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Everything posted by fwlr

  1. A lot of artefacts are often a waste of a slot. It's hard to make a balanced set, things end up recurring and such so things are clearly better than one another
  2. Hey guys, I'm a regular poster over on the khorne thread, as I'm getting back into aos with a triple thirster tyrants of blood list because that play style really sparked my interests, and I love khorne. However way back when I was younger I got the old starter set (as well as the little one with two easy to build sets in) stormcast side, and more recently upon release of 2.0 got 2 sides of stormcast soulwars + some other stuff. But I've never really got into it as I never had a functioning 2k list that I was happy to use against some of the regulars at the store. Plus, kill team got in the way😉. So because I'm trying to get back into AoS I thought I might as well see what I can do with my stormcast lot. From what I've seen, heard, and used (once) stormcast are nutty good, especially sacrosanct stuff. So here's the stuff I've got: Vandus, relictor, 15 libs, 3 prosecutors, 10 retributors 2x gryph arcanum guy Foot arcanum guy 2 incantors 2 ballistas, 10 castigators and lord ordinator 30 sequitors, 13 or so greatmaces(need a way to make more though) 10 evocators That's quite a large chunk of stuff I've got from just started boxes and some extras. Now I know that the current stormcast strategies usually synergise around a block of 20 sequitors (and 2x5 extra) which I have, perfect. Also I have the arcanums to make them battleline. Then I have a block of 10 evocators, which I have used in a few games and are absolutely ridiculous and I love them. From that base of arcanum (on foot or charger), 20 sequitors, 2x5 sequitors + 10 evocators, does anyone have any tips of where to go from there? I'm happy to spend another about £80-100 on stormcast stuff for a 2k comp list. One thing I need is a castellant. I could use gav... Quite tempting. So I'll need another unit and some more characters. Vexillor? Azryos? Gav? All of them? On the point of stormhost, which do you guys like most? I could go for anvils and take 12 hurricane raptors with a relictor to translocate, I could go all out cleansing phalanx with another 10 evocators, maybe even more than that. Celestial vindicators here? Another stormhost? None at all for staunch defender?! Hammers of sigmar does look pretty good for gav and the WL trait. Cheers for any replies guys, hopefully I can sort a list to use before the inevitable GHB19 nerfbat. *Edit* sorry this is all over the place. It's barely readable lol. This is me trying to get across my thoughts after staying up too late looking at the guys rules again.
  3. Slaanesh look pretty cool... The models are 'perfect' and their rules.... BUT NOT AS COOL AS KHORNE BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD COME ON BOYS WE'LL HARVEST THESE SELF PROCLAIMED PRETENDERS SKULLS UNTIL ALL THAT IS LEFT OF THEM IS PASTED FLESH AND DUSTED BONES WHO CARES IF WE STRIKE LAST KHORNE CARES NOT! Okay now I'm done letting out my khornate energy, let's show these suckers how its done eh? What can be done against these silly strike last rules? I refuse to have my three thirsters fall apart in the face of these 'greater' daemons of slaanesh- but did we get hard countered here by the very ones we hate?
  4. You know, at first I thought it sounded silly(and broken😂) but you make a very good point. I take back what I said, this is a far more logical explanation than my original one. What shenanigans can we get up to here🤔🤔🤔
  5. How are you allying in archaon to a blades of khorne army? He's a bit more than 400 points of allies😂 He can't benefit from reapers of vengeance because it targets a reapers of vengeance Daemon unit. He does not gain the keyword as is not from the blades of khorne allegiance. Or are you just playing open play? Still, shouldn't be able to do it.
