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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. you beat me to it: Dawnbringer Crusade rules make the most sense in their own supplement book if Cities tome is going to have ELEVEN subfactions. that would also mean DBC rules are easily fit into a narrative supplement so non-Order has a reason to buy it; either for some of their own rules, the story moving forward, or both.
  2. did we get confirmation during the reveal? i doubt the two hosts would know whats getting squatted? anyway, GW put their money where their mouth is when they said "unlike anything you've seen before" and for that reason I am happy. the rest of the range must look great.
  3. the more I look at it after posting the more it looked Necron to me too maybe the blog didn't update it? I thought all the Necron waves passed already.
  4. we still have this Seraphon-y rumor to be revealed from at least a year ago: here's the weird skull RE that we now know is FEC Warcry: Interestingly, these are NOT in the Warband so a Sylvaneth-sized release for FEC could be these: And now that we know we'll probably see something from Cities/Dawnbringers... these REs could be our first model reveals: THIS mace RE doesn't look as 40k as the gloved-hand one https://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/p/rumour-engines.html#unsolved
  5. exactly!! the Temple ship seems like an obvious choice to have a similar ruleset to KT's Boarding Actions. and who do we know that fights in confined spaces a lot? Gitz, Skaven, duardin, orruks...
  6. then we're fine. even if the Temple ship is found and looted this season, there was definitely breadcrumbs that whoever claimed it needed to get out of the Gnarlwood too. I could see the Temple ship not even showing up until s3
  7. Do we have any indication that Warcry season 3 WON'T be in Ghur? if this last boxed set is 2 warbands getting near the center, we still haven't seen the actual ship nor the relic(s) that are being defended inside. I wouldn't be surprised if season 3 was still in Ghur and/or was majority Destruction releases.
  8. take it as a "wait and see" / "you'll find out" tbh. on the flipside, I would also revel in being a cryptic poster reified by an entire forum for dropping hints and confirming rumours 😂
  9. I thought they could, though you're probably right as it's been an entire year since I played the RPG Soulbound! this would be an EXTREMELY interesting move for GW to get more AOS units out into its armies. I'd prefer it to singular heroes for sure.
  10. these Stormcast seem to explicitly be Soulbound! Which is probably why, on top of acting as a proxy, we got another Relictor so soon. Soulbound warband not being multiracial is very sad though maybe in Underworlds or next Warcry season...
  11. I both understand and think it's slightly a waste: if GW is going to do more Thunderstrike designs I'd rather it settle in AOS proper. But Warcry is also the best place to do one-off designs like this.
  12. @novakai didn't know if we could post that image so I played it safe. they look great, if a little busy. Looks like a Thunderstrike proxy for Lord Relictor and Lord Castellant is possible from this Warband though 👀
  13. A little bird flew by my window and showed me a vision: Nightmare Quest will be Stormcast vs Flesh Eater Courts aaaand @KingBrodd beat me to it LOL
  14. oh hey this jogged my brain enough to see these obvious lightning bolts coming out of the boss! 100% Cities getting a reveal 😍
  15. do you mean this is what the journalist spoiled? I see no news of this when googling Total Warhammer 3?
  16. It apparently also includes a booklet about how Stormcast are reforged? I am EXTREMELY interested in this, and would love to see it if you could show me/us.
  17. I can tell you it's because they have so many smaller bits and greebles to take care of when you inspect them I'm having the same trouble.
  18. Coulda sworn launch boxes get a little extra. If it is only Raptadons, Saurus, and a Slann I guess i'm waiting for the Christmas battleforce!
  19. A launch set for Seraphon is probably only including: new saurus new raptadon new astrolith bearer new skink starmaster new salamander
  20. Warcry sprints so 40k can catch up apparently, if they're going to make Kill Team the place to do weird 40k stuff.
  21. They make Soulbound so I hope people are showing them love anyway Seraphon supplement is out for it too.
  22. Apparently today! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/03/15/khorne-and-slaanesh-settle-the-score-in-this-weeks-warhammer-battle-report/
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