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Everything posted by FFJump

  1. Wow, Kragnos being a god of Destruction, proves, once again, Whitefang is TGA's shaman providing us visions of the future in the smoke of the rumor thread bonfire. He knows what he's talking about. Looking forward to "leaner" oldhammer style Orruks (presumably NOT Gitmob Grots) in 3.0 . I think that effigy on Kragnos' base is probably related.
  2. Hmmm still think this rumor engine is related if that's the case. These evil looking faces were a very common element in oldhammer minis.
  3. Leaner orcs? So just regular non-black orcs ala Fantasy? Or, maybe, going by this Mongolian talk about their look and the Hobbit... a re-visit to how Orcs used to look like back in the earlier editions of Fantasy?
  4. I was going to suggest a combined orc and goblins tome from Whitefang's mention of the Hobbit, but thought I was reading too much into it. However, I'm starting to think that may be the case. Maybe some Gitmob Grots models as part of Orruk Warclans? Or a new tome with generic orruks and gitmob grots combined in the same vein as the Orcs and Goblins army book in fantasy? That would explain the Orc chariot weapon from the Rumor Engine. I'm gonna spit my drink out if we get a new battletome called "Orruks and Grots".
  5. So, rounding up the rumors and Whitefang's reactions (I saw you trophy that rumor about the Grimdark Live Podcast rumors ). 1. Kragnos is part of Destruction. Sounds like he's possibly an old forgotten god who has now returned to find his people literally all gone and if that city in the video wasn't necessarily ruins of his people, then its most likely one he recently helped destroy. 2. AoS 3.0 will have an Indomitus style box of "hobgoblin-esque" wolf riders vs "Bretonnian" stormcast. I was actually the one that mentioned that video earlier in this thread, and I said it then and I'll say it again. I think these descriptors are loose terms. I heard about Bonereapers before they were announced and they were described to me as Tomb Kings, simply because that's what people had closest reference to. I think its most likely Gitmob Grots vs just Stormcast with more heraldry or perhaps even Cities of Sigmar knights in the style of that knight from Cursed City. Goblin wolf riders have the same Mongol style as the old Hobgoblin's. They're probably going to be bigger looking now from scale creep too. If you saw Mongol style, larger goblins, and only had the reference of Hobgoblins from the Old World, you'd probably confuse the two. Plus in the Gloomspite Gitz battletome it says the Gitmob Grots gravitate towards plains and steppes, another factor associated with old hobgoblins. Putting these two rumors together actually makes a lot of sense as a whole. If Broken Realms Kragnos is the last BR book, with Kragnos being a Destruction god returned, it leads perfectly into the a Destruction-focused narrative for 3.0 and a boxed set featuring Destruction to kick things off. Plus from a different perspective, Destruction has to have their own god/named character model. Order has several gods as models already, Death has Nagash, Chaos has, not exactly a god, but Archeon. Destruction has no "god" character to swing blows with the other gods. Sure, they have mega-gargants and Gordrakk, but he's not really on the same level I don't think. I wouldn't say he's god-tier.
  6. Anyone seen the newest Grimdark Live stream? Same place where the 3rd edition rumors from a week or so ago came from that were posted here. Part of that rumor was that there would be an Indomitus style boxset for 3rd edition but it'd be a new Destruction army vs Stormcast. Today, they provided an update saying that new army is NOT Grotbag Scuttlers like some were saying but a new army in the same vein as Rippa's Snarlfangs. Being a a Hobgoblin-esque wolf rider style army. That's the rumor. Not sure how reliable they are, but my thoughts are I think they're talking about just an update to Gitmob Grots. Rippa is described as being exiled from them after backstabbing his Gitlord, and Gitmob Grots are mentioned in the Gloomspite Gitz battletome as being the Grots who gravitated to the sun and the plains and steppes instead. Would certainly fit in with some of the rumor engines that look ramshackle if they're not orc related. Edit: Goblin Wolf Chariot weapon, Goblin club, and sun icon because of their sun worship perhaps?
