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The Golem

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Posts posted by The Golem

  1. Hello gals & guys,

    I am considering playing an Anvilguard force in a Path to Glory campaign since I have a few ex-dark elves units and I like the concept of PtG campaigns.

    However I noticed that the PtG section of our battletome states that while we can use the common battle traits of the Cities of Sigmar + the battle traits of our chosen city, we cannot use any other allegiance abilities (artifacts, command traits, spells, etc.).

    Does that mean that if I'm playing Anvilguard in a PtG campaign, I can kiss the Black Market Bounty/Dabblings in Sorcery/Drakeblood Curses good-bye? If yes, then that means the only Illicit Dealing I can use would be the Hidden Agents (+D3 command points).

    Additionnally, the Cities of Sigmar PtG section also limits the champion/follower rewards to 1 per unit (yes, even the champion can earn only 1 reward).

    I checked my other battletomes (Slaanesh & Stormcast) and saw no limitation to their allegiance ablities in their PtG section and no limit to the champion/followers rewards. Are there other recent battletomes that share those limitation or is it just a middle finger adressed specifically to the Cities of Sigmar?

  2. 2 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Welcome to the forums but to make it clear, we do not want any discussions about using molds to do recasts. It’s against the rules about copying no matter how old the miniatures are.

    Actually Prince August is a french company which sells (among other things) molds and tools to cast specific sets of miniatures. It's basically like Hirst Arts molds but for metal miniatures instead of scenery/dungeon. So there isn't any copyright infringement really.

  3. 6 minutes ago, dekay said:

    Excelsis seems to be going towards being a major plot point in Gordrak's story, Ghur gains prominence in current plot with Beastgrave, too, so getting rules for Excelsis in future expansion or white dwarf article isn't out of question.

    If Excelsis is getting rules in a White Dwarf, I hope they'll add a warscroll for Arika Zenthe and a tutorial on how to kitbash her. :)

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, Kaleun said:

    also the wound characteristic improved

    What do you mean? I just checked and they still have 2 wounds per model (same as before).

    Edit: you probably mean their Save characteristic improved instead of Wound.

  5. Oddly enough the Executioners' special ability (severing strike) has been nerfed: it only inflicts 1 mortal wound per 6 to-hit (instead of 2 MW before) and the attack sequence ends.

    Meanwhile the Freeguild Greatswords gained a similar ability which not only inflicts 1 mortal wound per 6 to-hit, but also doesn't end the attack sequence. Not to mention that Greatswords have -1 rend and now hit on a 3+ (2+ with a hero nearby).

    So aelf Executioners are now less skilled than human Greatswords in slaying enemies? Color me surprised. o.O

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    The ugliest version, with the worst loadout is somehow staying, the dude with the pistol is even better than this failure. This guy stands out negatively in a Greatsword unit. If the updated warscroll deletes the shield, mount and war banner option, we've been screwed over.

    To be honest (and a bit selfish), as long as the updated warscroll allow me to play my converted general, I'm fine.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Harpo2 said:

    I also now wonder with the Dark Elves now being the majority Aelven faction, are the more generic Aelfs in Age of Sigmar are going to be more cut throat now.   

    Honestly I really fear that the dark elves have been spared because there is still a long way before the shadow aelves will be released. And meanwhile the other elves have been removed because the light aelves and kurnothi will be released "soonish". I'm afraid the dark elves will eventually be culled too when it will be time for Malerion's aelves.

  8. 7 minutes ago, ChaosLord said:

    Yeah, oops I misread that lol.

    I laughed but thanks anyway! :D

    Edit: I know you misread but there are actually a lot of people who make this kind of mistake. I once had a cinema employee who told me that subtitles weren't available on a movie I wanted to see but then he said I could have audio descriptions (for blind and visually impaired people), asking me if it would be useful. "Eh, not really..."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, GeneralZero said:

    - ZERO subtitles, nada, nothing. For such a big company adressing the whole world, this is really disapointing (and for deaf people like myself, this is even worse)

    As a fellow deaf gamer, I 'hear' you. 9_9#BadPun #NotEvenSorry

    However I usually don't need subtitles on the painting tuto: most of the time seeing how it's done in the video is enough and I skip the 'blablabla' bits. But even then, I would love to have subtitles.

