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Everything posted by Whitefang

  1. Honestly, any new designs, especially females with different equipment from males, are welcomed for fyreslayers, since what they have now are just naked male muscular berserker dwarves with mohawk and beard repeating 1000+ times....
  2. Oh well fyreslayers are still dwarves, dwarven females are rare but do exist.
  3. Well though I do want female fyreslayers but their society doesn’t work like that. Their worship of Grimnir makes their culture pretty patriarchal and the power pass from father to son. The female member in the family is called hearth wife or hearth mother, and most of them are not expected to engage in a war. But there are indeed rumors about fyreslayer queen in the battletome .
  4. I think we don’t really need to find gender category for the beings that are too alien, too different or just beyond human sanity...
  5. I believe in WHFB even elves’ strength is superior to human?
  6. I mean, if AOS skaven can play with space and time, I can hardly believe their biocrafting ability has declined...
  7. That, I think it’s based on the design elements and what kind of faction culture designer want to express with these miniatures. What I can see is GW’s elves generally represents a more advanced and civilized (no offence to other factions) society to a point which is nearly akin to the reality, while the humans (especially back in the day of WHFB) are deliberately designed as a civilization around certain historic era. So it ends as elves are quite gender balanced while humans are not. Although it’s quite controversial, I think it was not a bad idea for designing a fantasy world setting at the moment. Now in the AoS we are having much more choices and possibilities to explore for many factions, but generally speaking I guess GW will still retain some unique elements for each faction. For example elves are still more gender mixed than traditional dwarves (like fyreslayers), though we now have capitalist Kharadron which gives female dwarves much more spaces to shine.
  8. Fair point, honestly I do understand at this stage it is the best way to represent the diversity in the miniatures from a commercial viewpoint. However I just feel it’s a shame they choose a very old fashioned troupe(males are buff and strong, females are slender and with boob plate etc.) rather than a more clever and subtler way to represent gender diversity.
  9. Yeah that’s exactly what I mean, don’t you think that’a too much and absurd for an superhuman army comprised of both genders? Greco-Roman theme itself is emphasizing musculinity.
  10. Fair enough, I just think sexualizing female warriors by strange design of boob plate is absurd.
  11. Hot take Stormcast should remove boob armor and both male and female should wear similar heavy plate like chaos warriors
  12. Surely, for we all know his great name, Gorkamorka!
  13. Guess what one of the most famous bovine in Gansu is the Tibetan WHITE YAK However, an unexpected discovery is that the “earthquake cow” thing does exist but is a very modern thing which gets often seen in Taiwan...
  14. They both belong to Bovine but the meaning and the cultural representation behind them vary a lot. They don’t even look similar.
  15. Chinese ox mythology is specialized on water buffalo which is the main farming animal for over thousands years rather than mountain bovine which reminds me of Tibetan yak
  16. Yeah they are more like a classical GW-style fusion design of various cultures without a clear and accurate recognition, just vague conception
  17. That palador is even more odd. He rides gryph-charger and wears shock-axe and his helm looks like a lord-aquilor but the stripes on his armour and the anvil pattern on his left shoulder look more like sacrosanct style. Moreover he wears a round shield which never has been seen for vanguard or sacrosanct unit. Maybe he is a customizable hero, or maybe the creator just don’t understand the design elements at all...
  18. I dunno... But in the trailer many things seem wrong... Hope we can see the gameplay soon.
  19. Anything Josh Reynolds At this stage I would highly recommend Dark Harvest.
  20. No this article is just like a jest of how “normal people” view strange things in the mortal realms Much of content has been mentioned before: Bugman was here since the age of myth, seraphon is battling against Da Moon, Slaanesh is escaping, ur-gold is for reviving griminir, and at last, though Malerion never leaves his throne in Druchiroth, where there is shadow, there is the king of shadow.
  21. Lorewise people should think LRL this way: they are “High elf plus elemental path” instead of “high elf integrated with elemental path” Were they aosy high elf? Yes. But “something” happened. Then there came the elemental path. But this doesn’t mean the high elfy part is gone. Their relationship with nature and elements is very much like what happened in Princess Mononoke and ancient Chinese philosophy “be the one with the world/realm.”
  22. To me, the only thing wrong with these elves is the elf head
  23. Cow is just the avatar of mountain, the spirit of mountain is not even a living creature but a grand statue possessed by the natural spirits. It has no connection with Slannesh except shared elements of the same animal Other paths such as wind and river will also have their own animal avatar of the natural power, just like the god beast in princess mononoke.
  24. Kurnothi is more like sylvaneth than wanderer, and I bet they will get their book eventually
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