  6. As a follow up to my post last page, about tyrants battleline, has anyone here tried the tyrants list? Are they any good at all? Also, that doggo list is awesome😂
  7. In a tyrants of blood list with skarbrand WoK IR and 2 priests, what's the best battleline? I've asked this many times by now but not had an answer. Flesh hounds, to me, seem like a clear unit to take as 2x5 doggos to hold flanks, take objectives and die for blood tithe. Then there's decent amount of points left to take a big blob, and warthnongers or a bloodsecrator. Options being: 40 bloodreavers with wrath axe and secrator. Unwieldy, hard to keep wholly within, needs immunity to battleshock, but is s massive body block of models. And cheaper than other options so wrath axe has space. Units could be split down, but then min/max discount isn't got so only 30 guys. However smaller units, while die quicker, are more flexible and give more tithe points (but also ramp up drops pretty quick? Drop the flesh hounds to reavers, take 20 bloodwarriors with a secrator or wrathmongers (wrathmongers gives another unit to hold objectives and have some good combat, although quite flimsy-not as much as secrator however- but fundamentally less range buff. Could work positioned behind the rows, but easier to use s secrator) Gives two goreglaives in the unit for some decent killing power, as well as a brick of guys that kill when they die. More the merrier, but this means no1 no dogs, just crappy reavers, no2 no judgements, no3 the WoK needs to drop to an unfettered which is suboptimal as skarbrand needs to reroll hits. Same as above, but keep dogs and wrath of khorne and drop the warriors to 15. Same philosophy, 5 less of them- easier to get in range of buffs, wrathmongers here probs v good, only 1 goreglaive. Probably better than 20 for the rest of the list (doggos>reavers by a long shot). 30 bloodletters with same as above. 300 points, same as 15 warriors, more unwieldy unit for buffs and terrain, far less staying power, do less upon death, but more killy(with buffs) and are affected by Daemon buffs (leave none alive, rr1s to hit, etc) If anyone wants to give an idea of some other battleline for these kinds of lists, let's discuss. Atm the 15 warriors are screaming ant me as the best option. My opinion will probably change when I actually assemble a list and get playing though. Thoughts?
  8. So is nobody currently using the thirster lists here? Everyone's lists are mortal😂
  9. If your mortal points are 200, then two slaughterpriests. That's easy If you're willing for a tad more than that, so 18% of your list, you take a bloodsecrator as well. A strong core of any list.
  10. That looks good mate. Can add the icon for pretty much no extra as you aren't getting an additional CP with 40 points left. Or, you could drop the skulls and bump one squad of letters to 30 to do some serious damage.
  11. How are people doing with the tyrants of blood? Is it working? Anyone tested with the different factions? You liking skullreapers or bloodlords? And finally, what have people been taking for battleline in one of those lists? Flesh hounds are the obvious choice, especially in bloodlords, at least 2 fives of them for battleline. But what last bit? Anyone tried a massive blob of blood warriors as an anvil? Like a squad of 20 with +1 save? I really really like the idea of a triple thirster list, am in the process of building one(got 1 thirster, should be getting the next this week) and want to know the battleline for a good list of them. Cheers guys
  12. People seem undecided on this, but it comes down to a yes/no based on interpretation of the RAW. Basically, is tyrants of blood worth it? Yes/no? Do they always fight first or just a one time thing. I'm heading to whw again tomorrow to play the 40k doubles event, so I will see if I can ask the rules designers as to exactly what is intended. Then it comes down to RAW/RAI which is just a can of worms noone wants to open.
  13. Anyone else experience the long period of the site being down? I haven't been able to get on for days, just had 'community not available' Most of the posts on this page are from Thursday, and considering how active this thread has been recently I assume lots of others got it too. I've missed this forum😝
  14. Surely if you take skullreapers you will just want wrathmongers instead because of how good they can buff up the thirsters?
  15. So with the tyrants of blood list, there's the core of 1340 points of skarbrand, WoK, IR, +2 slaughterpriests. From there, what support and battleline options are the best? It will depend on the host chosen obviously as the reapers of vengeance rely far more on the hammer of the bloodthirsters without needing to worry about supporting them. Bloodlords need the bloodthirsters to be supported a little more, but it's easier to support say with a secrator because of the +4 move. You'll probably want to run flesh hounds to give them the locus buffs but blood warriors may be just as good in larger squads. Now is the more difficult question of the toss up between bloodsecrator wrathmongers big battleline units and judgements. So let's say you bring 2x5 flesh hounds (or 2x5 blood warriors), that puts you up to 1540. Now there's 460 points left that needs another battleline squad in it. Plus support, with a single hero slot left. So: wrathmongers? Secrator? Big blob of battleline or a small squad to do some superficial screening? Thoughts?
  16. So I've got a question: For a tyrants of blood bloodlords list, what is the optimal battleline do you reckon? So the core of the list is: 3 thirsters, with/without skarbrand, in the battalion with the obvious buffs. Comes at a minimum to 980 (triple IR) and a max of 1180 (2 WoK+skar). These are both suboptimal combos, I'd say the best is wrath of khorne with insensate with skarbrand. That's 1140 So the vital double slaughterpriest with axe is another 260, bringing to 1400. Then it's up for grabs. Personally I'd go for a secrator to make skarbrand better and buff the battleline stuff. So there's 1540 points. Now there's 460 left for some battleline. Many options available: Flesh hounds and some reavers/warriors Warriors on their own A combo of warriors and reavers, possibly gore pilgrims to make the secrator even better, though it's quite a points sink in non models. Maybe some wrathmongers alongside? What do people think?
