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Everything posted by RUNCMD

  1. @Deadkitten nice write up. that's a lot of Horrors to take in a list, would have looked great! I would imagine that playing something like Ogors you would have had more control of objectives and just forced them to deal with the big tar pits, is that right? I've not used the changeling in any lists or anything atm, do you have any rules of thumb when you use it? Have been thinking of playing it in some mortals lists but just not sure on a strategy to use with it.
  2. @Jaskier I made some tweaks to your list, as I really liked what you were doing, so here it is with some short analysis as well, just food for thought: So I dropped your fatemaster and chucked in the Magister on foot so a couple of reasons: - Fatemaster command ability is nice, but it will burn your CPs for the LOCs CA, and also the CA inbuilt to internal conflag, making people Minus 2 to bravery! Seriously this comes in handy way more than people think, coupled with the Pinks Hornerblower forcing re-reolls of 1 for your enemy this is a decent combo! The thing I love on the fatemaster is his ability for re-rolling Hits rolls in both Melee and Shooting, but unless you're using this all the time and can keep stuff like your unit of Horrors within the 9' bubble, it might not be that effective! - Bring in the Magister (either on foot or on disc whichever you prefer really) to essentially do what Geminids does with an additional spell from the book Arcane Suggestion. Check it out if you haven't already, but it does what Geminids does but in my opiniong, better, because it doesn't come back in your face, you have 3 different options to choose from for when you need it most aaaaaand it can still go down the Umbral allowing you to have that LOC use its auto dispell when you need / want to! The only downside here is that Magister on foot is pretty squishy so could be ded to shooting etc. Magister on disc is 40 points extra (140) and might be worth taking if you want additional movement shenanigans. The other cool thing about magisters is that they can cause some Chaos Spawn to come in off their inbuilt spell as well... just a cool feature really. I also think that taking the Balewind to get an extra spell and add additional range to spells plus the extra save on something like the blue scribes is pretty gnarly for only 40 points and is well worth it for something like fold reality! Highly recommend considering it! Anyways - interested to hear what you think. but like I said, these suggestions are just food for thought
  3. I think Geminids has it's place, but the chance that it will come back and be used against you is a bit worrying atm, spesh with something like Horrors and how theyre currently going with their to Hit stats. I think it'd be great if you're going to use the LOC to just take them off the board once youve used them but its a big risk to take. I previously used them, but after poor positioning on my part I learnt how quickly it can come back in your face. I think the same for swords! Being better against a Chaos army can hinder us pretty badly lol. spesh if used on a Hero. I'm personally a huge fan of the Burning Sigil at the moment. might not be the best choice Tournament wise/competitively but the randomness and what it can do is always a lot of fun. What are you sending down Umbral? because if you send geminids or the swords down it thatd be cool and keep you out of danger.
  4. @Hyperyon I agree w @Deadkitten on this one. It's a one drop battalion and they're really powerful atm. In terms of summoning, it depends on what you want to do and if youre willing to play the longer game for some Tzeentch Lists. Looking at your list you'll be at between 3-5 Fate points each turn, depending on who you play and their spells. If you want to build in some summoning as well I'd suggest taking more casters as well.. You can bring in an exalted Flamer at 12 points but all summoning needs to be brought in off a hero so as long as your LOC is still good you should be fine for some turn 3 summoning... I'm starting to bank my points and keep a Hero a live as much as possible and then throw a 10 man unit of Pinks (for 20 fate points, pretty exxy) on the board for some late game help really. The Blue scribes and Changeling are pretty squishy hey. so dont expect them to stick around if they get shot or charged imo. unless you chuck the bluescribes on a balewind, which would be my suggestion if you can fit it in? My Changehost looks a lil different but focuses on Fatepoints/Summoning late game for another unit of Pinks or even Flamers. It casts 9 spells first turn, noting that by the time my opponent has chipped away at some pinks (x2 10 model units in the list) that i'll lose their ability to cast, so also somewhat relies on the opponent bringing some casts as well. By Turn 3 my idea is that I should (granted not all of my heros are d e d) have somewhere between 16-20 fate points to bring that unit of Pinks in. That's a pretty big risk to wait and take late game! But can be worth it really. But I could also bring in x2 units of Blues or x2 units of screamers if needed to then get some more coverage! Hope this helps.
  5. @Hyperyon no problem! There are definitely other competitive Tzeentch lists don't get me wrong. But it all depends what your aim is. Flamers are def still a thing and a gross unit at 9 or so models lol. Happy to help where I can if you have other questions.
