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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Mmm, not so sure on this. Problem is Yndrasta, knight-vexillor annd annhilators anre all on one sprue so wouldn’t be possible to split up between multiple issues without retooling. Same for orruks, it’s one sprue with killaboss, murknob and 3 boltboyz.
  2. Others have mentioned already, but I’d love an AoS “Vanguard” (or start collecting) rules format like the upcoming 40k combat patrol. The old Meeting engagement rules never really took off and weren’t updated to 3rd. To have a smaller scale option would be great for grabbing a vanguard box and throwing down for a quick (hopefully balanced) battle. Great for gaming whilst still collecting/painting a new army or for introducing new people. Could even be fun for a small tournament as well? My hope is that with a fixed army selection, GW should be able to balance the boxes easier than the vast choice of options of tomes/units/artefacts. Knowing GW tho, it would likely never get attention after the initial release and balance issues would never be addressed🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. If the index rules are great, how will they sell you codex when the time comes? 😉
  4. Tho we know the head is a separate piece so it could still be from the new plastics?
  5. Is this an event mini? I thought they had shared the 2 event exclusives already? I may have to try and go to UK games expo to get one. I missed Mugruk last year and don't fancy the ebay price tag.
  6. Couldn’t decide how to build the new KO admiral, so I went with both! I wondered if I’d get away with a magnet in just the neck, but it was a bit gappy. Managed to get a small one in the wrist joint as well. Love this model!
  7. Just finished an Endrinmaster, wasn’t fully happy with the Barak Thryng scheme above so tried Zilfin instead this time. Think I’ll stick with this scheme now. Was about 5-10 hours work so pretty quick for me. I managed to get a store anniversary admiral so he might have to feature soon.
  8. Depends what models you have available? It would be fairly straightforward to use a murknob, leave the banner off and put a more shaman-y staff on top. If you want to go further and you have a spare swampcalla shaman model you could cut off the weapon in LH and replace with the poison bowl.
  9. You could try to get hold of the event exclusive mini from last year, Muggruk? Tho may be a bit pricey. Or just an old shaman model? Or could convert? Staff swap? Poison bowl hand swap? Or head swap?
  10. On a cursory look at the data sheets having an OC stat seems like it would be a sensible addition to the AoS warscroll.
  11. I almost can’t believe the guy painted Dante! If that had been me, he would’ve been on eBay immediately!! I’m pretty sure it could fund my hobby for the rest of the year.
  12. I preordered issue 5 already, I wanted the Praetor but didn’t want to commit to the monthly outgoing of subscribing, plus I already have 2 Dominion boxes that I haven’t finished.
  13. I have the dwarf BB referee mini somewhere, seems like a perfect proxy.
  14. Just noticed the design date on the squig boss sprue is 2021!
  15. I showed my wife the ridiculous marine weapons, her reaction “is it meant to look like Johnny 5?” I can’t unsee it now 😂
  16. Just caught up on the reveals, Wow! These Seraphon are amazing, I’ve never particularly wanted to start an army but the Saurus especially have me very tempted. I notice in the background of the video the electric glowy RE is a bit of Seraphon terrain. The WHU warband is a bit meh. On the warcry stuff, I like the warbands, It’s great to see more diversity in factions. I’m not too impressed with the terrain tho, I like it but it’s just more of the same again. I bought both Heart of Ghur & Sundered Fate, I’ve got enough trees now. I was thinking I’d try to buy all 4 boxes this season, but not so sure now. My hope was that by now we’d have seen some actual Seraphon ruined buildings like they’ve teased in the artwork. On the 40k stuff, is it just me or are those primaris guns a bit stupid. They look like something a child would draw.
  17. @Bog_Goblinshared this in the rumour thread.
  18. I decided to pass on the AoS supply drop boxes, but I’m curious as to what they contained. I notice in the rumour thread that someone received their Aelf bundle (containing an DoK & IDK vanguard box). I wondered if that was standard contents or if there’s any variation in different regions. Thought I’d start a new thread for people to share what they got, in either the Aelf, Order or Underworlds boxes (feel free to share regarding the 40k box too if that’s your jam). Help me justify passing on these or maybe kick myself for passing!
  19. They may well have updated the list afterwards, definitely worth double checking with the store.
  20. Store anniversary list This is the list they put up last year, but I know some of them are wrong. Watford says 10th Jan so I asked my brother to get minis early for me, he popped into the store that week to be told their anniversary is 1st of the 10th (so October!) not 10th of the 1st. Definitely worth calling the store before planning a trip.
  21. They let you order in as many as you want. I picked up 2 gutrippas & 3 inquisitors last year.
  22. IIRC heart of ghur was £125 RRP, think I paid around £92 from dark sphere. hopefully be able to get sundered fate for £80 something?
  23. Any ideas on price point for sundered fate? I’d assume cheaper than heart of ghur, as less contents, no core book & dice etc?
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