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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. I was able to check a couple of the cards from my Thunderstrike box with the new download. They do completely invalidate the printed cards lmao. And not just the points, but also stat rebalances. @Ogregut well you're going to have to print out these new cards anyway if you play Warcry 2. Any printed ones are now obsolete and I'm not paying another 20 bucks or whatever for cards that replace the box I bought like 3 months ago. I agree that it's nice to have boxes that include whatever you need--that's why I bought the dang boxes. However, GW's model is clearly failing and is costing both us and them more money than necessary.
  2. What do they mean indexes? The 8x11 laminated rules that had all the rolling charts on them? Those were... eugh. Useful for existing players, but did not feel great to bust out for new players. If they want to bring charts back that's another reason to release rules for free and make them easily printable.
  3. Yes 100% . Again, Why waste all the paper and ink? It would literally cost them LESS MONEY to not print the cards and release all of them for free online. People buying duplicates are already tossing out the extra cards I'm sure... and those of us who wanted one box for the cards now find ourselves with probably-outdated stat cards where the best solution is to toss/recycle said cards in order to save space! We need to start caring about waste in this hobby, and we also need to get GW to care as well. And especially since the updated cards are being released for free this week, it again begs the question of why they'd waste resources and money printing cards when they KNOW they're releasing a new version of Warcry soon.
  4. No I'm talking about the brand new boxes for Thunderstrike, Lumineth, DOK, and Hedonites. If those printouts are going to be obsolete in under a year (under 6mo I think) why waste all the money and resources to print them
  5. Oh come ON so they seriously printed all of those Warcry cards for the new boxes and now they're going to be obsolete??? I really hope this is mainly a points change
  6. This is it yeah, I've been out of 40k for at least a decade and still end up learning lore completely unintentionally... And that's also part of my point: no one considers this an issue in 40k anymore because of how much fans stepped up to prevent this, but that never seems to be applied to the AOS discussion? That it really comes down to AOS not having the same level of loretube/wiki creators as 40k (and even WHF to a certain extent). I'll clarify I absolutely don't want to overlook people feeling AOS is less accessible, but rather that the discussion needs to address why AOS seems to be singled out, when AOS lore can also be a (free!) maze if you dig far enough. I think that's why we absolutely need to talk about 40k in this context, because of how utterly taken for granted and ubiquitous its labyrinthine lore is... because that is absolutely going to skew people's ideas of "accessibility" with lore. Me being able to know 40k lore against my will doesn't necessarily mean AOS has an accessibility problem, it can mean that 40k has an oversaturation problem too. As for your second point, are some of the AOS battletomes that lacking? I realize I'm slightly spoiled for them as a Stormcast player (ours def has all of that list), but I can't imagine your extremely reasonable list not existing in any AOS army book I also have an old DOK book that checks everything on that list iirc.
  7. And how accessible is (was?) WHF or 40k lore, without all the loretubers? Probably about the same yes? I remember having to read all kinds of supplements, forums, and novels pre-lexicanum/youtube to find lore. It still comes down to putting in the effort, it's just easier now. and triply-easy for 40k because you bump into lore-disseminators so easily. edit: I don't necessarily disagree with this being an issue, I'm just extremely tired of it not being applied to WHF or 40k. it is a problem for most IP-based media.
  8. Why does that ruin your enjoyment though..? Like sure having small things like these fleshed out is great! But why is it NEEDED to you? I could just as easily say sticking to pseudo/faux medieval history is extremely lazy for fantasy writers and is boring, because the writers did not put work into constructing their own world and its rules. I'm just confused, we can clearly assume that most real world physics applies to Mortal Realms. Food is grown, water flows, wind blows. The main exception being if you get too far away from the core then "real" physics break down due to magic.
  9. got a question for the people who think the legionnaire's look too busy or the horns/etc are too much: do you also think that of the new Chosen and Warriors that were leaked? And if not, why?
