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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Gates of Azyr, the first AOS book released, opens with Aqyshy refugees being hunted by members of their own tribe who were converted into raving cannibals by Khornates. Then you find out they were converted by being forced to choose between death or eating other captives to receive Khorne's Gifts. AOS is certainly grimdark; having more 'good people' than 40k doesn't change that.
  2. to be fair, they are all Easy to Build so i'm sure that cut off a couple hours but once I got into the groove of it, they went pretty quick regardless. I didn't glue the pegs in to make painting easier, same with shields and some weapons. After assembling guardsmen back in 5th ed this was a cakewalk lol we haven't been recommended to wash sprues since resin/metal (mostly) went away. LOTR had (has?) a bunch of metal so that's probably what it was
  3. it's interesting reading through this because I have the same problem of being slow (or skipping hobbying in favor of Total War or Vermintide), but I've not had much of a problem buying too much. I have some extras I'd rather not have sitting around, and two Underworlds starters still sitting at a friend's house after trying to coax some buddies into it. It took me about 2 months to actually crack open Soul Wars properly to build the Stormcast, but when I did I got their whole half done in 2-3 hours. If you can at least focus on finishing one box at a time, should give you some more dents in your pile. I do want to echo the others' saying you should prioritize what you truly want to paint and play--I love so many models in the AOS range but I know my purchasing needs to be limited to Stormcast (chosen tabletop army) and a few Underworld Warbands I can't take my eyes off of for painting (and possible UW games). Spreading yourself too thin means you'll always have the nagging thought of "I need to do the next one!" and I can't imagine that makes things enjoyable to do. If for nothing else, selling off what you're not as interested in means more room for new releases. Right now I've got Stormcast to enjoy, and curbing my spending now means if Seraphon get updated models I have room/money for them
  4. A Warcryband seems most likely at this point unfortunately, unless GW decides to do a parallel kit that allows you to drop ladycast in among your existing libs/judis. My assumption for the Warcry specific Stormcast is a mixture of chambers within the warband, which would be sick, but may not look right among their own chambers depending on the poses.
  5. Off the top of my head: 1- More mixed gender Stormcast units in existing chambers. The cover of AOS 2.0 is a lady liberator, but you can only get one by buying Steelheart's Champions... There's so much lore precedent in the books, artwork, and Soulbound that I'd rather have this than a new chamber in AOS 3.0 2- Mixed race (& possibly gender) units for Cities. Give me a shieldwall of aelf, human, and duardin comrades standing side by side! Let aelves use guns! Move past the elf-dwarf grudging of WHF! Cities could be such an amazing, diverse range without needing to be over the top in design. GW should lean into this hard. 3- Realm specific Cities units, whether full boxed kits or upgrade kits, and especially for the main Cities given rules and/or boxes in the Battletome. The Realms are so unique when compared to one another, GW cannot tell us every Free City would use the same Holy Roman Empire look for its troops that the WHF Empire did.
  6. this for sure, when i checked the 40k "new releases" about 2 weeks ago 19 out of the 25 items were Space Marine or Imperium related--that's absurd for a game which supposedly spans the entire Milky Way galaxy. If GW wants to keep AOS as the game that pushes boundaries on design and style, I'm all here for it, but I hope they realize 40k needs it too. The SM favoritism is why I won't be going back to 40k outside of painting some Tau.
  7. @Clan's Cynic @Ledgington thanks for the responses and the link i couldn't find, looking forward to the supplements even if only for the gorgeous art they're filling Soulbound with
  8. on the one hand I'm glad AOS doesn't have the Marines/Imperium problem 40k has, on the other Stormcast really...really... have not been able to keep up with 2.0's power creep. While the aesthetic, lore, and models are why I settled on Stormcast, a little rules favoritism would be nice 😅
  9. yeah that's definitely a huge problem with Stormcast; too many units means you'll inevitably end up in one corner without much wiggle room unless you can shell out $$. and its something that requires waiting on a new book to even try fixing but idk like... people share tournament stories and it turns into tactics discussion because this is the forum for exactly that. it's just unfortunate that the army we picked is the one that has the largest amount of substitutions and allies to take from.
  10. So does the Soulbound news (https://www.cubicle7games.com/warhammer-production-update-2021/) mean I should wait on all the new stuff before buying the corebook? Or will these additions specifically be their own supplemental pdf/books? I can't find a product page for the "Starter Set" advertised in the article, but from the corebook's page it does include a Bestiary section--am I right in concluding that this update means a reprint is coming?
  11. skyborne slayers is another battalion Stormcast have, and taking allies (Gunhaulers) is also viable substitution. he was offering you other advice on replacements in your existing army, not saying to play Kharadron. you posted a basic Sacrosanct list that no longer works well because of power creep and changing meta--so you were given advice based on these things for tournament play.
  12. i'll forever be confused that Neave wasn't Astral Templars... if they're going to do Stormcast heroes this much they should certainly use more Stormhosts big mood, and with Stormkeeps becoming A Thing in lore how can they miss an opportunity to give Stormcast the eternally superior spear?
  13. So after the announcement of the Seraphon warband today I got thinking about Warcry, and how GW said there would be non-Chaos warbands added to it. Now, the thing about Sylas that most stuck out to me was that he looks like a combination Warrior-Vanguard chamber questor... so THAT got me thinking a Stormcast warcry-band could be a combination of chambers that mixes aesthetics, weapons, and skills! It would be so cool to see Vanguard Judicators or Sequitors with lightning spears, I really hope they try something new with any Stormcast warbands. like this has such heavy "Vanguard veteran turned Knight Questor" vibes that I can't shake
  14. my first reaction to this was "that's Vlad reborn" but it could be Konrad since he's already had a rapier.
  15. I'm not so sure, we already got a preview/sneak peek of the Slaaneshi mortals so doing a second one Christmas Day doesn't make much sense to me? But releases have been thrown off a lot so mabe that's the only one that makes the most sense
  16. GW snuck this gem into their holiday video, new skaven confirmed???
  17. this isn't necessarily your fault, as GW's Imperium leans heavily into baroque/gothic and medieval aesthetics--which is very close to the Empire/Free Cities aesthetic
  18. nah this IMMEDIATELY reminded me of Sienna's shoulderpiece thing from Vermintide 2... it could definitely be Cities. I really REALLY hate how so many of these rumors are perfectly viable as either AOS Cities or 40k Inquis/Ecclesiarchy. 40k doesn't need more Imperium models.
  19. oh you were talking about the other bident rumor engine gotcha. it does look like it could be Death or Destruction
  20. looks like a straight up blacksmith's hammer, opposite end maybe a little too curved, but certainly not the killy kind of hammer we should expect from WARhammer... very intriguing. maybe it is a siege engineer. that was confirmed as being from the Slaanesh elites reveal iirc
  21. i'm expecting at least an Inquisitor & Retinue set, I'd be surprised if it was a single model. But hoping it doesn't go past that because the last thing 40k needs is more Imperium models (or a whole new Inquisitor line) before new/rebooted xenos kits...
  22. my exact feelings as well: it's an inevitability, but hopefully comes with new rules for the older kits. I'll dream about mixed older kits until that new chamber opens though 😔
  23. this is why I think the return of Valaya or Grungni might be inevitable: Malerion's host showing up for the other aelves because of Slaanesh, and duardin mobilizing to help Azyr because of Gordrakk sounds like a supreme showdown of titanic proportions to take us into 3.0!
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