    Apart from the painting tuto, I would really REALLY like GW to put subtitles in their trailer videos (the animated ones which announce new armies or new chapters in the warhammer lore).

    I also emailed Black Library to ask them is audiobook stories will also be available in ebook someday (like 'Realmslayer' or 'Imprecations of Daemons' which are only available in audio version), but they gave me a rather unsatisfactory answer saying that they don't know what the publication team is working on and they can't tell if audiobooks will be available in readable format. Well at least it saves me money.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The theme of heavily armoured, mounted knights wielding lances is a timeless and iconic fantasy image. Bretonnia ever existing in WHFB or not, I'm sure we'd still see very similar requests. Hell, looking at that one artwork of  what appear to be Free Guilds we may just end up with something between them and the old Empire. 

    You are making me think that sometimes I wish GW unified the Order Serpentis and the Order Draconis to create a cavalry army composed of aelf knights. They would have a 'seelie & unseelie' or 'yin-yang' theme and would belong to either one of two knighthood orders: the court of the Dragon and the court of the Serpent*.
    Those courts would have different philosophical and moral values (not 'good vs evil', more like 'idealist vs pragmatic') and yet they would be similar, sharing the same desire for martial accomplishment. Their codes of honor would share a common ground and their knights would be both rivals and brothers in arms. On the battlefield, when they would be close to a unit of the opposing court, they would fight with redoubled efforts as to show their nearby rivals that they are the best knights.

    *Instead of going after Dragon & Serpent courts, it could also be more interesting to create new ones (like sun & moon for example) so that we could mix draconis and serpentis in both courts. Would be interesting to see some drakespawn knights painted as idealistic and chivalrous guys along with some grim and pragmatic Dragon Blades painted with a darker color scheme instead of the classic white & blue from WHFB. Lot of conversion potential!

    Well, that's just a silly wish of mine for the future of the aelf knights in AoS. But I wonder if it would please the Bretonnian fans (or even at least some of them) if GW went that way with the orders draconis & serpentis: take the heavily armoured monted knight and combine it with existing minis which don't have any battletome at the current time.

    • Like 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The other side of the Fane shows that the portal effect has a clear cut out for the head to slot into, so assembling it without the face might require a bit more work to achieve. 

    The fane would look much better without the portal and the daemon head imho. We would just have to cut out the demon head with an X-acto knife, and then add a few bits here and there to customize it.

    If someone wants to put the portal effect but without the daemon head, they can replicate the normal side of the portal with blue stuff (or any other mold material) and some green stuff.

    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    There's also this which may or may not be an actual design/concept for an upcoming Gutbusters unit.

    Since the text mentions the "nine" realms (in the first paragraph), I don't think it is official work but fan-made concepts instead.

  13. 1 hour ago, AaronWIlson said:

    Okay but for real I would give my left arm to see a new high elf battle tome, called it something so they can trade mark it light "Asurysans Chosen" etc

    Sorry but Asuryan is dead since the End Times, his remaining divine essence going to his true chosen one:  Malekith, now know as Malerion.

    Seriously I hope the angelic light aelves won't be similar to the current ex-high elves, otherwise it will give GW a reason to squat them. I really want the light aelves to be something new and original, like the Idoneth. The books mention the realm of Hysh to be filled with mind boggling logic, bizarre symmetry and impossible geometry. Perhaps the light aelves will be alien minded creatures, detached from common thinking.

    • Like 2
  14. The battletomes we are sure to get in 2019 so far:

    • Gloomspite Gitz (Destruction) [already released]
    • Skavens (Chaos)
    • Flesh-eater Courts (Death)
    • Khorne (Chaos)
    • Slaanesh (Chaos)
    • Dark Oath, perhaps mixed with Slaves to Darkness & Everchosen. (Chaos)

    Seems like Chaos will be busy this year.

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