenanigans that this city can do so I wrote up a list trying to capitalize on that command ability. LEADERS Nomad Prince (120) - General - Command Trait : Ironoak Artisan - Artefact : Wardroth Horn Battlemage (90) - Lore of Leaves : Ironoak Skin - City Role : General's Adjutant - Mortal Realm : Ghyran Knight-Azyros (100) UNITS 10 x Eternal Guard (130) - City Role : Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models) 10 x Eternal Guard (130) 20 x Sisters of the Watch (320) 4 x Fulminators (440) 6 x Kurnoth Hunters (380) - Scythes BEHEMOTHS Celestial Hurricanum (220) Extra Command Point (50) 1980/2000 So the idea is to deploy a bubble of eternal guard + general/adjutant on the home objective. The Kurnoths will deploy in own territory as well and walk up to another objective. Meanwhile the Knight-Azyros/Hurricanum/Fulminators/Sisters will set up hidden. Fulminators will deep strike with Knight-Azyros and Hurricanum buffs, with the Sisters optionally deep striking with this group if a screen needs to be removed before the Fulminators can do their shoot+move+charge into a key target. The plan is that this gives the Kurnoths time to bunker up on an objective while the enemy has to walk up to the Fulminators to deal with them as Fulminators can't really be killed by shooting. Any feedback is welcome, I'm writing this list with an upcoming tournament in mind and I really want to try the Fulminators+Knight-Azyros combo as I have those painted up/converted in a Sylvaneth/Living City theme and absolutely love those models. It's mostly the battleline choices I'm uncertain about and unfamiliar with as I haven't played other cities before. Cheers,
  8. I started out with official woods but after dragging them around a few times I gave up on those. I still needed more sets so instead of buying them I made my own which I combine with real pieces. The homemade ones have Greenstuff World tree stumps where the regular tree would be, to indicate blocking terrain. I've now made a total of 5 sets of 3 pieces each and I don't even bring the regular woods to games anymore. I've never been to an official tournament but I did have one planned (cancelled because of covid ) and that tournament organizer did approve the use of my woods. I don't think people have issues with them as long as their footprint matches the official ones and you ask before your games/tournaments. Your opponents will also thank you for bringing more playable woods. In case someone is interested in the recipe I used:
  9. If pretty much everyone else is strong, doesn't that simply mean Sylvaneth is weak? Sylvaneth plays in a unique way that makes it fun for me as well, you're absolutely right there. But saying they're okay right now is being ignorant. You can absolutely win games, sure, but you can't make mistakes along the way, and your opponent can't be lucky. They're also so incredibly far from having an excellent thematic playstyle in my opinion. I played against Nurgle and the way that player spread their trees over the board felt so much more Sylvaneth-y to me than when I tried to cast a wood and it got denied, also ruining the turn I had hoped to play. Try 'thematically' growing your forests against Seraphon/Tzeentch (and probably Teclis in the future) and see how far you get. Sylvaneth is also supposed to be the faction of life/growth but only Alarielle embodies this theme properly, and her healing goes to waste most of the time as well. Lore-wise soul pods play a huge role in Sylvaneth, where are they in the game? Why can't we grow new bodies from pods? Simple rule changes like changing "heal X amount" to "heal X amount or restore X amount worth of wounds in models instead" would thematically make so much more sense. Then there's the 3 treelords who are supposed to be sturdy, strong, immovable objects in terms of lore, yet they die when they're being looked at funny because they have nothing to save them on top of their normal save. That's even more of the Sylvaneth healing going to waste because if someone wants a treelord dead they can most likely make it happen in a single turn. The only good thing I can say about thematic playstyle is the way we have glades. Glades (their viability left aside) completely change the identity of your army and playing a different glade is pretty much the same as playing a different army, which is great. To sum it up: in my opinion there's a huge disconnect between what the lore says Sylvaneth are, and what we see on the battlefield. Sylvaneth is still great fun to play and I keep returning to it after trying out different armies, but given what currently are the most popular armies they're in a really bad spot.
  10. Thanks! About the need for Wyldwoods: I thought that would be the case. That's why I don't understand how that list did 4-1 with both Alarielle and the Branchwraith running Regrowth and no Throne. Personally I think I would replace one Durthu with an Ancient for the guaranteed wood while keeping the stomp and, like you said, putting Ghyrstrike and Silent Sickle on the two Durthus.
