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Posts posted by Cosmicsheep

  1. 3 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    You just can't buff Rat Ogres.... to achieve anywhere near the damage numbers capable like you can with Skryre

    I would somewhat disagree with this. I think Rat Ogres are one of our most under estimated units. Throw in a unit of packmasters or a Master Moulder to double their bravery and give a +1 to hit and they cause a lot of damage for their price point. A MM with the rabid crown is great too, although I normally reserve that for the giant rats, and the chance of bringing back a unit after death on a 5+ can often turn a game around.

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  2. @Gwendar yeah, I saw a KO list on the honest wargamer with the WLV that confused me at first, until I read the rules for the artefact.

    With a 12” deployment zone, and an average 7” move for the NR, the KO dropping 9” away should leave only the 30” guns in range. I have 12 jezzails that would have something to respond with 😬

  3. On 5/15/2020 at 10:25 AM, Darkhan said:

    Any other advice for handling KO? I tried to protect my backline (failed with the Jezzails, kept the Deceiver and Clawlord fine), but the range on those ships is brutal. 


    I play against a KO player a lot, and he runs 2 battalions and always has the first turn. With fly high he can put his Frigate and Ironclad 9” away from my lines. My new tactic  (when we’re allowed to go out and play again) will be to run a unit of 10 night runners which will advance 2D6” before his turn and hopefully put some of his mid range guns out of range 😀

  4. @Enkyridion now if you were to drop the packmasters, and the endless spells, you’d have 200pts to spend on 4 rat ogres, who do have the right keywords to be buffed by the master Moulder and be regenerated. And he’ll also give an extra D3 wounds to the hellpit and rerolling  1s 👍

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  5. Hi guys, quick rules question. 

    When playing against KO, when I cast Warpgale or Dreaded Warpgale on a flying vessel, should it still be able to Fly High? RAW defines flying as the ability to move over terrain without penalty (I'm paraphrasing) but is the Fly High a different kind of movement? 

    I did email the GW FAQ on this some time ago but got no reply. 

  6. @Riff_Raff_Rascal Wow, that's some amazing engineering there. I totally get what you're saying about magnets and swing, I used a combo of smaller and larger magnets but will definitely check out those clasps.

    Oh, and I love that base too. How have you done that?

    Thanks 👍

  7. Just completed my Verminlord build. Magnetised arms allow me to build the Verminking, Warpseer and Deciever. I could add the Warbringer but decided that the Corruptor’s second arm would be too tricky to magnetise. I only really plan on running these 3 anyway. Head is also magnetised to help fit inside my carry case.

    It wasn’t all that difficult to do, the hardest part was gluing a magnet inside the shoulder without using any greenstuff. After that it’s just a few holes with a drill bit 😁


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  8. Looks like you have a good start. It will depend on the style of play you go for, but you probably won't know that until you start. 

    I would say definitely go for the 80 clanrats and 60 monks. The Hellpit is popular in the current meta. You'll need an engineer too. 

    Anything else would be personal preference, but I would say that 3 jezzail aren't enough, nor is a single ratling gun. 

    Rat ogres pack a punch if you want a melee army, but a second cannon  or doom wheel could be fun too. 

    The best thing about Skaven is our choice of units

    Enjoy 😁

  9. I’ve also been thinking along those lines. My fiends are either amazing, or get targeted before they can do much.

    I’m in the process of converting another 6 jezzails to make a unit of 12. I think this might be the way to go.

  10. 12 hours ago, Gwendar said:

     1-2x10 Night Runners at a minimum can be good in the current meta if you have points to spare. They're going to let you push out to create a bigger screen

    How did I forget that night runners get to move before the battle starts? This is exactly what I need to protect my back line from the high flying Kharadron ships 👍

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Congratz said:

    Whats the verdict on Eshin?

    anything usefull in there or is it lackluster? Looking for something to fill out my Monks since the nerf...

    i’ve been running a Hell pit and i would say its pretty good. Would it be worth it to add a Master Moulder just to give it +D3 Health?