  17. Oh yeah. That slaanesh list is just so much better than your own. I wouldn't be surprised to find that in a high level tournament. And tbh, your list is kind of all over the place. Got cool stuff but nothing really harmonic Sounds as if you deployed pretty badly too. Stretching out all the bloodreavers is asking for them to die- there's going to be like 3 units that can hit them, easily. Then they die. Ingloriously. Really that list is quite obvious as to the plan- hit everything first turn and cripple their army so they can do nothing, then fish for s double turn. Simple. Really, if you knew you went first(count drops) it would have been better to backline your stuff as then there is no t1 charge, then try and counter through maybe a double turn or leaving more valuable units screened. For example, with the crushers, rather than leaving them on the frontline, let him not get the t1 charge by screening (here it is good to use reavers as chaff/blood tithe- thin your units down a little if they are not looking to be a hammer. then hope to go after he does and counter charge by moving bloodreavers out of the way and letting skarbrand and the crushers jump through. In list terms, I recommend getting rid of some of the extra weight, maybe bulking out the stuff in the battalion to minimise drops. Maybe the book is not too tier, but it is still week 1 and there's not been a lot of gameplay. Hope this helps.
  18. Its been a while, but I am pretty sure that range is measured from the base. So reaching up is quite difficult, even for very tall things.
  19. 'add 2 to unbinding rolls for this model'- warscroll ability 'if this general attempts to unbind a spell and the unmodified unbinding roll is 8, that spell is successfully unbound and the caster suffers d6 mortal wounds' These two abilities, as they affect the model when they make an unbinding roll, will stack. The place where they might conflict however is where it says 'this model can attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase as if it was a wizard' in both abilities So the question I think lies in whether it is 1+1(warscroll + relic), or just can deny one. Either way the abilities stack.
  20. Wow. A reapers of vengeance general WoKBT is a denying beast. He gets to deny 2 at +2 and on an undmodified 8 it does d6 mortals to the caster😲 and gets to deny an endless spell, as well. That's nuts- might make a hero wary to cast just because they can. +2 is a massive boon, gonna be reallly easy to stop essential spells. Then our slaughterpriests get to pray unrivaled😂
  21. Hmm. You may be right, and that does make more sense, however it's the exact wording on tyrants making me ponder it. It states "After a model from this battalion has fought in the combat phase for the first time, you can pick another model from the same battalion that has not yet fought in that combat phase and is within 3" of any enemy units(not eligible to fight, but that thirster can only be chosen if they are within 3" of any enemy unit). That model fights immediately..." As it specifically states with 3, I don't see how this range on the warscroll battalion is increased the the CA which increases the range that a model is eligible to fight in the combat phase. Obviously, there's nothing stopping these thirsters fighting from 6 later in the combat phase, and there's probably nothing able to strike them, so it doesn't really make a difference. It only affects order of attackers, probably not even relevant to the company they are in.
  22. I don't think this is right. The wording on tyrants is a bit weird, in that you don't choose an eligible unit to fight with, instead they may pile in and strike if they ARE within 3", then cannot be chosen to fight again, unless reapers cmd abilty. This is instead of choosing an eligible unit from this battalion and going before the opponent, which in the case of the UF would be units within 6. Quite nuanced this wording, might not be how its intended- check designers commentary?
  23. That looks v good, how did you do it exactly? Has he got magnets in the arms as well?
  24. So: t2 he's not fought last round, auto 8 mortals (on a 6 is 16) + 9 attacks Wrathmongers+secrator giving +2 attacks, buffing him to 3 carnage goes as well as 11 slaughter attacks He gets given fight twice from reapers + reroll hits from the WoKBT+ (unneeded but useful +1 to hit from priest, although this should be on the insensate) Max, that's (16x3)x2 which is 96 mortals. On average it's going to be (8x6)+8(because average of one 6 in 6 rolls) which is 56 MW. That's leaving out slaughter as well, which is total 22 attacks hitting on best case 3's rerolling all For an average of ~19.5 hits, wounding on 3s for an average of 13 wounds. So 39 dmg from there with no save as well as it is minus 2, if they have a 4+ it would be ~2 saves so 33 dmg, that's on average. 3+ pushes it down to 24-27 dmg. Which is still a lot. So average per fight phase is about 80-95 damage depending on save. At a max, it's 162 damage. I don't need to say that's a lot. Now obviously this is best case so it's not really reflecting in game scenarios, obv this is only mathhammer. But whatever you charge is DEADIFIED. Then there's another 2 thirsters at other targets to give the enemy a headache too.
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