  11. I found that list online as well when I was browsing successful lists and it really intrigued me. I like to play LotC and lists with lots of Treelord (variants) because the stomps are game changers and I simply love the models - but 3 Durthus I haven't tried yet. Any idea how this would work? What the general game plan would be? I'm trying to wrap my head around it while I wait for someone to test this list against. Would you throw your pre-game wood forwards, try to cast one in your backline, and alpha strike all Durthus forward on your first turn - or don't lean on your woods too much since the list doesn't have an ancient or throne of vines on Alarielle? Keep your Durthus together and move forward killing everything in their way or split them up and go for different objectives/threats? And what would Alarielles main contribution be? Fly to an objective and drop 20 dryads, or drop another Treelord for even more stompy goodness? So many questions but come on, Alarielle and 3 Durthus, I need this list to work so bad. These models are why I started Sylvaneth so I most definitely need to play this list at least once. Thanks for any input
  12. Sweet, great to hear I was doubting the Arch-Revenant but decided to leave her in because the tournament I'll be playing has Places of Arcane power as one of the battleplans (points can only be taken by heroes) so I wanted a high movement hero in there, plus the command ability works wonders on 6 scythes. I didn't think about the Gnarlroot CA at all, that's a good one to keep in mind, thanks! I'll see if I can dig up some more about LotC earlier in this thread.
  13. Hi all! I'm working on a tournament list and would like to pick your brains and have a little discussion about Treelords and Lords of the Clan. I've yet to see a list have success by going all in on this so I'd like to see if it can be done. The main reason I want to try this is because of the recent point reduction combined with the fact that the Lords of the Clan battalion is dead cheap - it's pretty much the same price as an extra CP. Also Treelord models are probably my most favourite in the entire range in terms of looks/theme so I really want this to work. The list I'm currently writing up (w.i.p.) is this: Let's see what this list gives you in terms of gameplay and how it's going to try and win games. Just the main battalion gives you casting/unbinding, forest spawning, buff bodies in the form of Treelords, and maybe most importantly: mobility. All of the Treelords can hop from wood to wood. Place your pre-game wood as far forward as possible (if you're able to take first turn with the list's 7 drops, otherwise place the pre-game wood in your territory and cast one forward on your first turn), cast or auto-drop your second wood near your Treelords on your first turn and you've got 4 Treelords on their side of the board (plus a block of Kurnoths using the allegiance teleport). If you make your forward wood consist of 6 pieces of Wyldwood you can fit your units inside and you can let them charge you if you don't want to charge in yourself. Letting them charge you isn't all bad because you've got 4 Treelord stomps to turn the combat order in your favour. Also they can't shoot you while you remain in the woods. The above scenario doesn't rely on dice rolls anywhere (except maybe for the Treelord stomps) and should be doable consistently. The reason I picked Gnarlroot over others is because the number of attacks in this list probably isn't enough to benefit optimally from Winterleaf's passive where Gnarlroot's healing will rarely go to waste with this many high-wound models. Having 3 dice from the Chalice when trying to cast more woods is amazing, and a Vesperal Gem - Verdurous Harmony combo to guarantee restoring Kurnoth Hunters is solid as well. I would have loved to go Oakenbrow because it fits so well thematically but I couldn't help but prefer all of Gnarlroot's stuff over Oakenbrow. The question now becomes: can you win battles and/or keep objectives under your control? Are 2 Treelords, 2 Ancients, and 6 Kurnoths enough of a combat force while your dryads/tree revenants grab and hold objectives? I'm really interested in what you think! I'm going to give this list a try tomorrow and edit my findings in. (The only thing that's fixed in this list is the Lords of the Clan setup, I can tweak all other units w here needed. For example I may want to run another unit of Kurnoths, but for that I'll have to drop one block of 20 dryads and split the remaining one up in 2 units of 10. Will this be enough to hold/contest objectives? I'm not sure... will have to experiment with this. I also may want to fit in a Spiteswarm Hive but since I want them to come to me in the woods I don't know how important this is to include... Again, will have to test.)
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