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Everything posted by RUNCMD

  1. Hey mate, sounds like you are aiming for a more Mortal / Arcanite type army based on what you're looking to buy, or is this just a deal you're thinking of snapping up? I would suggest having a think of if you prefer the Mortals / Arcanite side of Tzeentch or if you like the Demon side more and that would be able to provide you a bit more personal guidance. As for the lot you're looking at picking up seems like a bargain for 50 Euro regardless especially if it is painted to a decent quality! The Gaunt Summoner, Ogroid and Curesling are great Generals for an Arcanite Tzeentch list and if you couple that with the 30 Acolytes you already have the x3 Battleline filled for a 2k army and can mix in whatever you want from there! Painting 30 Acolytes could be pretty tiresome if you're not super into them as well. Overall sounds like a good deal and would be easy to hit 1K with your Flamers, Screamers as well!
  2. Hey mate, so I am running Changehost as well and full disclaimer, I haven't played a battle with it as of yet as I'm still building and painting it, however I have done a lot of research so would like to just share what I've read, but yeah take it or leave it man. FEC just have crazy movement so will be up in your face right away so it can be hard to screen against them if you take second turn (this is in general and not just for Tzeentchy bois) and also their Zombie Dragon can end up doing more Damage than most big hero's from memory (think I read somewhere on TGA that it can do even more Damage than Archaon? but I can't find the link to confirm this). Skaven are very similar to FEC and can be hard to counter, but the Changehost ability can really help with this in terms of screening and wiping them out with spells. From others and their posts on various forums etc, FEC, Skaven and Khorne can be some of our worst match ups really. Not sure if you have played against Khorne before, but they have this disgusting thing where their Hexgore Skulls subtract 2 from casting if a model is WITHIN 12" of either of the models (Hexgores have 2 skulls which need to remain wholly within 6" of each other so can cover a lot of ground) then if the unmodified casting roll for a Wizard is an 8 then the spell is unsuccessful, the Wizard no longer knows the spell and each Wizard within 12" of the Hexgore Skull suffers D6 Mortal wounds... this is a Wizard KILLER and my advice is to always snipe / take out their Slaughter Priests (the guys who are able to bring these onto the board) as quickly as you can with spells. Khorne really hates Magic. I honestly feel that the best option for CH is to really screen your enemy correctly, explode those pinks and bog them down whilst smashing them with the endless spells! My advice is to include a Gaunt Summoner into your list - his spell Infernal Flames is actually invaluable against Hordes, give it a read, then calculate the damage you can do to 100 Rats (which Skaven can take quite easily). Anyways, I plan on posting my thoughts on Changehost when I have it fully built and test it against a few different enemies! Hope this helps mate.
  3. Hey mate, there should be no limit to what you can summon in the movement phase, as long as you have the points to summon it! So sounds like your thnking is correct! Best thing I would suggest (but assuming that you do this anyway) is to track your Fate/Blue/Brim points all separately so that you can use your fate points to summon the Herald and your Blue points to summon in Blues only... One idea I have been toying with (haven't used it on the board yet but think it is totally legal and would be sweet) would be to summon your Herald wholly within 12" from another hero and once they are positioned on the board, use them to summon in your Blues/Brims wholly within 12" of the Herald you just summoned in, keeping them the typical 9" away from units. This essentially could net you 24" of board control and position your pieces for future screening etc, especially if you are creating a huge blob of up to 40 Blues (provided you have the points at this point in time and they are ALL Blue points).
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