    I always take the Master Moulder, the extra D3 has kept my hellpit alive more times than I can count, and the rerolling 1s isn't too shabby either. If you can spare points, do it 👍

  12. 3 hours ago, fishwaffle2232 said:

    I like the gwendars approach of trying to have 3 threats on the board. It forces the opponent to make hard decisions and means you have more options by not having to rely on one unit and one strategy to get the job done.

    I also use the  “Gwendar Method” when writing lists. I generally use the 3 battleline units to screen each of the 3 threats.

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  13. 21 minutes ago, Darkhan said:

    If Thanquol is equiped with 4x braziers, am I that lucky that he gets to hit with braziers + clubing blows?

    Oh yes... pretty sure this was confirmed in the FAQ too (edit: its in the errata)

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  14. 13 hours ago, Darkhan said:

    This sounds brutal. Maybe try to sacrifice 1 screening unit of clanrats. Place them all the way up there on the edge of the deployment line, make sure the rest of the army is behind in a way they won’t reach them T1 when he deepstrikes to shot

    Thanks for the advice. But when he can deploy 9” away and has guns ranged at 24”, i’m always going to be in range. It probably didn’t help that my last game had an 8” deployment zone, so even his 18” guns were in range.

    I may have to go back to warp-grinders and keep everything valuable off the table T1

  15. Has anyone here played against Kharadron Overlords since their new tome? Played a mate of mine a couple of times and having zero effect. Not managed to kill a single model while he tables my entire 2k.

    I’ve run two very different list, 1st I tried to go all out shooting and try to out shoot him. Didn’t work. He killed my stormfiends before they could do anything, and my WLC didn’t inflict enough damage to take out his frigate or ironclad. Shooting the models garrisoned inside seems pointless given the -1 to hit (or -2 for hero’s) and +1 save. And with his ironclad having 18 wounds, a 3+ save and a 6+ shrug and able to heal it’s impossible to kill.

    2nd list I went more melee oriented, but he runs 2 battalions so at 2 drops he can move all 4 ships 9” away from my screen  and kill everything behind it. He took out my Bell before I’d even had a chance to ring it, and when I did charge him with my (already damaged) hellpit, he was able to shoot and kill it before I could combat (some artefact)

    Help and advice required please. My latest thought is a Deceiver with Incredible Agility to stop him retreating and just try to pin him down and hope the -2 to hit will keep the verminlord  alive.

  16. 23 hours ago, TJS said:

    Hi all,

    Have a local 1500 pnt tourney coming up here and am tinkering with my list a bit and would love some feedback. The list below is what i have pretty much, and my main concern is that i should be including a bombardier to buff jezzails properly.. i could also have the following units at my disposal not in the list currently: Hellpit abomination, warplightning cannon, arch warlock and the remainder of endless spells for skaven.

    - Grey seer on screaming bell // 240

    - 3 units of 20 clanrats // 360

    - 6 warplock jezzails // 280

    - Doomwheel // 160

    - 3 stormfiends // 260

    - 20 plague monks // 160

    - Vermintide // 40

    Match ups will likely be against Ironjawz, KO, OBR, Slaanesh and Nighthaunt so any help would be appreciated :) Should i be dropping the plague monks and get the bombardier and WLV instead for example? My concern is i need more bodies on the field and dont have more clanrats available atm..

    The general consensus on here is that jezzails can operate on their own without buffs, although a warpspark to add damage is nice. However, your 3 stormfiends really do need a buff and would benefit from an engineer (or bombardier)

    As for plague monks, most people will only ever run these in units of 40. Skaven benefit highly from being in units of 30+ At that size they get +1 to hit and +1 to wound. You really have to lean into the buffs when it comes to Skaven. As tempting as it is to take all your favourite units, you need to save some points for the leaders to buff them. 

    Other than that, I’d say your list looks fun. 6 jezzails can easily snipe a support hero, and doomwheels can really give your enemy something to think about. Think of your clanrats as expendable and use them as shields. Let your enemy charge into those rather than your fiends or monks

    Have fun 😀

  17. 3 hours ago, wakadaka said:

    Been working on clan moulder for skaven always loved the pack animal theme they had going and I have assembled a list for them that I was looking for comments on.  Unsure at this point who to make the general.