  6. I have a list that I've written that is 95% Mortals, the exception is the Blue Scribes. I havent run it yet, but am aiming to do some proxy matches with it soon, so Ill get back to you about it.
  7. Changehost/conflag is probably the way that most competitive/meta driven Tzeentch lists will be run for the foreseeable future. Depends on your goal though. If it is to try win a tournament then this will probably be what you want.
  8. Apologies mate, my comment about Host Dup only applies to Pinks because they will be the only ones with the Tzeentch keyword. Correct in saying that the Daemonette's won't get the ability to use destiny dice because they do not have the Tzeentch keyword and would count towards Allies.
  9. @Maserdom Depends on your list and how you're building it I think. Pinks are still great for 5, because it's just that road block like you said, but if youre after a more aggressive build/trying to get something quickly into your opponents face, then Daemonette's all the way. Their value is completely under rated I think, they have some amazing abilities and a decent threat range with the ability to be able to run and charge, re-roll charges with the banner bearer and theyre not that bad in combat either. Put them in the Host Dup (so people cant retreat from 3 inches away) and youre laughing if you take either or! I've been bringing them in a few games here and their when they work with my list and I think theyre great. Plaugebearers are another decent roadblock sitting on a 5+ save then another 5+ after, but Bloodletters I dont see the need for.
  10. @Naem tweaking your list I'd go for something like this: Allegiance: Tzeentch - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners LEADERS Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (250) - General - Command Trait : Prophet of the Ostensible Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (260) - Artefact : Brimstone Familiar - Lore of Fate : Glimpse the Future Tzaangor Shaman (150) - Lore of Fate : Arcane Suggestion Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Lore of Fate : Shield of Fate UNITS 20 x Chaos Marauders (150) - Axes & Shields 20 x Chaos Marauders (150) - Axes & Shields 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Kairic Acolytes (100) 10 x Chaos Knights (360) - Ensorcelled Weapons 6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400) Mix and match the spells and what not, brimstone on the sorc lord to make the GOS units immune to battleshock, and he can fly around wherever he needs to be, $+ extra command point which is good for the Chaos Lord on Kark. Would try fitting in a battalion to get the extra cool stuff that comes with it. 6 spells which isnt so bad either (2 from the shaman), slight chance of getting the LOC on the board at some point, especially if your opponent has wizards.
  11. Have to agree with what @Deadkitten has said and Id consolidate that unit of Chaos knights to get the buff of the chaos lord on karkadrak, drop something to get in the exalted flamer if you're deadset on running flamers, or drop the flamers in total and chuck in (like was mentioned above I believe by Deadkitten) more acolytes or even a cheeky unit of the chaos marauders as bait/something that the enemy has to deal with, but then you have to deal w ugly Marauder models but theyre easy enough to Kit Bash into something cool. If you keep both the enlightened or and the sky fires, you'll be a bit hard pressed getting that shaman to buff them both, unless you run them really close together.
  12. @Ganigumo I love that! Awesome and so quick as well, especially if you're going to be doing 20 of them. If you have a spare pot you could make a dedicated pot of it! Nice work!
  13. @Ganigumo they're legit! Which pink are you using? From the photos it doesn't look like the Citadel Emperor's Children
  14. Yo def post some pictures of these Flamingors! I cant wait to see that!!!! Awesome idea! Interesting. I was going to suggest either Cult of the Transient, based on your list and how it looks on paper, but I havent actually played it before so that would be my disclaimer! My other suggestion was going to be Host Arcanum because the free screamers, cant retreat within 3" and the trait are all really great imo and with something like the Tzaangors I think it works well, especially because of the guys on disc, kairos and the shaman, if you got the 3 on the D3 roll that's some solid movement there if you dont need the screamers to move after bringing them in. But I guess you would want to to just get all up in your opponents face right away and tag something so they HAVE to deal with those screamers before moving of anything else. I played GOS the other day actually and I didnt mind it (was going to do a write up but I forgot to that night and now ive forgotten most of what happened) but a few things I found was that because I went second in the first round and miffed a few of those spells (even with re-rolls from the blue scribes) I couldnt get my LOC in in , which was crippling really, and when I did he came in turn two, wasn't of much use other than some shooting, so you really want to take turn 1 and get him in turn 1. Wouldn't be an issue for you with the Kairos and Curseling even if the Blue Scribes get popped, but I usually chuck them on the balewind to get the further distance etc for the re-rolls, so not sure you would want the Curseling on there? The anti battleshock stuff is really needed and great for Kairics/Arcanites in GOS and so is the extra command point on a 4. Dunno if you'll need the extra command point though because you havent taken the Fatemaster and we dont really need them for anything other than LOC CMD ability which you probably wouldnt use byt he time he's on the board or you might use it for the generic CMD abilities everyone gets? I took Fatemaster in the list I played on the weekend and on a bigger blob of 20 Kairics his ability works well for their shooting which is handy, but also like you said, they're average in combat and also as soon as they are touched they just fold to any attacks and battleshock! I like your list, I run something very similar, and whilst he's a two cast wizard I dont usually run the Curseling because Ive not really found or had the use for him compared to someone like the Gaunt on Disc, but if anything he would be what I drop and take Fatemaster, because for what FM does, he's a great utility and also has awesome movement etc. I think your hardest choice is the coven you take really. I think that the main focus of the book was really geared towards Daemons this time, which is fine, but Tzaangors of all varieties costing what they do really hurts hey. Like you said, you want to run no less than 20 and thats 360 points! Crazy really.
