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Koradrel of Chrace

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Everything posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. I think Swordmaster/Loremaster unit/characters are almost a given considering Teclis' White Tower background. For him that was the pinnacle of High Elf society, so I can't see him not wanting to bring that into the current age, especially since Hysh is supposed to be all about Enlightenment. That said, Celennar points to the fact that they will want to add some sort of fantastical elements to the army as well. I think we'll see not just re-imagined units, but an evolution of the old High Elves as well. From a lore standpoint, I am intesnely curious as to why they are calling them the Realm-Lords. Is the this because the rule Hysh, or because they are trying to bring their "Enlightenment" through force to the other realms?
  2. I like how the Idoneth play honestly. Reminds me of old school Dark Eldar. And honestly, as long as you aren't playing in a super heavy environment, most builds you come up with should be fine. We have effectively two gaming groups in my area: a more relaxed group dominated by three(!) Dissposessed players, and then a more tournament focussed group that includes a Triple Keeper Slaanesh player, a hardcore Skaven player, and more recently a Petrifex player. As long as you know which group you're going to be playing, you can be ready to go. Are eels still going to be needed for both groups? Maybe, but when I'm playing the relaxed group, as long as I have one unit of six Morrsarr I find I'm doing all right, and can play around with other units (except maybe Lotann).
  3. @DatHomieSilverSurfer Why do you think he's floating in the air like that?
  4. The other trick when painting white is to use multiple thin coats. Even if you do paint slow (and I sympathize because I do too!), it's worth taking the time because it looks awesome when you're done! Enjoy the process, and look on it as an opportunity to become a better artist!
  5. Actually, in the book The Court of the Blind King, the Idoneth aren't really portrayed as hating Teclis. They're more in awe of/afraid of him. They realize that they are pretty messed up, and don't seem to blaim that on him.
  6. A revenant squad would be awesome, and instantly tick off Nagash! Both are pluses in my book!
  7. Heh, while I wish Swordmasters were in the reveal, they were not, unless they were hidden in some of the concept art shown. And while we are drawing parallels between old High Elf units and what we want in the book, I think Teclis' model has proved they are still going to add in AOS-style high fantasy weirdness. If only so they can make it unique from the High Elves of old. How quick we've also forgotten our earlier talk of flaws. I think it would be neat to have a unit that shows the darker side of what Teclis is trying to do.
  8. That gives them more time to hype the Lumineth. I'm expecting a whole bunch of drip feed lore articles over the coming weeks. Just to keep the pot at near boil.
  9. @woolf Actually just started using one with my Deepkin that I'm painting. I am flabbergasted at the amount of stuff youtube has to offer tutorial-wise. I really wish we had that kind of resource when I first got into the hobby! @Amradiel nobody knows as of yet. That said, there hacing been shipping containers spotted with Seraphon warscroll cards, which might indicate before the Realm Lords. Given that we just found out the name of the faction, I'm not sure whether anyone has checked to see if anything for the Lumineth has shipped yet.
  10. @woolf Thanks! In the past I've only used GW paints, but I'm planning on venturing out of my comfort zone with this next project!
  11. So. What are the chances of us getting any more info out of the LVO tomorrow?
  12. I'm looking forward to a combined arms style list. I really loved how the old High Elves list supported itself in a version of the game that was significantly less about ability synergies. I am optimistic from the units shown that they might be importing some of that old play style to AOS. And who knows, maybe GW will have finally figured out a way to make elite armies conpetitive with out breaking the game (looking at you Petrifex Elite).
  13. @JackStreicher Ha ha ha, I had the exact opposite reaction! I actually really like the breastplates, especially of the Dawnriders! I like the engraved emblems on them. The other thing I find intriguing is the champion for the Wardens. He has a back-banner pole samurai-style along with that lantern. I wander if he's functioning as a full command all by himself?
  14. We've found a member of the Pleasure Cults! Call the Swordmasters!
  15. I'm looking forward to hearing about the lore. I want to see their sub-factions and battalions. I'm also trying to come up with a good color scheme. I'm thinking something vaguely prismatic, with cool blues and yellows, augemented with a dash of fiery red?
  16. Unless those are the horns on the dragon model! 😎 Keep the faith alive!
  17. He looks like a dude who Gets Stuff Done. Which I really dig. I want a Mage-God who is going to get in there and wreck someone's day.
  18. That's a fantastic idea! I've been wracking my brain to try a figure out a way to make the model more stable. And yeah, if you look from the side, Teclis looks as though he is floating above the Spirit's shoulder, and they are only connected because part of his robe is touching the outstretched wing.
  19. I hope he gets some kind of vengeance rule against Arkhan like he had against Grom. "Oh, you thought I was angry and grim before? I'm now returned as a Spirit of Vengeance!" I may have just talked myself into trying to convert him into Ghost Rider....
  20. @ManlyMuppet88 I second this question! Who else will keep Teclis in line when he starts going off the deep end?
  21. I get more of an Alarielle with her beetle vibe from this model. It's supposed to be the Spirit of Hysh, that name doesn't lend itself to being a mount. If anything, it sounds more like Teclis' partner. Teclis and Celennar, the Buddy Cops of AOS!
  22. So, somebody just posted this over in the Rumors thread, but what does everyone think about the idea that the masked face in the upper right of the last shot of the video could be Tyrion?
  23. The model honestly looks better in the video. Go look again and see if you agree.
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