  7. Well, if you want to go back to WFB 3rd edition, you're also missing the Ki-rin - unicorns made of lightning. The Temple Dogs were mentioned in later lore like you pointed out but were in 3rd as well, so maybe the Ki-rin could exist still or be pulled from as well. Nippon had an army list in 3rd as well which was said to have overlap with Cathay, but it was pretty much just samurai and ninjas. The 3rd edition rulebook claimed that a source book specifically for Cathay and Nippon was in development. It says it in the rulebook when discussing Cathay. I know its 3rd edition, but maybe they'll pull ideas from it if it really was in development. Fast-forwarding to lore in later editions, not a part of Cathay, but hobgoblins are in the region as well, I think even as being the only greenskin in the area. They're constantly invading Cathay. Makes me think Chaos Dwarf DLC is a definite as Chaos Dwarfs also use Hobgoblins as units, so from a technical perspective could re-use the same animations and models. The 6th edition rulebook had a lot of Cathay info. It said they fought off a Chaos invasion with one-horned Ogres and golden dragons. It also said their lands are home to mystical monks who can kill with one touch and "strange monkey warriors" living in the Mountains of Heaven. I really hope we get to see these monkey warriors just because I want to know if it meant they're warriors who have a fighting style like monkeys or if they're literal monkeys. I can't recall which book, I think it was 8th edition but I don't have it on hand. I remember one rulebook said they also have armies of terracotta warriors.
  8. It looks like a blood dragon/dragon warrior. Taking a guess from the name, that zombie from the Halloween preview and the zombie in the last preview will probably be in this army and it will be soulblight + undead army like old Vampire Counts. Will we finally get new Blood Knights? (Probably not). I hope we see some new bloodlines rules though.
  9. If that's a halfling, that'd be very interesting. Has there been any mentions of halflings in the lore for Age of Sigmar? Not only is that the first halfling model for AoS if that's the case, he'd also be the first Slaaneshi halfling model in both AoS and Warhammer Fantasy as far as I know. Only reason I thought he might be a duardin was because of that, but he definitely looks more like a halfling and a halfling would fit with the gluttony theme.
  10. This guy is interesting. First Slaaneshi Duardin model or first Slaaneshi (and AoS in general) halfling model? Can't tell if he has a beard or not.
  11. They did say at one of the Warhammer previews the same year Old World was announced that they'd be using square bases. It was during the Q&A though, not in one of their community previews. And I can't recall if there was any other information divulged. Of course, that could be square bases but with round bases inside those squares or could indicate a 6mm game with square bases too. However, considering the old announcement said Old World would be to Age of Sigmar what Horus Heresy is to 40K, and its being handled by the FW team, I think it's going to be 28mm still. Horus Heresy was up until 8th edition compatible with 40K. Even now you can still use HH models in 40K, just not the same ruleset and mostly counts-as for other units. HH stuck to 40K's 7th edition ruleset but with tweaks after 40K moved to 8th edition. That kind of comparison implies, like HH, it'll be the same scale but with its own miniatures and rules. I think if it was a smaller scale they would have just returned to Warmaster - or like Adeptus Titanicus - re-use the name Warmaster but with new rules and a slightly bigger scale. Don't know if they're bringing back any old sculpts. However, for armies like Skaven, Ogre Kingdoms, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, the Empire, Chaos Dwarfs, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos, and Daemons of Chaos - their pre-AoS models are still around and kicking. I don't think its as a big an effort as people think to support Old World in addition to AoS and 40K. HH does somewhat rely on units from the 40K line in addition to the HH stuff. Half my own AoS armies are just models I was using for Warhammer fantasy up until it got destroyed. As for generating new sales, like HH, supplement it with new models for some armies, and then exclusive armies (Bretonnia, Kislev, Tomb Kings). What worries me is that very HH comparison though. As HH does go through bigger periods of time for smaller updates recently. I'd be worried we have to wait a couple years even after its "released" before we start getting new models or rules for other armies. Hopefully first year isn't just Empire vs Empire before we throw just Kislev in a year later lol.
