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Everything posted by Warmill

  1. It's a lot of fun, I'm really enjoying learning it properly! I've just sculpted up a weirdnob shaman, the print is done and assembled now I just have to paint him.
  2. I used a Rapidshape dlp printer as we've had one for a few years at work but for most home users any of the sub-£500 lcd resin printers will be close enough. The anycubic photon is the one I've seen personal results from.
  3. I'm not feeling the changes to brutes, I'd have much rather they were buffed to be worth their points. Hopefully there's some new abilities to make them really good otherwise I can't see them being a better choice than 10 ardboyz who all hit on 3+ 3+ with a +1 damage from the chanter.
  4. I went to the Southwest Wargamers' Arcane Alliance doubles tournament in earlier this month, and as we only had 1000 points to play with I figured I needed ot give a footboss a try. I sculpted up my custom boss over a couple of evenings and printed it out ready for the event, still a lot of learning to do but overall I was pretty happy with this guy. I had to split it up a bit awkwardly to fit on my printer so due to the lack of time I just painted the split lines up as armour panels :D.
  5. @TimM85 I'll engrave my own just in case something miraculous happens, maybe someone will bring Tomb Kings... 🤣
  6. I had a great time at Summer Smash, I'm looking forward to getting a bit of vengeance against Dave after he beat me for first place. 😈
  7. I really hope brutes and GGs get split into 2 different units based on weapons, maybe choppas for hordes and chaff and hackas as MW causing monster and elite killers. The hackas look so cool.
  8. No brutes can't mix and match hackas and choppas. As per the faq the ardboyz scroll says models carry weapons while the brute scroll says units.
  9. I'm not surprised relocation orb is at the bottom, I've never played a game where the orb hasn't beelined straight away from my army in turn 2 and 3.
  10. I've been running 6-4 double choppa - big choppa, but I think I'm going to switch over to all big choppas as the double choppas bounce way to often for my liking unless they're hitting really squishy targets.
  11. Cheers, I was relieved that it worked as I wasn't sure before I started!
  12. I love a well done Nurgle army and these are beautiful! Such a great palette and the armour is awesome
  13. I love my maw krusha and have been toying with expanding my 1500pts to 2000 by adding in a second one. Here is what I've been considering, would love some feedback. I'm not aiming for top tables, just an army that is a lot of fun and can still wreck a bit of face. Allegiance: IronjawzMortal Realm: AqshyMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (420)- General- Choppa and Rip-tooth fist- Trait: Live to Fight - Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (420)- Choppa and Rip-tooth fist- Artefact: Essence of Vulcatrix Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)- Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak 10 x Orruk Ardboys (140)10 x Orruk Ardboys (140)5 x Orruk Brutes (170)- Pair of Brute Choppas5 x Orruk Brutes (170)- Pair of Brute Choppas3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)- Pig-iron ChoppasBloodtoofs (80)Ironfist (160)Total: 1960 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 119 My plan is basically the one big combat phase, using mighty destroyers to get the krushas where I need them to be for the turn 2 fight. Metalrippa for the bloodtoof general's choppa, use a command point reroll 1s and live to fight to try and mazimize the wounds on him, while the vulcatrix buffs up all the attacks from the other to compensate for the lack of -3 rend. I'll use mighty destroyers to double move them to threaten the juicy stuff at the back or clear objectives for my little units. The shaman will run bash em ladz, using the cloak to make sure I can position him where needed for the +2 to cast and get the right units wholly within 12 for the rerolls. I figure as the krushas can fly and with the extra movement from ironfist and bloodtoofs I should be able to get by without hand of gork, but it's a tough call. I've chosen bloodtoofs instead of ironsunz as my big fights are going to be in round 2, and the extra charge and run range is worth more to me to make sure I can do all my positioning in turn 1. As I"ll be using cps for mighty destroyers on the krushas, it also gives me a better chance of getting the +2 waaghs as I will have less cps available for the bomb, and the bravery buff should mean I don't lose any units to an unlucky battleshock. I am debating replacing the shaman with a fungoid as I've been running 2 in my 1500pt army and the amount of cps I get is unreal, and I won't have as many available for waaghs and reroll 1's to hit while the krushas are zipping around. I realize the army is very vulnerable to getting sniped by spells and MWs (as I say, not gunning for top tables!), so I would keep the krushas right back to start with and keep my fingers very crossed that I'll live long enough to do the damage!
  14. Hi all I got into AoS just before Christmas, agonizing over whether to get the IJ start collecting box or wait a week for gloomspite gitz to be released. Old, out of date limited army or shiny new beautiful gobbos with all the modern features, if I could just be patient...? So here is my Ironjawz army. I've always had a thing for orks but the thought of painting so many models put me off, so having an elite ork army was brilliant! With the new ghb abilities I love playing them, the army is limited but that just makes it easier for me to work out how to use it. The colour scheme was chosen based on my love of vallejo magic blue, a paint that covers anything. I like paints that make my life easy and are nice and bright, and it seems to be the only way I can paint. My painting style (read: ability) tends to be quite graphic and cartoony, and I am trying not to get too hung up on details on an army for gaming rather than display. I've been trying to relearn Zbrush recently using the army as motivation and inspiration, and am planning to custom sculpt and 3d print some figures. So far I've got a fungoid shaman I do like and a megaboss that is pretty awful, but it's early days! Ardboyz, my plan was to have them stand out from the brutes by having soft highlighting on the armour where the brutes have sharper highlights on their beaten plates. The brutes were the first unit I painted and set the scheme. I love these boyz, my highlight was one unit of 5 killing 2 slaughterpriests and a bloodsecrator in one hit, while the second unit of 5 killed 3 khorgoraths in the same turn. I love smashing and bashing! Weirdnob shaman, built and painted the night before a tournament. Maw krusha inspired by my 2 tabby cats, and the one model I did want to put some love and effort in to. I love this big brute barrelling around smashing into things! My custom fungoids wip, they're currently painted to battle-ready standard waiting for a second pass to do them properly. The army ex-shaman and krusha. 1 unit of ardboyz, brutes, the gruntas and the shamans are just base coated and washed to be ready for a tournament until I get on to the highlighting proper. The army at the tourney, getting ready to smash some dirty rats. Ovjectives and vp dial I made, I've also done some orky combat gauges and range rulers, and am working on a dice tray. Next plan for the army is a second maw krusha (I have two cats, so need two krushas right?) and some more ardboyz, then wait and see if we get any new units added to the army. I also have some bonsplitterz allies to consider.
  15. Hi all I picked up an ironjawz sc box just before Christmas, now up to 1500pts working to 2000 and loving every minute of AoS and my orky boyz 😀 I'm aiming to attend some tournaments next year, smash heads and carry on painting and modelling!
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