    Fleshmeld Meangerie

    Master Moulder

    Master Moulder

    Grey Seer on Bell

    3x Packmasters

    20x Giant Rats

    20x Giant Rats

    20x Giant Rats

    4x Rat Swarms

    6x Rat Ogres

    Hell-Pit Abomination

    Hell-Pit Abomination

    Bell of Doom

    The Bell has to be your general in order to be legal. Any other choice means that the remainder of your list isn’t 100% Moulder and you wouldn’t be  allowed to use giant rats or rat ogres as battleline.

    Personally I would have units of 40 giant rats to take full advantage of the Rabid Crown which you should be putting on a master Moulder near them

  18. 31 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Heeey! Wanted to ask you, is my Thanquol still better off with warpfire projectors or braziers are fine? Thank you!

    @Rev I run him with 4 Braziers. Warpfire projectors are good against hordes, but so are many other Skaven units, and I don’t often play against other horde armies. For me, if Thanquol is going to be within 8” (flamer range) then he’s going to be in combat where the braziers do massive amounts of damage (avg 12 wounds vs 4+). You could, of course, shield him with a unit of clanrats. It just depends on how you play I guess?

    • Thanks 1
  19. 6 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    also, painting Thanquol could be tricky when he's on top of the big Boneripper.

    I’ve glued a small magnet to Thanquol’s foot, and drilled a small hole for another magnet in Bonerippers shoulder. This was purely so that he fit in my carry case better, but would help for painting 😁


  20. 6 minutes ago, Obeisance said:

    Anyone actually played with the Hellpit?

    I'm thinking of picking one to as a meta pick for OBR.

    Also, any suggestions on how to handle double cabbage Orruks? List-wise and tactically.

    Played one last night in a casual 750pt game. He managed to decimate a unit of 10 IronJawz Ardboyz despite being charged first. None too shabby. Great against large elite mobs like IJ or OBR 👍

  21. 3 hours ago, Orchid89 said:

    I have been playing around on Warscroll Builder and put together a few lists, not sure if any of them or all of them are ok?

    Not looking for competitive

    Assuming you are going for Vanguard (1000pts, 2 min battleline) + 250pts, then option 6 is not valid. You’d have to drop the clanrats or add a second unit of them.

    Other than that,  option 1 is what I would run at 1250, but the other options look fun too. 

  22. 30 minutes ago, fishwaffle2232 said:

    What do people think about decievers? Given the rise in magic heavy and shooting armies, I've been thinking about how good it is to have a backfield threat that can get stuck into mages, shooting blocks and catapults. 

    On paper deciever sounds like an awesome pick against this meta. A teleport that gets you within 6 inches is awesome,

    The -2 to hit from missile attacks also makes him a harder target to snipe off which is a big plus. 

    Since playing against the new Kharadron Overlords book, where they can basically garrison a bulletproof ship and still shoot you from inside, and then run away when it takes a few wounds, I have also been looking at the Deceiver. I can’t see much else we have to counter this type of army. I plan on buying and magnetising a verminlord very soon.

  23. 9 hours ago, Luca said:

    What do you think about moulder list ?

    i play against my friend at 1000 points each.

    Allegiance: Skaventide

    Master Moulder (100) - Artefact :  Rabid Crown  
    Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (240) - General - Command Trait : Master of Magic  - Artefact :  Suspicious Stone  - Lore of Ruin : Death Frenzy

    8 x Rat Ogors (400)
    3 x Packmasters (60)
    40 x Giant Rats (200)
    TOTAL: 1000/1000


    Looks good, just a couple of things to consider.  The Master Moulder has a 5+ chance of bringing back a destroyed unit, so splitting your Rat Ogors into 2 units of 4 gives you 2 chances to bring something back. They don’t really gain anything from being in units of 8 anyway. Both units can still benefit from the packmasters if close enough.

    Also, be aware that your giant rats will die quickly leaving your bell stranded. You could swap it for a Grey Seer on foot and another Master Moulder? But you would lose the battleshock bubble.

    Enjoy... I love playing Moulder, especially at 1000pts where it can be quite fun 😃

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