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Everything posted by Krakybear

  1. Just noticed that the Greywater Runelord ability reads: "In your hero phase, 1 friendly Greywater Fastness Runelord can chant the following prayer IN ADDITION to any prayer on their warscroll." Is this just weird phrasing for being able to do this prayer instead of a normal one, or does it actually mean that Runelords can do a normal prayer AND the warmachine one?
  2. Just a heads up, the artillery train battalion can't include all of those units. "A Hashut’s Wrath Artillery Train consists of the following units: • 1 Daemonsmith • 1 Iron Daemon War Engine Any three models chosen from the following: • Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher • Magma Cannon • Dreadquake Mortar • Iron Daemon War Engine" Taken straight from the FW compendium!
  3. Ty for the link, I knew about the recent changes but didn't find anything mentioning the ironbreakers specifically!
  4. But it says 5 or more on their warscroll? Did they do a errata or something?
  5. Is there a reason no one runs 5 man groups for the ironbreakers?
  6. Does anyone have a Path to Glory sheet for the Legion? Going to start a campaign with a couple of friends and was hoping someone had done the work for me!
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