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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. For AoS, an Underworlds warband could be a good start for a new force tester. I've done a few and found I didn't like painting them and it saved me going full in on a new army before. If the voucher can be used on the FW, then you can always use it on something HH related to get ready for the box. Like a Legion Preator, Legion heads, or make upto a Legion Contemptor body (as the box will come with spare weapons it seems)
  2. I don't suppose if anybody has heard if there will be a seperate release for the Krondspire Incarnate of Ghur? I'm in two minds about picking it up off ebay, but I wasn't sure if it will be released on it's own down the line?
  3. Would be very interesting to see some new Seraphon, considering how well they did with the recent WH Underworlds warband and Lord Kroak sculpts. The Cold-one rider sprues at this point are pretty ancient, but most of the monster kits hold up. So I could see them doing a mounted unit + hero at the least.
  4. I don't know about "best" in game terms, but one option I didn't see mentioned is Maggotkin of Nurgle. Not the fastest, but can do all flying units quite easily. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/plague-drones-of-nurgle-2017 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Nurgle-Rotbringers-Pusgoyle-Blightlords-2018 Both units can be taken as Battleline with the right sub-faction or having Lord of Afflictions as leader. I'm sure you could maybe ally in some Nurgle marked StD as well, such as a flying Daemon Prince or Sorcerer on Manticore and have the whole thing as flying. As a bonus I think the Daemon Plague Toads of Nurgle also have the Fly rule, so have them bounding alongside your winged monsters.
  5. I'm really intrigued to see how they are going to handle Hashut in this new setting. In the Old World, he was very much just the god of Chaos Dwarves, but sort of hinted he could be a powerful Daemon rather than full god. I wonder if he'll be promoted to full chaos god along the lines of the Horned Rat? Will he get his own Daemons, K'Daai style elementals, a greater Daemon/verminlord style avatar? Could the real Dark Masters be something other than big hatted dwarves? Bull Centaurish mutant centaurs being how they look now? So many possibilities, I cannot wait to see what they've got planned.
  6. At least 3 rumour engines solved by him?
  7. Now that is an impressive mini. Half horse, half Goro
  8. Boots that look like hooves are the best!
  9. Oh Warcry in Ghur, hoping for some nice new destruction themed terrain from that
  10. I think there were photos of new Traitor Guard seen, but not shown during the 40k day reveal, so I think that's a good chance.
  11. Ogroids look great, plus the alternative build will provide spare weapons for other big guys, my dragon ogres are going to like that.
  12. I imagine we'll see lots of examples of amazing painting on all those wings for Sylvaneth
  13. We know they have the army book cover for StD to show, plus lots of the new minis are clearly painted and could be shown. I'm not sure if I've missed it, but where are all the skaven hopes coming from? They've had the underworlds warband, but are there other unsolved RE or leaks that point to them being next?
  14. I wonder if the Slaves to Darkness leak forced them to change what they're going to show off tomorrow?
  15. Ah well spotted, I'd only watched the stream and not read the article, so that makes sense. More time to save up the funds to buy multiple kits.
  16. Got to think if Codex chaos space marines is released soonish, then we won't have to wait until winter for the Daemon prince kit to be released alongside Slaves to Darkness.
  17. For sure. Going to need to build one like that just to paint, plus at least another one for AoS. That kit is going to be a huge seller.
  18. Wow ok I was wrong. That Daemon prince kit is going to be mighty. The aligned heads are HUGE improvements over the generic onea we've seen.
  19. Great they've leaned into the cultist side of chaos. Plenty of bits there that will work for AoS.
  20. It looks different enough from the AoS prince that they could be different kits. To have all of the options for both 40 and AoS, the daemon prince would have to be a huge kit?
  21. The 40k day is the one I'm least invested in, but I can't deny I'm interested to see what they're going to do with Squats. Plus any daemon things that can repurposed to become Gal Vorbak would be welcome. If I can get Twitch to work on my TV, I'll have it on the big screen after work. If only they streamed it on Youtube as well as Twitch, it'd be much easier.
  22. Technically all 3 of the clocks have now reached Midnight, if we count the AT Thunderhawk:
  23. I wonder if they could do a separate Hobgrot faction? Couple of different infantry units, wolf riders, maybe some rocket artillery made by their big hat trader buddies. Chuck in a monster or two to fill it out. They could then allow them to ally in to any future Chaos Dwarf faction, as well as allying to other greenskins.
  24. Looking forward to a full unit of Ogroids. as the Ogroid Myrmidon is a great sculpt. Spear and shield especially are A grade.
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