  15. Couple of questions, is this going to be a competitive list you start taking to tournaments etc or is it just a friendly "get some cools models on the board and have fun" list that could double as a tournament list? Based on that, is there any main reason you took the GOS Coven at all? And is there a strategy behind taking the Curseling or is he more just rule of cool?
  16. Oh yeah that would be a good conversion! I think a good head for that would/could be the mindstearler sphiranx? or maybe even a Loc head if ifs a Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord (would be pretty dedicated though).. With the Tauralon theres a lot of cool options at your disposal I think
  17. Yeah thought it was mostly confined to Narrative games. Most matched play in FLGS or GW store probs wouldnt allow use to it, being isolated to AoA/Narrative. But I see your point for sure.
  18. Who has the Raise Dead spell available to them in Matched Play though?
  19. Im just trying to be greedy and sneak in an extra 10 or 20 points off a unit I run x3 units of them, and 2 at a size of 20 so I'm just trying to make my list see me a bit of room LOL. I agree with you though on the scroll and vulcarch! Spesh at 18 inches for the vulcarch!
  20. Yeah I thought the same about the Chaos Sorcerer Lord, with a quick conversion (hate the Manticore model) he could see some use!!!! Still, Gaunt on Disc is nothing to scoff at imo!
  21. I can agree with you on the abuse of Pinks for sure! but I still think that at 200 they worked as they should! But im just glad they didnt get hit harder tbh LOL. I think the thing that hurts me the most at the Gaunt only being able to bring in 5 now is that I used them as a caster to get that extra spell for fate points! Thats what broke my heart if im honest lol. Sigh! Pinks will still be problematic I think. Yeah even down to 90 would have been nice for Kairics. I take a lot of them at the moment because I look at vanilla Tzaangors and just cringe at how high they are! And you nailed it, lose a couple and you're losing the extra attacks etc! I love they have built a lot of ways to retrun them to a unit which is great but it also can be quite situational and you need to take other things etc. not the worst not the best. I also like the idea of being able to take them in 5 man blobs as well! Edit: Added some words.
  22. Gaunt only being able to bring in 5 Horrors, honestly not the worst... That's still a Tar pit, he didn't get another points hike for both variants, it wasn't neutered to Blues, he still casts two, on disc has great movement, has the ability to cast STD Spells... honestly not the worst and brings a bit of balance which is not bad. Pinks going up to 220, not even needed... They were only such a focus because of the Gaunt in the first place imo. They should have stayed at 200... GW stuffed up there. Flamers - expected. Changeling - not sure why but okay, two caster at 140 I guess thats fine? Kairics not going down - shame. They should be at 80 for 10 imo. Tzaangors (of all varietys) - as someone mentioned above, not going down is a joke. I feel Beats of Chaos need this more than us atm, and the Skyfires should be 180 or less and enlightened on disc 160. Overall, not too bad. We are still competitive which is nice and I think we got off lightly!
  23. Solid. Hoping those Chaos knights go down in points when the FAQ is dropped by GW. I think they're a bit over priced atm but they are awesome models (the new ones anyway)! That's a lot of Horrors for one person to deal with lol. Do you think the 20 blob is the way to run Pinks these days?
  24. I like that you really didnt mind going first. I really hope the meta changes to people opting to go first more often with the new armies that are about and some of the current battleplans! Makes for a more interesting and tactical game instead of just going for the double turn. What did your actual list look like in the end though? from what I gather it was: x1 LOC x1 Chaos Lord on daemonic mount? x3 units of pinks, 10 block, 20 block, 10 block x1 block of chaos knights? (10?)
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