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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Fun Model Monday (he is eyeing up new AOS releases) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/03/28/the-legendary-thorsson-stoutmead-brings-an-entire-mead-keg-to-the-blood-bowl-pitch/
  2. ironically Castigators are in the best spot for Sacrosanct with their warscroll change. Outside of them, like Nautical said the issue is largely down to points costs.
  3. I'm not sure you should be so quick to make that correlation. As someone who enjoys the lore more than playing, I am fine with listening to rules because the speaker gives their own input while doing so; watching a rules video is a two-for-one special of hearing all the changes plus hearing input on how it might affect my army or how others play against me. It saves me the trouble of having to read through technical articles I won't enjoy. But for lore? Most of the time I want to read that myself. It's fun to listen to 2+ Tough go over it, but if I'm on a lore-kick I'm reading everything I possibly can, not watching videos of it. So the aspect of how people want to engage with which part of the hobby is also context. For example, I imagine most people are watching videos for painting, not reading articles, because of how much easier it is to grasp the concepts in a real-time medium versus static images.
  4. Yea I took it as giving us another option to combat Predatory Endless outside of unbinding them. You'd have to summon it first, but saving yourself an unbind for a casted spell seems 👀 quite useful.
  5. What's funny about this is those of us begging for more digital offerings are split between liking the app and wishing it didn't replace digital books. I'm really not a fan of everything going into an app, especially when it isn't clear if purchases are still locked to a single device. It would be nice to be able to pay 15-20 bucks for a... non-fancy? stripped down? version of rules that were home-print friendly (for updates and errata), and then the fancy/embellished/illuminated book of lore could be a solid 30-40 dollar hardback. That would possibly make digital offerings easier, since they aren't relying on rules being stuck in a fancy epub/pdf to distribute them. @RuneBrush you've made me a true believer in the binder rules method
  6. Yeah you cut out the follow up context "Worryingly, this epic battle was against a single incarnate – and these primordial spirits are now popping up throughout Ghur, gobbling up endless spells and arcane power, turning noble warriors into beasts and beasts into insensate fiends." On one hand, I enjoy the fact that the Realms are so dangerous while factions can still work together. On the other, only a top-tier Stormcast being able to resist this feels like there must be a countermeasure in the book--how would Dawnbringer Crusades in Ghur even survive this?
  7. Even more disappointing now that GW has axed their digital rules... Are those still legitimate rulesets or did newer ones replace older?
  8. Ahhhh good catch! I am hoping my interpretation is true to some extent then; The Great Parch seems to be the main/alpha continent of Aqshy, and that was fully mapped out for Soulbound to give us an idea of where the big plot cities like Hammerhal, Anvilgard, and Hallowheart are.
  9. First I'll get the meme out of my system: Second I'll get the 40k out of the way: GW really just Warhammerfied Tusken Raiders and gave them bugs huh? They definitely look great, and it's nice to see such a different aesthetic for non-Imperium/Chaos/Genestealer humans. But they are very, very much Warhammer Tusken Raiders. Those bugs are not our rumor engine too, which is more intriguing. Third is AOS impressions: I started laughing when I recognized terrain that already exists in the AOS intro... The new terrain does look fantastic, as does the Ghur incarnate. Article specifies this creature is "a new unit type" so it seems this is a separate idea from Endless Spells--I don't think this will replace the ES, maybe rename them and change how they work if anything. I do wish the terrain wasn't ALL ruins and there was one completed building, though a board with all the 3.0 terrain together is gonna look fantastic. However! We know this box is going to be overpriced, and that on top of the new increase just 100% puts me off from it as a casual collector. Finally the Season of War book: is it replacing the GHB? If not, does that mean we're meant to buy 3-4 "seasons" a year PLUS the GHB? The specific name feels like they want this to be how they update rules and battleplans throughout the year(s), so I'm hoping it's a replacement. Pros: -Specific narrative and PtG update/content -Continued AoA updates -Cover art! -Moving Era of the Beast plot up! -Expanded lore for Ghur and probably a variety of factions -Thondia labeled as an "alpha" continent!?! Which I take to mean "continent we will specifically map out" for canon, and then leaving landmasses outside the Realm Core to fan's imaginations. I will be buying this map if they print one. I expect alpha continents for other realms too, as this idea makes room for both traditional fantasy mapping and the wildness of the Mortal Realms. Really brilliant way to solve AOS's 'map issue'!!! Cons/Questions: -the book is going to be overpriced -will it FEEL overpriced? -it may not replace the GHB -no mention of points, warscroll, or rules updates -first book of its kind could easily end up obsolete -what happens if the next Realm's book makes Thondian rules, items, etc outdated? -will competitive play be able to use Thondia properly after the next two Seasons books? -we will not get enough preview articles to help people decide if they really need/want this book
  10. Admittedly I am hype. It won't be as many reveals as we're expecting/hoping, and I'm no longer a 40k person, but I'm sure what will be shown is gonna be very cool!
