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Koradrel of Chrace

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Everything posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. Manfred did kill Tyrion's daughter, so scr*w that guy.
  2. I have to say, the Eidolons and the Leviadon are both on my wishlist even if I never actually finish my Idoneth army (Teclis is calling me). They both are really fantastic models that look like they'd be a blast to paint. The entire Idoneth line has been great really. Despite some hard to reach spots, my Reavers are really awesome to paint so far.
  3. Gotta agree. GoT is already fading from the public zeitgeist. Our Tyrion has a long and established history.
  4. I could dig having some kind of "light cats" spirit animals in the faction.
  5. I would really like to see my White Lions come back. With maybe a winged lion cavalry. But I'd settle for getting my Lion Chariot back.
  6. Hmm, I spoke imprecisely. He looks combat ready in a way most mages do not. As though he's definitely bought into the Swordmaster part of old Hoeth as much as the magic. That's why I'm wondering how Tyrion will look. Something posted in another thread I that might be interesting to speculate on is the different subfactions, and how maybe there could be one that's moon based and one sun based.
  7. He's looking pretty buff for the God of Magic. If he looks like that, what does Tyrion look like now?
  8. No, they're definitely both gods. They're described as the Twin Gods of Light.
  9. Yes, exactly. And he's definitely depicted as something to aspire to.
  10. He's too bound up in the Idoneth lore to be squatted. They reference him a lot in the new novel, with almost more love for him than Teclis.
  11. That's a story I'm very interested in. There was a debunked rumor of a dual box of Pointy Aelves vs. Idoneth that really grabbed my attension because of the narrative tension invloved in that kind of conflict. I really dig the concept of the "sibling rivalry" between the two factions. I think it would be interesting if the aelves caused the Idoneth to go insane with jealousy and pushed them out of Order into Destruction!
  12. That would be amazing actually! I am slowly getting into AOS, but my first love is always going to be the Old World. Being able to cross systems with the same models would make my better half happy as well since she constantly complains about space issues....
  13. Next Thursday is going to be better than Christmas!
  14. How soon everyone foegets that much of Warcraft in general was taken from Warhammer. And it's almost like Blizzard sent people into GW to look at Tyranid designs for their Zerg....
  15. Man I hope so. Tyrion is hands down my favorite character. I also think they have to do something with him, because he's been layered into the mythos too much to drop. The Court of the Blind King that the novel references is an allusion to Tyrion after all.
  16. Honestly, I want Tyrion aelves more than Teclis aelves, but I didn't think we'd ever get either. I could definitely see a mage-unit, probably a re-imagining of Swordmasters, especially if the character from the Silver Tower game is anything to go by. And spearmen and archers have always been a mainstay of old school elf armies, so I could see them bringing that into the new aelf line. I'm curioys as to if we get a cavalry battleline as well. In the new book Court of the Blind King, they talk about how Teclis so harcoded the image of cavalry charges and noble knights into the Idoneth that it was hard for them to imagine war any other way. That seems to say that Teclis still wants those glorious cavalry charges.
  17. I hate to say it, but I doubt we'll ever see a real dragon rider again. GW wants things they can own the IP of. So if we get a monsterous mount, it will most likely be something new and out there. Has anyone given any thoughts as to what the play style could be? Maybe like a self-buffing defensive counter-punch army?
  18. @Whitefang Any chance you want to throw out any comments about Tyrion?
  19. I've been playing either a flavor of Chrace or Caledor since 5th edition WHFB, so I would love to see either of those brought into the AOS aesthetic. I started playing Idoneth because they were the only real "aelf" faction, but they will be dropped like a hot pancake as soon as the Pointy Aelves come out. That said, I find it interesting the couple pics of concept art they highlighted. They showed archers, spearmen, Ellyrian Reavers, and Swordmasters. They then ended with Teclis' concept art, followed by what we assume is his new model's silhouette. So I wonder if those particular models are some of the ones being re-imagined? It would also be cool if, since they are twins, Teclis' model also had parts to make Tyrion as well ina dual kit kind of way.
  20. Or maybe that's where the Pointy Aelves come into the story? Tyrion and Teclis riding in at the darkest hour to save the city.
  21. I'm curious, what do you think Teclis will be able to do? Something similar to Nagash as far as spell output, as he is the God of Magic?
  22. Switching gears to a more hobby related question. I will freely admit I am much more of a painter than a modeller, but I am trying to expand my hobby horizens. I just picked up a pack of the Magnet Baron's magnetic flight stands for my first eel unit. Anyone have any tips for installing them?
  23. -1 rend would be amazing. I don't feel they are useless though. I find they are kind of a force multiplier. They don't do any heavy lifting by themselves, but they're there to do clean-up work, snatch objectives, and generally be nusance that my opponent can't afford to ignore, but don't want to spend resources on to kill.
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