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Matt Ceney-Pratt

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Everything posted by Matt Ceney-Pratt

  1. On Sunday when the they announced you could buy the models separately I though that might mean Cursed City will come back. Whatever issue that they have had it doesn't seem to be linked to making the models. I can see the argument for maybe this is it and away to appease the customers that didn't get hold of CC can now at least own the miniatures. My personal opinion is GW always had plans to distribute the models outside of CC as they was always going to be part of the battletome with valid points therefore, part of the range for Soulblight Gravelords.
  2. Spiderfang grots Another Skaven perhaps? Would love a Gargant but that may be pushing things a bit far.
  3. I would love to see an everchosen warband! Possibly see an exclesis/stormcast warband?
  4. Now we know season 4 is happening any guesses on which warbands will likely show up??? I'm going to go with; Slaanesh Mortals Spider grots Vampires Gargant??? Any one any more thoughts????
  5. From a personal point of view I have played games of 40k and because I went second I ultimately lost the game. Having the chance of a double turn provides a randomness that keeps it fresh.
  6. Just got back. To be honest I found it hard going today. You could check Warcry out and paint a mini. But lots of people meant queuing and bring patient to get to do that.
  7. I went for Iron Golems. If they have a bad warscroll for AOS I will use them as substitutes for Chaos warriors
  8. My view we are likely to see the following: 2 warbands out of Dreadfane Blightking warband (Nurgle) Aelve faction (Tyrions) An Orgre warband of some description Beast of Chaos Dispossessed warband Bonesplitters maybe
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