  12. This one's face is interesting. I thought he was a bullgor at first. He has more of a protruding, chunkier bull-face like the bullgors than the flatter goat-face of the regular gors. He looks too thin to be a bullgor though and doesn't have tusks, so probably just the bull-face as it matches the Slannesh aesthetic similar to how Tzaangors have bird-faces.
  13. Yes, there's never actually been hints or rumors from any legitimate sources that the vampires would be pirates. Certainly, vampire hints, but not pirate vampires. At around the same time the Soulblight looking rumor engine pics came out, there was also some nautical looking pics and crab-claw looking pics, which together people took as being a hint towards vampire pirates. The former turned out to be from the Kraken-eater gargant and the latter looks like its going to be Slaangors. However, somehow its taken on a life of its own, probably just from the popularity of the vampire coast when they ended up in Total War. They were an actual army in fantasy having rules in a White Dwarf (which I still have), but not AoS you are correct. At least, not those pirates specifically. There are vampire pirates in AoS, and they had rules before. The Wraith Fleet are undead led by a vampire pirate that came out during the Firestorm campaign with their own allegiance, in fact, here's the article that covered them: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/21/the-armies-of-firestorm-the-wraith-fleet-sep21gw-homepage-post-4/ I think they've still been mentioned in the lore here and there too. So, they do already exist, just with no current rules or models as Firestorm was during first edition I believe.
  14. If Lady Atia says Slannesh is incoming, then he is. I don't think Atia ever even talked about Slaanesh mortals, but if its Slaanesh I think mortals would be more likely than more daemons. Recently, she's only been leaving vague hints in the War of Sigmar comments, so actually making a full post for this probably means its sooner than we think. I think last time she made an actual post hinting at the future was before 9th talking about the Silent King returning and 9th incoming with Necrons. And before that, I believe it was when 8th was incoming with Death Guard. So, by another "circle" I think she's referring to a new edition like other people have guessed. I really hope we get some more Slaangor in the vein of that one from Warhammer Underworlds! One step closer to having every flavor of marked Beastmen models.
  15. That to me just seems like a new zombie model. Specifically, a zombie standard bearer. Maybe instead of Soulblight or a whole new army we're just getting a Legions of Nagash update with a handful of new models. Or a combined Soulblight/Deadwalkers battletome like Mawtribes and Orruk Warclans that's been split-off from LoN.
  16. Here you go, here's the Fimir. In order, there's a Dirach Balefiend which had a warscroll in AoS for a while even without the model. Then there's the Meargh which is the the matriarch you're talking about that was Troggoth sized. Finally, the Shearl or slave caste. Still makes me sad now with Fimir gone to legends we'll probably never see these get the light of day or have a complete Fimir army again. Of course, since the Old World is coming back and Forgeworld is involved, maybe there's hope to at least have them in the Old World again.
  17. I know not AoS related, but since you brought it up. One thing that caught my eye in the 9th rulebook is the Warzone's sections in the lore part of the book that describe major ongoing conflicts, and they're all wars that have been explored in expansions or what have you (Warzone Viligus, Pariah, Armageddon for example). Anyway, they list the factions involved in those wars at the same time, and its basically just all the playable factions. What's interesting is what I think is a new warzone. Warzone Laevinir on page 162 which lists some new xenos names as a main force in the conflict, and more prominently, the Hrud. Apparently a combined Aeldari army of Craftworlders, Harlequins, and Ynnari are engaging the Tyranids because they're attacking the Hrud (or "Those Who Avoid the Crone" as the Eldar call them). The Eldar are afraid the Tyranids will absorb the Hrud's entropy powers. Just thought I'd mention it as that's a new warzone and the only instance where a faction that isn't currently playable is mentioned as a main force in the conflict.
