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Everything posted by Tinniez

  1. Had a great time playing this hyper-elite list in the weekend: - Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit - Mizzenmaster - Endrinrigger w/saw - Endrinrigger w/drill cannon Thankfully the scenario wasn't weighted in favour of having bodies on objectives, so I got to scoot everything around at top speed and chopped some chaos worshippers up. I'm not entirely sold that the Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit is actually worth the additional points over the Mizzenmaster (4 strength vs. 5 strength on the melee attacks is a big drop), but it was fun to bring him to the table! Anyone else had good success with any other lists recently? Always looking to try new combos, especially those that include the new leader options!
  2. Played the list I posted previously and got absolutely stomped by a StD warband containing a Chaos Lord on Karkadrak and Chaos Lord on foot. StD are probably a bad match-up for NH. The StD double - which allows them to add extra strength to attacks - basically negated the inherently high NH toughness and my Chainrasps and Bladegheists just melted. - Spirit Hosts are great, but I didn't roll particularly hot on my wild dice and ended up with an abundance of singles and very few triples. - KoSoES pulled his weight, but doesn't have the same punch as some of the other models with a similar point cost. I am feeling a bit defeated, but eager to tinker with my list and have another go.
  3. Yeah, I totally get the benefit of Grimghast over Bladeghiests - they are pretty much just a straight upgrade at the same point value. However, I haven't assembled my Reapers yet and I much prefer the Bladegheist sculpts to the Grimghast ones. I will let you guys know how they fare this weekend after taking them for a spin. As for dealing damage: on paper, Nighthaunt does look quite pillow-fisted - but I would say that most warbands end up dealing their significant damage through critical hits. This is why high crit value and number of attacks are such valuable characteristics in this game. It's for this reason that I think that there is a lot of potential value in Dreadscythe Harridans. Their triple isn't half bad too.
  4. Following the large expansion to Nighthaunt's Warcry roster, I have found myself very eager to chuck some ghosts together for some spooky fun. What do you guys think of this roster? - Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed - Spirit Hosts - Bladegheist Revenants x2 - Chainrasp Horde x3
  5. Hey all! I am really interested in starting Skaven as a second army. I would like to field a force that is packed full of risk-reward strategies and synergies. I do like Clan Skryre, but I'm not overly keen to field a heap of proxy models. With this in mind - where might be a good place to start? I have access to a Corrupting War-Swarm box, which I understand has some good choices in it. Should I grab that? Where to from there? Cheers in advance. 🐀
  6. The grapnel launchers are not worth the points imo.
  7. I like to run a Daemonette heavy list, with an Alluress leading them and a Fiend for added meat. Fiends have a nice pool of hp and aren't bad at dishing out the hurt. The larger base size can be a pain, but its size can also draw attention away from your Daemonettes and can be used to block enemy models in bad spots. I like to play for crits with Slaanesh - so more 'nettes = more activations = more chances for juicy sixes.
  8. How have everyone's games been going?! I have been playing through A Bad Investment with a bunch of friends, using a pretty elite list: - Mizzenmaster - Endrinrigger w/Aethermatic Saw - Endrinrigger w/Grapnel Launcher - Thunderer w/Aethershot Rifle - Thunderer w/Aethershot Rifle - Thunderer w/Aethershot Rifle Some of my thoughts: - The grapnel launcher's mobility is handy to threaten pretty much any point on the board, even though it's profile kinda sucks. With that said, I'm not sure if I would be getting more value out of another Aethermatic Saw. - Fight for Profit! is our bread and butter. Super potent on profiles like the Thunderer w/Aethercannon. - Endrinriggers with saws are great at playing the role of speedy assassins. - The ability to fly means that we can use verticality to our advantage, creating space where we need it. - If you get your Thunderers in a good spot, don't be afraid to just leave em there and start blasting!
  9. I think I would prefer to stay away from Tzeentch, as I have already got a Daemon heavy Slaanesh force. I'll have to look more into K.O though!
  10. Hi all, I currently have a lovely Hedonites of Slaanesh army, which I am very fond of. However, I have been feeling a little jaded with how simplistic their playstyle is and their lack of "tricks" (teleports, abilities, combos). With this said - I am on the hunt for a second army to start collecting! I have a couple of caveats that I would like to consider when shopping about: - Interesting to play. - Decent range of sculpts. - Has the ability to do well in a tournament setting, but also in casual games. - Not Fyreslayers, Orruks or Slaves to Darkness. I'd love to get your input! Suggestions and discussion are more than welcome!
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