  11. The rule is weird but I like that GW is trying something new. It also seems to fit thematically into Har Kuron lore--rangers that can shoot through buildings would be invaluable. These rangers are tied to the scrivener in a morbidly funny way too, "The Craventhrone Guard makes his miserable existence even worse. In life, they were his strongmen, dragged into the unceasing nightmare of unlife and cursed to obey Valentian in all but one respect – their bolts will always land the killing blow before their master does." Fluffy, interesting, and new. Let's go!
  12. I have ~3 castigators too many if anyone is looking for easy reinforcements. They're a great concept and I hope they get their time in the sun... giant crossbows that fire exploding dracoth-breath were meant for table play.
  13. is there any reason to suspect it'd be Stormcast? Malerion vs Eshin makes more sense for Ulgu theme. I'll die on the hill that OBR was and is a great design. Some of the faces had to grow on me. I think they did a great job of making "skeletons" that look scary/intimidating while being tied to the idea of "humanoid animated bone construct." The slavic/balkan skeletons from SBGL look great as a refresh, but they also look like I could drop them with a nice hammer blow. OBR made me actually want to buy into a Death army for how fresh their design feels. And that isn't to say I DISLIKE any of the SBGL range (zombies with roots still in them?!? YEAH), but that it is better to have both new aesthetics and refreshing old ones, than relying on WHFB nostalgia or overdone aesthetics for fantasy-at-large.
  14. this is an elf boot right? feels like we've seen this before. the lack of a knee covering makes me want to say it's Eldar though
  15. if you can still find it, the OLD "start AOS" magazine comes with a Knight Incantor for 8 bucks. Otherwise ebay is still flush with singles of KI from Soul Wars. I do think we came to a consensus in this thread itself that Knight Relictor is the easiest proxy for Lord
  16. Well in that case you can focus on catching up! Took me a solid year to do this for both the game and its lore, and I came back during the middle of 2nd edition.
  17. I really like this article's asterisk quip: "* We make this look easy, but trust us – the writing process takes a lot of time. And just imagine if Nagash was the final editor of your piece…" "Making it look easy" isn't how I'd describe warcom but... I can understand and respect their hands are probably tied in ways that make it harder to write.
  18. Good to know us oldheads aren't the only ones still using forums!!! Hopefully Adepticon reveals don't disappoint your birthday
  19. Why are you asking us, you're the one in charge of the Eshin
  20. Would your opinion on this change if all the rules were in one central, digital location that you could reference all at once? For me the overwhelming comes from having to basically track down rules because they're in multiple locations: separated FAQ PDFs, White Dwarf, Battlescrolls, and/or the app that may or may NOT be correct.
  21. oooh good call, we HAVE seen this same grenade pattern for hobgrots
  22. You could even make them an elite Greywater Fastness unit that gets to test new weapons tech!
  23. I came here to say exactly this lol, no way it isn't redone Rough Riders... That or part of the Ash Wastes, since Mad Max also had some fire lances. I'm honestly disappointed, Rough Riders were always the weakest part of Guard to me, and exploding spears feels like the perfect dwarf weapon.
  24. So...if you roll a 2 and your opponent has a -1 save debuff you still save?
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