  18. I know what Hastings said about the crab claw, and Hastings used to have a near perfect record, but recently he's kind of been hitting off the mark. That's the only reason I doubt it. His predictions for the Wave 3 Underworld's warbands was off, but he said it was actually for Wave 4, though he still did get some of the Wave 3 correct somehow, so I kind of feel he may have mistaken some models for other models or misinterpreted the info he got. I didn't catch that was a Plaguebearer skull, so you're probably right that might be something Tzeentch-related. I've worked with enough AdMech models to guess that today's is not AdMech though at least. Maybe a Witch Hunter, but you're also going by recent artwork for vampires to say they don't use guns as if they couldn't just change their minds on the direction an army is going in like they've been doing since AoS started😛. I really highly doubted we'd get vampire pirates. Like extremely so. However, if we did, they'd probably use guns I would think.
  19. The hand holding the skull in the 2nd row is the same as the hand holding the sword in the 7th row and the hand holding the gun in today's picture, so if that's Soulblight, I think we're getting more than one model. The axe in the first row fits the same style as undead too. I still maintain that the crab claw is not for crab people or even for Idoneth Deepkin, but a crab mutation for a different race, either Chaos or a new nautical-based one. Initially, I thought it was either new Chaos Possessed, or for a Grotbag Scuttler Captain, similar to power klaws on Orks. After seeing all the images that are seemingly Soulblight and today's gun, I'm wondering if we'll see a return of the Wraith Fleet from Firestorm but as an actual faction with some of these pictures being "vampire corsair" Varkos Varactyr.
  20. Just a coincidence. Be'lakor worked with Archeon in Wrath of the Everchosen, and is still up to his old tricks of trying to undermine the gods by whispering in Archeon's ear. He has legions of demons under his command with his own army and rules for his legion in the book too. Malerion has been described as having his own forces of elves and is just Malekith fused with his dragon and a new name. Don't see them working together or being related outside of that they're both dark edgy dudes.
  21. I wouldn't look too much into the Facebook thing. Forgeworld is still making new Blood Bowl, Necromunda, and now Aeronatuica Imperialis models, the final of which was in the pre-order preview today. Those aren't covered by a HH page now either. Then again, might be a sign all those and anything AoS or Old World related will have a connection to Warhammer Forge (which also used to be the name of the fantasy branch of Forgeworld) whenever that's fully revealed. Sent an email too regarding Chaos Dwarf rules updates. Funnily enough, I sent it before I even read this thread and saw other people were sending emails! Hopefully there's more people sending emails like that too.
  22. While still on the topic of Forgeworld, are Fimir in Legends or still in? Same question for Greenskinz and Gitmob Grots please.
  23. We're not allowed to post the leaked photos I believe, however, I saw the Azgorh point changes for everything except our warmachines. Nothing has changed. Looks like we didn't get any updates or if we get any it would be a PDF update from FW. Again, didn't see the warmachines though as the screenshot was only the bottom half so they might have gotten something but every other unit (characters, centaurs, infernal guard, k'daai, battalions) are unchanged. On the plus side, we're still in and listed right next to Maggotkin! So still an "official" army.
  24. Honestly, just continue the Fimir range in plastic since FW has stopped selling them and release those Meargh, Dirach, and Shearl models shown several years ago. There's enough wiggle room to basically expand upon their lore in AoS which right now is just a few sentences from their warscrolls. Introduce more units and expand upon the idea they were disowned by the Chaos gods. Would be interesting to have a fully-fledged Destruction race that has ties to Chaos without being Chaos. Also, has this already been posted (please delete if not allowed)? Shipping manifest for Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis. Arena Mortis is also the name of a mini-game from the July White Dwarf last year. It was basically Warhammer Underworlds with only one board and one character per player. Probably a boxed version of that in a board-game style like the Warhammer Underworlds: Dreadfane?
  25. What would be interesting is if its for Grotbag Scuttlers. Like how Orks in 40K have Power Klaws, a git pirate replacing his arm with a crab klaw.
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