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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. I'm fine without having a book, but look forward to seeing what happens in the future. I like the new khorne book, in fact I like all the new books. I'm not one to chase the meta but try different combos and each one allow for different types.
  2. I do get your frustration, I'm an elf player with a load of dark elves waiting for a book but it's all about patience. Waiting 2 years so far isn't that long compared to what we used to have to wait through old warhammer. They have stepped up the release cycle hugely, I've been in the hobby over 25 years and never before has there been 6 army books released in 6 months along with updates to all armies (for good or ill). There are other ways to play as you said, you can do some cool narrative stuff with dwarves; holding out against a never ending swarm of skaven or goblins, going on a troll hunt to clear out a mine, searching for a lost anvil of power in the realm of death where the spirits won't stay down.
  3. Excellent insight and thank you for sharing. I do see a lot of knee ****** reactions to things (mostly on fb) and while it is decreasing a toxic attitude to GW just because it's GW so (again virtually all on fb) so it's nice to see someone with a well thought out and insightful view.
  4. Movement trays will be £25 for a pack of 18 x 25mm 12 x 32mm 16 x 40 mm
  5. I also think it's because the book was written before all the new battletomes this year so didn't have the loonshrine, gnawholes, fane etc in mind. There will be an errata I'm sure on day one
  6. You have the book? I know there was some confusion over it being for meeting engagement or pitched battle Edit. Just watched mini wargamings video. I won't be using those terrain rules, can see a errata coming out day one changing the word must to may.
  7. I'm pretty sure battletome rules supersede main rules so gnawholes are fine and if your not a fan of new terrain placing, don't use them, find a happy medium with your opponent. It's not like GW is going to break down your door and fine you for not using the rules. Never quite understood the whole legal/illegal gaming thing and if you're going to a tournament it's up to the organiser what rules they use and don't use
  8. What if they aren't chaos but a local tribe that worship the trees. The blood knights aren't vampires joining the daughters of Khaine but spectral aspects of Khaine wrath. The dwarf stuff I'll be adding to my skaven aren't dwarves but the latest inventions of a warlock engineer. I'm loving the mercenary stuff, so much inspiration!
  9. I'm fine with putting a rat organ gun, chopper and short rat with a beard in the army!
  10. I'm thinking a rat gyrocopter will be joining my Skryre skaven!
  11. Because the last book would only have been valid for 6 months. Not sure why people are surprised at the timeframes, they work so far ahead. My guess is all the battletomes for this year are done and probably some for next year (bar being printed). Listening to a stormcast episode, I can't remember who but they have a schedule with some things planned for as far as 5 years away. The new contrast pots are dated 2017. Doesn't mean contrast was ready then but they were planning for new paints back then.
  12. They are fixing it, they are building a new factory. As an aside, have you given your complaints directly to GW? An actual email, letter or phone call? Back to rumours, I'm really looking forward to the 1k stuff. I've found it really easy to build, collect and paint 1k armies, having a structure to use them will be good instead of scaling down the current battle plans. Also interested to see the new command abilities available to every army
  13. Stuff like that seems to be happening a lot lately
  14. Looking forward to seeing the darkling covens new abilities, my sorceress may leave her tower to lead an army! I would love them to combine a few fractured armies into one, like putting the shadowblades into the darkling covers, would make the army a bit more playable
  15. Which warscrolls aren't available? I just looked all of them up on the app.
  16. What faction is it? We don't know what's in the GHB yet and which factions will get stuff. Also were only half way throughout the year and had 6 battletomes so far, with sylvaneth coming and at least 4 more to come. Compared to the release rate of any edition to warhammer this is awesome. It sucks if your chosen army isn't one of those 11 but you will get your time. I'm a huge dark elf fan, I've a massive army waiting to come out of retirement, along with a high elf, wood elf and slaves to darkness army but everyone's time will come, its just about being patient
  17. I think the new GW does care about us plebs, the designers, artists, rulemakers are also hobbyists and you only have to talk to them at events to see they are passionate about what they do. Yes GW is a business and its goal is to make money but it's a far cry from the GW of 5-6 years ago. Leading on from that I'll say their profits are an indicator to how well the game is doing and I think they are doing quite well. Shops on British high streets are suffering, yet GW is bucking that trend. I would also say threads on forums only represent a small % of gamers, with the majority not posting or even members of forums.
  18. I mis spoke when I said doesn't fit in AoS, as its been stated and I agree with, anything can fit in AoS. I just think it would be cooler to have something new and fresh. The next evolution of the tomb kings so to speak
  19. That's a fair point and I do agree with what others have said, anything can fit in the mortal realms, its one of the biggest strengths of AoS. I think it's more I want new stuff! Regardless I'm looking forward to what comes out
  20. That's true and you're right about the sculpts, I've always liked the snakes and queen kalidia is a awesome model. Regardless of what comes out, I'm excited to see it!
  21. It's only really Egyptian feel because of the colour scheme shown and the statutes are gryph chargers not jackals. And pyramids aren't just Egyptian. A lot of the old warhammer armies drew on our history and stories: Arthurian knights, ancient Egypt, Aztecs etc. The mortal realms don't, they have a favour of their own. It seems GW even want to stay away from the standard fantasy troupe of elves, dwarfs and human, which I think is a good thing. Give a nod to the old tomb kings but give us something new.
  22. If tomb kings are coming back I hope it is all new models. The Egyptian theme doesn't fit the mortal realms and we've got ghost, skeletons and zombies already, let's have a construct army with troops made of stuff cobbled together. I'm hoping if anything the background hints at the origin being from khemri, like the flesh eaters hint at being bretonnians, but that's it.
  23. There is also chaos knights, apocalypse and the ad mech transport to be released, so with contrast, GH and warcry that's 6 out of 7 Saturdays for June July starting with the 15th June and contrast release
  24. Which would defo lead to confusion you stated as not everyone buys digital copies. Also they don't have the endless spells or terrain to release with the book.
  25. They can't make it available if they don't physically have it
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