  10. hot take: if GW wants to use the Egyptian aesthetic again, it should be for living, breathing humans that fit in right alongside the other mortals living in Cities.
  11. Just remember that GW really do not seem to tell the presenters anything outside whatever script they get, and I think one of them even mentioned he knew nothing about AOS? So we can barely rely on Warcom presentations for breadcrumbs or winks @Neverchosen I'd have to rewatch the stream, it was kind of a hand-wave answer to a question that dozens of us were asking immediately after the "regular human rework" was dropped.
  12. I'd also like to add the other legit fear: that only Chaos humans are the ones getting a diverse aesthetic, and the Order humans will all be a fantasy-European aesthetic again. This might be lessened from doing different Realm-based units, but even with the Witch Hunter warband we saw for WHU... it's just European fantasy clothes. Again. They need to include some kind of aesthetic diversity within the 'core' heroes and units as well as the more fantastical ones.
  13. I'm now sitting at the conclusion that it won't really touch established CoS lore, HOWEVER I think even your last sentence is what the worry stems from: If DBC specifically focuses on humans, it could mean the other races in CoS get funneled into their respective racial factions so the cosmopolitan faction can be dismantled book-wise. It can be hard to balance fear-based expectations when presenters aren't given actual information (and possibly aren't into AOS?) and the drip feed can take months to see our next crumb--which is apparently in the new Gnarlwood article of all places
  14. So we got another SCRAP of lore/lore direction today 😭 "This harsh land has made the peoples of Ghur into hardy hunters who revel in battle. Sigmar’s Dawnbringer Crusades have made inroads, founding cities such as Excelsis and Colonnade. But even their sturdy walls are no guarantee of safety.*** With the Heart of Ghur boxed set you’re taking steps into a much wider fantasy world. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news on Warcry and Warhammer Age of Sigmar." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/07/14/heres-how-warcrys-gnarlwood-setting-fits-in-with-the-rest-of-ghur/ Not sure about the lore of Excelsis' founding that this may have 'retconned' but I love the map in this article and the declaration at the end seems to say "HEY we're just starting."
  15. We have Ven Densts from Order of Azyr and Ven Brecht from Anvilgard's Stormcast -- it would seem "Ven Talax" follows a human naming convention, with a surname that screams Seraphon. The 'Path' part reminds me of Oxyotl and the general secret paths Lizardmen had through Lustria/Southlands compared to other factions too.
  16. It's got to be, I saw somewhere else a blurb about Hashut that "questioned his divinity" so Hashut might be thrown into Undivided as a deity-but-not-big4
  17. yeah my bad, I can't always watch the videos at work
  18. Where Gnarlwood is on Thondia edit: faction picture is in the video
  19. Man that "Ven Talax's Path" better be Seraphon for a setting involving a crashed Temple Ship... I see CoS/Stormcast camp, moonclan, spiderfang, ogors, warclans, and Soulblight.
  20. Because GW can turn around and write the factions however they want? All of the 'evidence' is nice but ignores that this is written by humans that can very much do a 180 and retcon things
  21. they made sure to put that leg front and center too 😂 I immediately recognized it and cracked up, I'll give GW a little trolling as a treat
  22. 11/10 model ruined by the weakest, LAZIEST effing name ever that doesn't even match the species of snake they sculpted!!! "Boa Kon'ssstriktr" for a snake that is a very obvious (irl Amazonian) Viper species...
  23. Nurgle swamp mortals feels so on the nose in a bad way for sure. Can't really place exactly why, I know part of my disappointment @ the new starter box is that it's Chaos vs Chaos again. Could have done Swamp orruks, swamp seraphon, or swamp beastmen. Heck even Swamp non-cultist humans would be great.
  24. Hoping it's not a Regular Dog tbqh... there's Regular Cats sure but wouldn't a Witch Hunter want a companion that can defend against Death and Chaos magics?
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