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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. that would be a sick reveal for my birth-day, though I don't play Death 😅
  2. The heads to the left are also the two from another rumor engine! edit: oops I'm late, y'all are on the ball
  3. I am in the same boat (started with Soul Wars), and after filling out the weird unit sizes for that box I feel lost as to where to go now. I got 3 longstrikes, 3 palladors, a castellant, the Getting Started incantor (8 usd), and a relictor on top of those. The good thing is that Stormcast can swap stuff in/out easily, but this makes it quite hard to decide on what to buy. I'd say start with more heroes, maybe some cavalry or elites, and then more battleline. Skaven and FEC are in a good position, Stormcast are not with no invuln saves or fight first models. So it is partially because of overpowered faction abilities, and Sequitors going up 10 points this year (120 -> 130) edit: I should probably get some Liberators ASAP but I still need to paint everything...
  4. spear rumor confirmed as the beastmen warband in Beastgrave starter box How would that work do you think? There couldn't be more than 2 ogors, if that, since even stormcast are only at 3 models for a warband..
  5. I've always played paladins, clerics, guardians, etc. Soft spot for the Lawful Good and Neutral Good tropes; the duty to defend others from harm through service and sacrifice. I love the aesthetic of the Vanguard and Sacrosanct Chambers, and I like the Strike(?) Chamber aesthetic as well. The lightning theme as well is so cool to me, both as a mythology nerd and as a WoW Shaman main. Lorewise I haven't read enough material (especially full books) to really comment, but I enjoy the high fantasy of AOS. The Anvil of Apotheosis is an interesting take on immortal/undying warrior trope. I like that the Stormcast retain past memories and/or human personalities. I like the options of where their story (reforging, chambers, humanity) can go, even if I may not like how GW chooses to advance it... I get that they're posterkids, and I do see some similarities between Space Marines and Stormcast. But honestly at this point I don't think I care? Unless GW pulls the same bs that Marines have with looking down on regular humans, I don't think my issues with them can hurt my overall enjoyment.
  6. Petition to have them name this terrain's rule "Meat your Maker"
  7. @xking@JPjr@Overread thanks for the explanations! I keep finding out just how little lore I've actually dug into, and TBH the high fantasy setting is holding my interest much more than fantasy earth Old World. Even with needing more time to solidify the Mortal Realms lore, it just feels better having these absolutely fantastical places that allow players more creative freedom. I cannot flipping WAIT for the AOS TTRPG now!!!
  8. This is absolutely wild to me, why are the Realms not globes? Sigmar even flew through space, and uses that metal planetoid to make sigmarite?? Is it tongue in cheek about us playing on 2D tables, or do y'all think there might be some sort of Realm-fusing event where they turn into a globe. Is it possible, if using the center as North and the Edge as South, to accurately know which way (counter) clockwise will take you regardless of where you are in the realm? I suppose if the 'sun' doesn't move then it could be done without a compass
  9. I was pretty excited to read this thread by the title alone but this bit is ungodly intriguing...where is the source for these so I can read them?
  10. It's quite possible they do a Re-Animate army, but it'd be a bit too close together to do simple undead/risen Ogors with regular Ogors I think
  11. yeah, but having any of the 3 (4?) separate from the damn cauldron kit would be GREAT
  12. this is a good article and well laid out for beginners. but may I ask why there's no pinned/set/permanent way to go back to your homepage or search for other pages? The layout feels unintuitive when readers must scroll down to have any sort of menu pop up.
  13. Am listening to the Gates of Azyr audiobook but I think I'd like Soul Wars and Hallowed Knights stuff more
  14. did you miss the entire opening sequence where she's been a lone scavenger for years and is CLEARLY well-versed in using her staff in combat? that alone would allow her to defend herself against a wounded opponent...
  15. i have not been able to find that starter set for paladins, else I would probably buy that + the start collecting box for decimators.. What other Lord would you recommend buying for players who started with the Soul Wars set?
  16. I'm more of this belief, since back in 7th when I started only one dude even thought Tomb Kings were cool enough over the other armies to play them... I really never heard people talking specifically about TK but maybe that was my area/the internet not being as big as it is now.
  17. dang Stormcast are that much larger? Where's that hardiness on the table lol
  18. would you like to see them become cheaper points wise, or sturdier rules-wise? any idea how if the latter?
  19. I still don't understand how a passive ability activates after an attack... Fight First fine but while you're charging at me, I'm going to empower my shield not just stand there?? The Sequitor ability should be done at the start of combat phase itself.
  20. the ones at B&N are supposed to be priced at 45-50$ so I would say they are. I may not get in to W:U but that intro set looks like a good buy to play with a friend/partner.
  21. I keep saying this or at least, that Grungni dwarves are a possible new faction
  22. I have to disagree with this, considering they are creating lore for these specialist games that ties into the larger respective universes. Underworlds especially, has the ability to show us new factions or minis that will make it into AOS too.
  23. Amber is not even close to the shade of orange they're painted, but I do see what you're saying; Ghur could still have some pretty vibrant yellow among the brown palette that usually comes to mind for "Beasts"
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